
Daily o's weekend/missing chris edition


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O ladies!! I know that we are all missing Chris and hoping she can get herself back in here very soon!! Hopefully her family is taking really good care of her and she will be opening the Daily O's for us again shortly! My goodness if you wait for me to start it everyday, it will be closer to the end of the day for many of you! I am waaayyyy out here on the Wet West Coast and the last one to get my butt out of bed, except for maybe Shar :becky:

Shar - I hope that your dinner is very tasty tonight! I am not a big fan of Sauerkraut, when we lived on the prairie, we had a lot of friends that basically lived on the stuff. I just could not acquire a taste for it. But I did learn to love perogies!! We used to have big get togethers with the gals and we would make hundreds of them. Yummy!! Did you manage to get all that cleaning done? Sounds like you hate dusting as much as I do!! BTW I just loved your latest page for Romy's challenge 2, I really have to get working on one also, but my life looks pretty boring next yours :becky:

Phylis - Sure hope that you managed to get some better sleep last night! It is so frustrating when you can't fall back to sleep and the mind just won't stop working on keeping you awake!! Did you sneak in a bit of a nap? Although I doubt that will help you to sleep at night!! Try to do something that you love today, perhaps its time to try a new scrap page for some therapy, you could do a page about your sleeplessness?? I miss seeing your amazing pages in here!

Nancy - You were MIA yesterday, but looks like you have been very busy getting lots of scrapping done! I am going to check them out as soon as I am done here.

Jean - How nice that your hubby picked out some sunny yellow flowers to brighten up your grey days!! Hope your meeting went well and that your temps are getting better! Yes the swimming helped me to get that darn knot out of my shoulder blade! That and a couple of Advil did the trick!

Romy - Having so much fun with all the beautiful pages in your challenge! Jet lag is the worst!! It takes at least 3-4 days to get over it, but they say if you drink plenty of water while you are in flight it helps a lot! I don't suffer from it very much as I do not fly that far, but even just coming back from Ontario after visiting my daughter (5hr flight) I seem to suffer for a few days! Its strange that it doesn't seem to bother me when I fly out to see her, just when I come back. :der:

Well hubby wants to take me out for a date night tonight, who am I to complain about that?? Probably dinner and a movie, but not sure what there is out there to see in the way of a good show? We both need to go shopping for new bathing suits for our upcoming trip also. Ugh I hate trying on bathing suits!!! I always wonder who that old woman is that is looking back at me in the mirror?? :fear:
Ok better go get some more coffee and some breakfast. Have a great day everyone and send Chris some healing love :love: :wave:


The Loopy-O
Good... Well I guess it is afternoon now. I am waiting, very impatiently for next dose of pain meds. I am doing ok, as expected. Pain, yup yup. But I woke up this morning and realized, I don't have uterus any more.LOL whhhhhhheeeee!
Surgery went well, I was able to eat a small dinner that night, and I had a private room which was very cool, even though I was on bed rest until I was discharged.
Thank you again so much for you thoughts and encouragement , especially you Ms. P you have been convincing me this it the right depiction for years
I have about 15 more minutes to go, so I am going to go to the bathroom - I have been peeing non stop! Then tuck myself back into bed.
Love you guys!!!!!


CHRIS! So glad to hear from you, and that you are doing well. Hope they will give you pain meds enough to really work. I am a firm believer that the body just doesn't heal as well when it is also fighting off pain. Life is going to improve for you now. I'm still not over it, and I did it 28 years ago!

Yeh...Trudy, I don't like sauerkraut either. For those of us who don't like it, I set aside some of the "stew" before adding it. It is essentially a bean, potato, and pork stew then, and is not bad. Not something I'd make if it weren't for the family tradition, but not bad.

I joined Bob Weil's Mobile Photo Artistry Group as part of his on-line iPhoneography course. I have spent ALL MORNING trying to figure out how to make the e-book by him show up on my computer and iPad. I'm really regretting buying it (even though it was only $9.99 on sale from $36-something) because the process is so convoluted. Even if I ever figure it out, it has caused me such aggravation, I wish I hadn't bothered. I'm about ready to write off the 10-bucks and go sulk. Every other ebook I have EVER purchased or borrowed, has just shown up on my computer or Kindle. This is nuts. One of the gals on the forum is trying to help me now, and I'm sure I will hear directly from Bob soon. But when I've tried to contact the publisher, my emails keep coming back as undeliverable. hmmmm....that should say something.

Trudy, my life has not been remarkable at all through my eyes! Just an ordinary gal who has dipped her toe into many waters. I've often said, I'm a Jill of all trades and a master of none! I know just enough about many things to get into deep trouble! LOL But it was sort of fun to think of things about my life that others might find surprising. Made me grateful for all the opportunities I've had in my life. It HAS been fun! Now I should do a page on the deeper things that are of eternal value.

