
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, January 27: Snow-Bust-Apocalypse Edition


The Loopy-O
Never, ever have I been so happy to hear that a snow-forecast was so wrong!! The "blizzard" has turned out to be , I dunno- 5" so far? From what I have been reading, the storm turned east over the ocean instead of where it had been tracking west. I am sure that the people of NY/NJ are thrilled to not be dealing with 2' of snow this morning, I know that we are.
It is still snowing here but it is that light and fluffy stuff- like the fake stuff they use in movies.

On the good side of it all, all of the dishes are cleaned, the laundry is all caught up, and we have food to eat, all ready to go.:whistle:

I slept much better last night, I did take my meds. Smart move! Phyllis, is this normal? I am finding that I get a lot of pain inside when I first get into bed and stretching out. It feels like when I go from sitting/reclining most of the day, to laying flat, it just feels like there is "pulling"?

So not much going on here, all 3 kids are here, and Gary and I. If I am up to it I want to scrap, but first I have to deal with some bills and banking stuff.

QOTD What is your favorite scrapping style? Clean, artsy, clustering?
I sort of flip through different styles so I can't pick one. I do have a harder time with clean pages, as I am addicted to paint and brushes.


The Loopy-O
Nancy- how much did you end up getting so far? Hope that it missed you too!
Scott started school last Wed, but he has only been in 2 days so far. He ended up not driving in yesterday as the roads were very slippery up here and they had early dismissal as it was, so he only missed 2 classes. Today they are closed, but he will be back on track tomorrow. he is happy with his classes so far, he has two teachers that he liked very much from last semester again this semester. One nice thing about small community college :)

Phyllis- I bet you got more snow that we did out here, how ironic would that be? I was cleared for all of my abx, when I was discharged. I had cait warn Brendan about how I can be on Tindamax so if he sees Faery jekylll and hyde he won't be scared.
WTH!!!!! That package has seen more of the world than most people have! If it ever makes it to your DS, we all need to have a celebration. Sheesh!!!!!

Shar- may all of the CPU spirits be on your side and it is all easily fixable.
And hey? Are you psychic??? That is exactly how my parents are! LOL

Trudy- OMG, that snow smilie is the BEST!! Thankfully, our "ride" was much more a a bunny hill, than a black diamond.

Have a fab day everyone!


Just a quick hi. Chris, Love hearing how you are getting a little better each day. But NOW will be the time you are tempted to do more than you should. Don't do it!

I know what your parents are thinking because it is what would be said at our house--except we bought the new mattress! It's a generational thing.

Brunch with a girl friend for me today.

I started out always dong clean and simple ala Cathy Zeilski. But then Anna, and more recently, Romy, came into my life, so now I flip between artsy and graphic. Not good at clusters. Never have understood buttons. Not good with random flowers, etc.

Hope you all stay safe and warm.


Well-Known Member

Chris, let's call this one the Ironic Storm. yep. we got more than you did. probably 7-8 inches. The Onion had a funny piece about De Blasio's weather overkill:


but, honesty, what can you do but overreact when the track of a storm is uncertain, not to mention the uncertainty of the weather prognosticators.... glad you didn't get the 18". re: the pulling. yep. that is natural. just remember that when you change position, everything INSIDE you changes position, too. and your insides have been messed with. do you know from your other surgeries whether you are an "adhesion former?" if you are, there will be things sticking together permanently as a result of being moved around that were never stuck together before. and that causes the pulling stuff to go on indefinitey. but no worries. in your case, it's probably just the healing going on. do you have a recliner. my advice would be to sleep in the recliner for a week or two or three. the less you cause any sort of big shifting to go on with your innards, the better, i think. continue to be extremely gentle with yourself. walk around the house a bit for some exercise, but not a lot (like NONE, if possible)of bending and stairs and lifting. one thing that having abdominal surgery really makes evident is the number of muscles in that area you use for everyday things. so. slow and easy does it.

Nancy, i'm assuming that you escaped without the 2' of snow, too? let's hope so!

Shar, i was reading a bunch of stuff on Kim Kommando's site about all the ways that Evil Villains get into your computer. you should check her site out, but on small doses. learning about all the hideous stuff going on with people's computers is enough to make you want to throw the d*&^%$ thing out the window. do you have trouble typing on your iPad? i swear, i hate typing on my iPad. i keep hitting "n" for the space bar, and there's no way to move the cursor back to the mistake without deleting everything that came after!

