
Daily Ooo's: Monday, January 19: The Missing You Edition


The Loopy-O
Hi lovely O-Fam! I I am so mad at myself. I somehow managed to mess with my phone last night and I set an alarm for 6 am by accident. :rant:

I tried to stay in bed but that wasn't comfortable, so I went for my Go-To Happy Thing :tea: and the O!
I have already been up a bit too long I think, but I needed to say Hi.
Have a wonderful Monday!



I'm up too early too, Chris. Nice to see your smiling face.

We survived the Seahawk game yesterday. Never was there ever so ugly and embarrassing a win. Then our other favorite team, the Patriots, cleaned the Colt's clock (which I assume they will do to Seattle in two weeks). Either way, a team we love will win the Superbowl.

Trudy glad you made it safely home thru that horrible rain. DH and I love theater popcorn too. Our rare treks to a theater (maybe twice a year?) are always afternoons too. Better prices. Smaller crowds. And I can't eat popcorn in the evenings without danger of middle-of-the-night acid reflux!

Yesterday was a monsoon off and on, including a brief hail shower. Today it is evidently going to be dry enough for DH and his buddy to play golf. Laundry for me. I'm actually looking forward to a calm week. Nice to have The Family Beans & Kraut night and the stressful Seahawk game behind me.

Go gently. Especially you, Chris!


Well-Known Member
eeeep. another day with Hubby At home. we should be able to stay out of each other's way, though. i have grocery shopping to do and he's going to the library. the key to true love, at least in this family, is SPACE!

Chris, hope you've gone back to sleep by this time. still taking it slow and easy? say YES!!

Trudy, that drive home sounded hair-raising! you're lucky to have a driver you trust. i drive everywhere, because, to me, it seems like my DH's reaction time is about 15 seconds slower than mine. and i'm a terrible Front Seat Driver, so i spare him the aggravation.

Shar, congrats on the win! we weren't watching the entire time, but i figured Green Bay was going to win when they were ahead 16-0. green Bay fans must be flipping out! the other game we didn't even tune in to see what the score was. not fans. that's funny about popcorn giving you heartburn. everyone is so different with that. i could eat a taco before bed and have no probs, but a bite of bread would do me in for weeks! don't forget to tell me what kind of beans are in your kraut and pork and bean thing. i'm trying to imagine this dish. it sounds good to me, but that will all turn on the kind of beans in it!

OK. off to hit the grocery store. i hope that most men have to work today, so i don't get involved with the Men With Shopping Carts irritation over there. have a Happy Monday! :becky:


Phylis, here's the recipe:
Combine in the biggest pot you have, cover with water and bring to boil. Then simmer at least 2.5 hours with lid on:
32 oz. Great Northern (white) beans
4 to 5 lb. bone-in pork loin
salt and pepper to taste

Stir occasionally.

Remove the pork, discarding string, bones, extra fat, and cut meat into chunks. Return meat to pot with

10 to 12 peeled potatoes, cut into quarters

and continue simmering with lid on for 40 to 60 minutes (or until meat is falling apart). Be sure the potatoes are done. If they aren't tender, they won't soften any further after adding the kraut. It's REALLY important to stir frequently once the potatoes are in.

At this point, you can separate out enough for those who don't care for kraut, putting it into a smaller pan to keep warm.

Add to the large pot, and cook just until heated through (about 15 minutes:
2 quart jars of sauerkraut (drained or not, depending on your preference)

If, after cooking it seems to liquidy, just cook uncovered to reduce liquid.
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Well-Known Member
good morning - wow we had such bad weather that there were over 400 accidents in NJ. It is still icy this morning too. My son was going to go out but he agreed the trip was not worth it. The rain never stopped all day! So darn I had to watch hockey and football. I was so cheering for the Seahawks but did not think they could come back. It was amazing to see. Did not watch the Patriots as I was sure they would humble the Colts which they did. My DH made an awesome dinner so it was a wonderful end to the day! Of course got some scrapping done too! It should get above freezing today so I will get out for a walk.

Chris so glad to hear you are taking it slow! love seeing you say hi!

Phylis I so agree that SPACE is necessary for long lasting love LOL!

Shar glad your teams won! thanks for the recipe.

Trudy glad you survived the rainstorm. There is something special about theater popcorn.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Hope you are all having a good Monday morning!! I dreamt all night long, not sure if it was something I ate or what?? :noidea: One of my dreams was about my SIL who is very close to my DD, in my dream she convinced her to leave her significant other and move back here to B.C. she also convinced her to leave behind her son!!! I was so infuriated with her that in my dream I started to slap her and was crying and so, so, soooo mad at her!!!! What a stupid dream!! I mean I really would love to see my DD live back here in B.C. but never without her man and especially never without her son!! Right now things seem to be so good for my DD, she is happier than she has been for a long time and I think she is finally accepting the fact that she has a new life out in Ontario and will only see us a few times a year. Anyway, it was not a great way to spend half my night trying to go back to sleep after that STUPID Dream!! :frusty:

Chris - Glad to see you open the Daily O's again and nice that you have your favourite drink in hand too! Take it nice and easy my friend! You will be back to full strength before you know it!! :hug:

Shar - LOL I am the same way with popcorn, if I have it in the evening it comes back to haunt me all night long!! DH loves to have a snack in the evening if we are watching a movie at home, but I have to pass as anything after dinner in my stomach returns to wake me up in the middle of the night! The accident that happened just behind us on our way home, was of course someone who was drinking and driving and with two passengers in the car, the driver lost control on one of the corners and slammed into the barrier and then went right across to the other side of the highway and slammed into the rock wall so hard that huge boulders fell from the side of the mountain onto the road. Thank goodness no one was in the opposite lane or it could have been so much worse. One person died, the driver I think the others were rushed to the hospital, all in their early 20's , so preventable, so sad!! You said the other day that you might take up swimming laps soon? I hope you do and that you love it as much as I do!

Phylis - I totally agree with you about the true love and space!! When DH and I are together all weekend, its great if we are working on something together like bottling wine :becky: but after that we go our separate ways and stay out of each others hair as much as possible. It will be interesting to see how we do on our vacation, but then its different when you are on holidays! DH was disappointed with the Seahawks win, he is not a fan, he loves his Cowboys and no others LOL. I was glad to see them win, but kept my mouth shut :tape: :becky:

Nancy - Yikes! That is a lot of accidents!!! Darn ice, it is just the worst!! Hope you can get out for your walk without falling on your behind on the ice!! You have been busy scrapping so many pages!! I am envious as I am having trouble getting mine done. I need some of your mojo please!!

Got to get my bag ready for swimming this morning and I think that one more cup of coffee is in order to have with my breakfast! Hopefully DD will Skype with me, but I don't think I will tell her about the silly dream I had about her. Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


I'm spending way too much time on football, but thought this was very funny and summed it all up.