Jet Lag: I too always got it heading west-bound, not so much east-bound. Now the furthest I plan to fly anymore is one time zone. That's a piece of cake. We used to take the red-eye when east-bound (by choice). I would sleep all the way there, then hit the ground running. Well, not so much running...but you know what I mean. Felt like I didn't waste a whole day flying that way. But I guess not everyone can sleep on planes.

I don't own a bathing suit...haven't for years. But if I decide to start swimming laps in mid February, I will have to buy one. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!

Chris, take it easy and then take it more easy!


Well-Known Member
Chris! Thanks so much for chiming in. Hope all is going well and you got those pain meds quickly. We're all zinging good thoughts to you.

Today was the genealogy group, a most of the day affair. I love it, but I talk all day and come home happy but tired. It's sunny and up in the 40s! Wonderful day though spent inside or in car.

Trudy, thanks for starting the daily. Glad that knot worked out. I'm sure you'll have a fun evening and maybe find something good to watch. We live near what used to be an "art" theater that still shows some of the stranger movies but I can't work up much interest in most of them.

Shar, know you're going to have a good time tonight too. I'm not sure I'd be that big on the traditional meal either. I too loved all the fascinating things in your Romy challenge page.


Well-Known Member
CHRIS!!! i am late getting here. been away all day, but i thought i'd check in to see if there was any news about/from you. glad i did!! so happy you're home. hopefully you can get some relief from the pain meds and continue to rest. i said :CONTINUE TO REST!! i hope you will come to agree wholeheartedly that this was a good move. just imagine. no more cramps. ever. EVER! take good care of yourself, Faery. don't undo the hrealong thatg's going on right now by trying to pick up where you left off. be good. the threat of me turning up and tying you to a chair stands!

Trudy, how brave to go bathingsuit shopping!! i haven't been in a bathing suit for about 25 years. i wouldn't wish the sight of me in a bathing suit on my worst enemy! have fun on your date! must be nice. let me know which movie you saw and if it was any good.

Shar. i love sauerkraut. i could eat it every day. except it would have to be made like i make it. i really rinse it before cooking so it's not so...sauer. what kind of beans go in there?

Jean, hope your weather was as nice as ours today! i couldn't believe it. sun and in the 40s. i actially saw snow melting!!

DH and i were at my sister and BiL's today, having a look at the wine cellar they built in their basement. they have a pretty impressive number of bottles of wine. like over 200! i told them now i know where to come if i am contemplating going on a binge. we drank a little champagne with lunch, which was an oddity for me, and now i have a headache. :mmph:

hope everyone had a happy day. see you tomorrow.:becky:
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Well-Known Member
Good late afternoon - Chris so glad you dropped in to give us a HI! Glad you are getting your meds! Congrats on going home! Yesterday I was MIA as I had an early hair appt and then went and did some errands. Got in a walk too! My walks yesterday and today have been so cool. Remember I live in the suburbs so yesterday I am walking and out of one of the wooded area running across the street to the another wooded area is a red fox. I was shocked. I knew they were around but I have not seen one. Awesome. Then today I am walking a a sharp-shinned hawk flies right in front of me across the street into a bunch of pines. In neither case could I have gotten a photo so I just got to enjoy those special moments. My Devils lost late last night to the Ducks. I wonder at 1:30 am when the score is 5-1 why did I stay up LOL. They just cannot seem to play well two games in a row!

Trudy I am glad you are having a date night! Have fun. Shopping for bathing suits was not fun even when I was younger.

Shar hope you can get your ebook problem solved!

Jean your genealogy meetings seem so fun! I bet there is a lot of talking!

Have a great day all!


eBook problem solved. The distributor responded with direct links that just loaded the book up to both my iPad and my PC. As it SHOULD be! But with over a dozen people about to descend on me, and 2 play-off games tomorrow (go Seahawks!), I won't be able to get to it until Monday. Something to look forward to, and a dreaded computer problem gone! WOOT!

Phylis, I'm afraid if I show up in public in a bathing suit, there may be LAW suits initiated! LOL


Feeling at hOme!
Good... Well I guess it is afternoon now. I am waiting, very impatiently for next dose of pain meds. I am doing ok, as expected. Pain, yup yup. But I woke up this morning and realized, I don't have uterus any more.LOL whhhhhhheeeee!
Surgery went well, I was able to eat a small dinner that night, and I had a private room which was very cool, even though I was on bed rest until I was discharged.
Thank you again so much for you thoughts and encouragement , especially you Ms. P you have been convincing me this it the right depiction for years
I have about 15 more minutes to go, so I am going to go to the bathroom - I have been peeing non stop! Then tuck myself back into bed.
Love you guys!!!!!

Just popping in quickly and I found out that our Chris is still online!
Hope you'll feel better soon and sending you a huge wagon of healing wishes ;)


The Loopy-O
Awww, you are all so sweet! I am sorry that I don't have energy for personals yet, but I do want to check in quickly to see how you are all doing.
I got up to have a cup of coffee and really wanted to sit at my computer. The old laptop finally died yesterday, as well as the old tv in the bedroom. Just my luck to lose both when I need them the most LOL

I am feeling ok, but I get so tired. and my Lyme is flaring cuz my knees hurt like hell. I said to Gary yesterday that it feels like my insides have been rearranged.Then I said Oh yeah!!! That is b/c they *have* :pound:

Today's objective is to take a shower.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and I hope to be back here with some regularity soon!


Well-Known Member
Good morning - well we are having crummy weather today. It is freezing rain. It should warm up later and melt but for now everything is slippery. Rain all day sucks. My husband spent the whole night at our son's playing a board game that redoes WWII. There were four of them and they played from 5 pm to midnight. And they did not even finish. Got more scrapping done.

Chris glad to see you are recovering. Remember to take it easy! Sorry your electronic have died. Each day you will be getting better!

Phylis hope your weather is not too bad. Champagne with lunch sounds wonderfully decadent! Glad you had a nice lunch!

Shar today is a great sports day. I get an early 12:30 lunch hockey game and then two football games. It makes me crazy that the games are on late. I loved afternoon games. Seems so crazy that the early game is the west coast game and the night game is the east coast game. TV money is really ruling when games are played. So glad your ebook problem was solved.

Jean have a great day!

Trudy how was the date? What movie did you see?

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
well. we're not having any fun over here this morning. crabby husband, because we have an oozing kitchen sink faucet, bought the new parts to repair it, and we can't get the OLD part OUT that needs replaced. it's acting in a totally incomprehensible way. i was ready to resort to my cork puller (for wine!), but Hubby thought better of it and is en route to Home Depot to look for magical plumbing devices. i hope something works soon. neither one of us does well with not being able to figure out and FIX something like this.

Chris, hope you get to feeling a bit better. if it's any help, you are hurting less than you would be if they had gone the "cut into you" route. just go slow and easy every day. and allow yourself to DO NOTHING!
make sure you're drinking a lot of water to get rid of all the anesthesia and stay hydrated.:lalala: :becky: enjoy your shower!

Nancy, who are you rooting for in the football thing? i'm so out of it, i only know that there's Baltimore as one of the teams and Seattle. I vote for Seattle, because it's so PRETTY there! i doubt i'll watch anything, mostly because the games are probably on some cable channel we don't get. the weather here is ugly, too, if that's any consolation. gray. rain. snow. more gray. repeat. :Cry:

Trudy, how was your date? have you found a bathing suit?

Shar, (and Trudy?) hope Seattle wins!! :cheer2:

looks like Hubby is home from Home Depot. back to some flashlight-holding duty. :twitch:

have a good one, y'all! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am late arriving here and can only stay a couple of mins. DH and I are bottling wine this morning and it is just in between sterilizing bottles and starting to the fill them. Hubby has to filter first. So while I wait for that job to be done I will quickly pop in here. Yesterday was a great day with shopping for our new swim wear and other beach items, the ladies at Swimco were awesome and made the shopping so much fun!! Great gals working there and I am going to leave a very nice email to the manager of the store later on today! Then off to the movie after a quick light but very late lunch, we did not want to fill up too much as we love the theatre popcorn! :becky: We saw the movie American Sniper, more of a guy film, but it was very, very well done! A must see!! Then the drive home was a bit scary as it rained harder than I can ever remember! We went to the early show in hopes that we would miss this big rain storm that was expected, but no luck. When we got home we heard on the news that there was a fatal accident that must have happened right behind us on the Malahat Drive. No wonder, the weather was terrible and some people just don't slow down and drive according to the weather. We breathed a sigh of relief to make it home safe and sound! My DH is a great driver!! He was top in his class at driver training with the RCMP and he still has his amazing driving skills! Thank goodness!! Today we are meeting the In-Laws for lunch downtown, they want to see us before we head out for our vacation. Sheez its not like we are going for a long, long time, but oh well its a meal that I won't have to cook so that's all good :becky: Sorry gotta run :bolt: DH is ready for the next stage of bottling and he has the music blaring some good old rock and roll!! Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Game's about to begin, so a quick one.

Chris, what a bummer on the electronics! No hope of resurrecting them? Just keep taking it easy kiddo - they really did rearrange things! Glad you're getting coffee!

Trudy, what a storm that must have been! Glad you got home safe and have a DH with great driving skills. I think the popcorn part sounds great. :pop2: I did wonder about that movie.

Phylis, I saw lots of puddles last night that just made me think of the ice they'll soon become. Oh, well. Good luck with that faucet. I hate faucet problems!

Nancy, glad you're getting good walks and have lots of sports on tap today.

Shar, glad the e-book problem is solved. I'm sure you're rooting for the Seahawks. They just said it's 51* there.

Great day to everyone.