Trudy, the days are short until your escape to the sunshine!!
BTW: WHAT is "sunshine??"

well, woot. i got a PHONE CALL this a.m. from the mail people who are trying to track down the Missing Box, and THIS time, i think we're going to get to the bottom of it. at least i hope so.

gotta go grocery shopping today and do some sewing to repair my blanket. (i hate sewing machine work. hate it.) THEN, i am going to Binge Watch the rest of Season 5 of Downton. i bought the season on iTunes, and today they are allowing me to download the remaining 5 episodes. i don't know WHY i keep watching that show. the writing has gotten embarrassingly BAAAAD.
i heard that next season is the last for it, so guess i'll stick it out until the bitter end.

have a good one. think SPRING!!!! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning! Yep the blizzard decided to hit the Boston area and pretty much missed us. We go more snow yesterday than overnight when the big storm was supposed to begin. Believe me I am not complaining. We ended up with a little more than 6 inches. Both the boys are home as there was a travel ban (which has now been lifted) and the trains are not yet back up running. Everything should be back to normal by tomorrow morning. My son who drives said the commute in yesterday was fine but the drive home was snowy but everyone was driving slow. My DH got one of the last trains out before the system was shut down. Everyone agrees though that the roads are so much better because there was no traffic! I went out for a walk and it was so quiet and so beautiful. I hope to get out after lunch today too!

Chris yes I am glad that we did not get feet of snow but still glad we got some because it is so pretty. I am always surprised by how folks have the need to stock pile. I want to have an adequate supply but these people go overboard. Especially with fighting!

Phylis I saw you say maybe on FB that all storms go through Pittsburgh. I guess this storm just proved your point. I am still shocked that you are stilling dealing with that missing package!

Trudy I can't believe you had such warm temperatures in January. Funny you are going some place warm and it is warm where you are!

Shar have fun at the brunch!

I love white space pages, I love people who are good at clusters but I am bad at both of those styles because I love my photos so I go artsy and use Anna Aspnes designs.

Have a great day all!


Phylis, I used to read KK, but stopped for the reason you said! The same reason I stopped watching TV news years ago. And yes. I hate "typing" on the iPad. I'm a very fast touch typist on my big ol' ergo keyboard. This is just hunt and peck. My fingers know where all the letters are, but my eyes don't! The whole process is painful and awkward. They have keyboards for tablets, but I don't want to spend money on what I hope is a temporary situation.

Hope The Package Mystery will soon be solved.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... So darn foggy that I can hardly see the neighbours house!! Starting to worry that if this fog does not start to go away in the mornings we might not be able to get out of the airport to leave for our trip. But our flight is from Vancouver and they don't seem to get the fog like we do, so hopefully it will be ok. I had an awesome sleep last night,
don't know why I sleep so great some nights and others I do not. I love our bed and it is fairly new and has such a comfy mattress. We stepped up from a Queen to a King and now we don't even hear or feel each other get out of bed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Chris - I think that the pain you are experiencing is quite normal, everything has to stretch back out as you do when you lie down. Take everyone's advice and just keep taking it easy!! Just think, no more horrible pain every month from your period
it will so be worth all the discomfort you are feeling now!! So glad that you did not get the storm of the century that they were predicting, it figures, when are the weathermen ever right?? But this is a great thing so I am sure no one is complaining!!

Shar - Have fun with your girlfriend at brunch!! Love to get together with mine, it just doesn't happen often enough! Do you get the fog this time of year? I know it us unusually foggy for us because of the warm temps, but sheez it would be nice to be able to at least see the sky so we can tell if its nice out or not!!

Phylis - What is sunshine?? I don't know right now either, been so dam foggy everyday, yesterday it didn't lift until supper time, so we got to see blue sky and sunshine for about 5 mins. :becky: I feel like I am living in a Jane Austin novel without the romance LOL. Sure hope they have tracked down your package and it will finally be resolved! WTH is wrong with the postal service?? Not sure if I want to find out all the scary stuff that goes on with our computers or not?? Maybe in small doses like you say will be ok.

Nancy - How nice that your walk was so pretty and peaceful, when I was a young girl I used to love to walk in the snow in the evening when no one else was around, it was so quiet and so beautiful. We used to get a few feet of snow when I was little, but we haven't had snow like that in years!! Yes it feels strange to go on a warm vacation when it is so mild here, but thats ok, a holiday is good anytime of the year and its getting harder and harder to get DH to travel anywhere, so we are going to enjoy each and every second of this one!!

DD should be skypeing soon, so I better get another cup of coffee and a few books ready to read to our little man! Hope you all have an amazing day, glad everyone is safe from the big snow storm that never happened :becky: :wave: