
Daily O's Friday Edition Jan 16,2015


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning O friends! Now just because Chris is not here to start the O's this morning does not mean you can all just hide out today!!
. Guys what?? The sun is shining this morning!! Its going to be a great day!! I also slept in a bit this morning and that hardly ever happens! Unfortunately, I must have been sleeping in a strange position because my neck and shoulder are all stiff and I have a nice big knot under my shoulder blade. Ugh!! Hopefully a bit of swimming will work it out and I will be able to turn my head again.

Chris - You know that we are all thinking of you and hope that everything went well with your surgery!! I am sending a big pot of virtual coffee your way and lots and lots of healing vibes to you also!!

Ok ladies I am off to the kitchen to get some coffee and a bite to eat and I hope to be back in here to finish of personals to you all. Don't be shy, come out of from hiding and join me here in the Daily's :wave:


Thanks for starting things out, Trudy.

I, too, slept thru the night. So rare. Only until 5:45, but that many hours with only foggy, benign dreams, is such a joy.

I'm cooking and cleaning today. Tomorrow night is the Annual Lamb Family Beans 'n' Kraut night. Since everyone always says it tastes better the next day, I'm going to make it a day ahead of time! Also need to clean bathrooms, kitchen, and the always dreaded DUSTING. I think I will dust first to get that miserable job done. Everything else seems like a piece of cake by comparison!

DH is playing golf today despite the cold and wet. Weather app says it will stop raining any minute now. right.

Looking forward to hearing from Chris.


Well-Known Member
well ok for SOME people to sleep all night!:mmph: my night went like this: to bed (chair) at 9:30. awake at 11:30. fall back asleep. awake at 2:08. fall back asleep. awake at 4:38. didn't fall back asleep. you can imagine the mood i'm in today....

Chris, i hope you're back home and in bed by now. no, actually, i don't really wish that. i hope you're doing great but they decide to keep you there for a few days. that way you will HAVE to take it easy!!

i've accomplished next to nothing today except a fast trip to the grocery store and Walmart. i decided to try to take a nap about two hours ago, but it didn't work. :faint: Zombie Time. maybe i'll try again....

hope your day's going great, Trudy and Shar and anyone else who stops by.:becky:


Well-Known Member
Thinking about you, Chris! Wishing for comfort and rest for you.

Warmed up here, tonight it drops but back up close to 40*F tomorrow - crazy weather. Actually got things done yesterday for a change. Today is getting ready for gen. meeting tomorrow, then most of the day there. Asked DH to bring more flowers when he went to the grocery and he returned with a lovely bouquet of bright yellows and a touch of red. Perfect for gray winter days.

Trudy, thanks for starting the thread. What's with good sleep giving you more aches? Hope the swimming helped.

Phylis, your night sounds more like a nightmare! No wonder you feel like a zombie. Naps probably aren't the answer either. Wish I had a remedy.

Shar, you'll be having a good time once the dusting and cleaning are past, so it's not all bad.

Hope everyone is gearing up for a good weekend!


Well-Known Member
Lucky people who can sleep - Trudy and Shar!!!

I came back to California last night so I am on some "in between" time and "slept" from 9pm till 2am. I'm hoping in the usual 4 days I'll adjust and sleep better.
Phylis, I fell you...I used to be a zombie as well but my insomnia was hormonal and since I started with HRT I am a human again. Sorry for the ruined day, I agree with Jean, a nap might throw you off even more.

One more thing I hate about jetlag is that I can't seem to satisfy my hunger - my biological clock is off and my body thinks it didn't get anything to eat *rolling eyes* (hormones strike again)

Shar - beans and kraut sounds interesting...I love sauerkraut, my family's been making it for generations but my two attempts failed miserably. I watched my mom closely this time and I hope the next batch will be fine :)

I'm thinking about Chris, I hope she will pop in soon, energized by Trudy's coffee :-D