
Daily Ooo's: January 24-25: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Another quick fly by from me. I hate doing this, but I know that I have to be safe. Yesterday, I had such an urge to scrap but ended up resting yet again. Good news was that I didn't need to nap, but I read and watched tv a bit.

We have a snowy day here, already quite a bit. And nope I am not even thinking about shoveling. I did have a fleeting thought that I could brush snow off of the cars but tamped that down pretty quickly. I also started bleeding a bit more but I think it has more to do with the heparin and ibuprofen I injected/swallowed last night. I need to do heparin flushes for the IV 1-2 times a week, and that is a blood thinner, as is the ibuprofen. But I am a very good girl :angel: and told Gary exactly what was going on, so he will be making sure that I don't push it. I am glad that I have him to keep me in line, or I know I would overdo it when no one was looking.

It should be a quiet day here. Scott is here, since Leah has the flu and he didn't want to take a chance of going down to her house and bringing it home to me (he is such a sweetie). Cait will be here too and maybe her BFF will come over too. Cait's BF got kicked out of his house the other day by his truly *insane* - I mean this literally, the man *has* to be mentally ill- step-father who accused him of messing with the thermostat. For real. Then they took all of the money out of his bank account and put it into theirs. He went to the police but they said since it was a joint acct he couldn't do anything about it. he has been bouncing around a few friends' houses and here. It sucks.:yell:

I hope that all of you have a warm, happy and safe weekend!



Well-Known Member
hahaaa!!! Chris, we both did this at about the same time. i will try to get rid of mine so confusion doesn't ensue!


Well-Known Member
couldn't delete my post, but left a message over THERE to come on over HERE. reposting below what i wrote when i posted:

we only had an inch of snow last night, but, WOW!! did you see what that Big Blob of Weather looked like on the radar yesterday??? scary! :scared: happily, we were on the western fringe. but actually, it looked like most people east of us were just getting RAIN until north Jersey. Chris and Nancy, what did you guys end up with? i did manage to get out of the house yesterday. nothing too impressive. went to a bunch of stores locally, looking for feet jammies for DGD. unfortunately, all of the stores are now stocking shorts and bathing suits instead. this policy SOOO does NOT work in January in my neck of the woods. and they wonder why everyone shops online instead.

Chris, glad that the pain is lessening. it'll keep lessening if you are being GOOD! are you getting to have your coffee fix every morning? does that help at all with the fatigue? well, it was a big thing that happened to your body, so it's probably still in the WTH stage.:dizzy: you eat meat, right? maybe a good dose of beef would help with the fatigue. and Cait's BF's family sounds nuts. poor kid. what's he going to do? he's still in school, right?

Trudy, the margarita party sounds splendid. those dancing smileys (i'm imagining all of us lined up, dancing with feathers in our hair after a few drinks...) made me laugh out loud. also loved the "sissy fight" smileys for the pool fight! that about says it all!

Shar, i wish getting a new mattress would solve my insomnia. but it didn't! i'm actually so much more comfortable in the recliner. it's a "pressure point" thing with me. recliners can do a zero gravity thing with pressure points, if you get it reclined into just the right spot. i wish i could remember more of my dreams. i guess i have them, but usually they evaporate as soon as i wake up.

Nancy! it's a HOCKEY WEEKEND!!! enjoy!

Jean, you're so right. things do seem better when we get out of the house. but, honestly, when i look outside and see the snow and see that the township hasn't come to take care of the hill i live on, the "naaaah..." thing just creeps right in and i end up staying home. i had a mission with the feet jammies yesterday, so that was enough to get me to get out. plus, it wasn't snowing, for a change.

the insulation guy gave a very good explanation about why there was no way to fix what's causing the sometimes moisture on the walls when it's really cold. so just one more thing i have to put up with. yesterday our kitchen faucet started leaking a LOT around the base, and i heard a dripping sound. looked under the sink and saw that the cabinet was totally filled with water. so emptied it out, wiped up all the water and waited for Hubby to come home to fix it. it seems to be OK now. the joys of home ownership. after 35 years, everything starts going bad at the same time! :rant: today DD's coming over for lunch and a look at her finances. never hurts to insert yourself into your adult child's life, just to make sure they're still on the rails and not off them!! :rofl:

enjoy the weekend! Trudy is treating us all to Margaritas!! :faint2:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - I am looking at between 4 and 6 inches of snow. It is gorgeous! My DH has already been out and shoveled. I hope to go out later and get in a walk and some pictures if the snow has not fallen off the trees. Watched the Hockey All-star fantasy draft last night. It was such fun to see the personalities of the players. My NJ Devil All is Patrick Elias and as part of the description they said that Arron Ekblad rookie all star from Florida Panthers was not even born when Elias made his NHL debut. Tonight is the skills competition. They have amazing skills. During the day I will have the Australian Open tennis on as background noise.

Chris so proud that you are taking it easy! Let your son do the snow removal!

Phylis how nice for to have only an inch of snow! Have fun with you DD. We too make suggestions on finance for our kids. We hope they listen!

Shar I am thinking that maybe I need a new mattress if it can make that much of a difference. I think I have just gotten used to the old!

Jean getting out does make a difference!

Trudy love the margaritas!

Have a great day all!


Chris, I am thrilled to hear that you are being such a good girl! Keep it up!

Phylis, I hear you about the recliner. My best sleep is a nap in the recliner with an old movie, or golf as noise in the background. When I have gone to do the night shift with new grand babies, I have opted for the recliner. But this new mattress is awesome we bought it online from a company called Casper. I used to wake up several times a night, and always one hip or the other would be painful. And I would be stiff as a board when I woke up in the morning. But no longer! My most delicious sleep is still an afternoon nap in the recliner. Especially if it is a gray old wet day. But it is wonderful to look forward to going to bed at night, instead of dreading it.

Phylis, I am sorry you have to put up with your walls being damp! That just not seem right.

I have been working hard at getting to understand the Photoshop bridge. I think I'm going to really like it. I see months of tagging and sorting ahead of me, but that is really a first world whine isn't it?

Nancy, your walk in the snow sounds gorgeous. I do not like living with snow, but it sure is pretty.

I would like my margarita blended, with no salt. ☺️


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" friends!! Wet and soggy here again today, but the temps are so mild you would swear that it is spring!! A pineaplle express has come our way and brining tons of :rain: and mild weather, so much for all the new snow on the ski hills, the skiers will be mad, but winter is far from over and we really do need the the snow for the spring melt.

Chris - Glad to hear that you are letting others do the jobs you usually take care of, maybe it will become a permanent thing?? Ya right!! Soon you will be able to get those scrap pages done without feeling the fatigue, but that can wait! One day you will be thinking that you wish you were being taken care of again LOL. WTG on being such a good patient, we are all so very proud of you!!

Phylis - I always look for footed PJ's for my DGD too, she loves them even though she is getting too big for them. Costco is usually a great place to find them, but not sure if you have one of those close to you? It is silly isn't it that they bring out the spring/summer stuff before winter is even close to being over. But I could have used a store that had summer fashion in it the last few days LOL. We only have one ladies store that carries cruise/travel wear all year and they have really amazing clothes!! Sorry you are having to put up with damp walls, that is just one more thing for you to have to deal with, so not fair!!

Nancy - I wish I could join you for a walk in the snow!! I am not a big fan of the snow, but do love the way it looks when it is hanging from the branches on the trees!! I love how quiet it is when there is lots of it on the ground! Enjoy seeing the skills competition tonight!

Shar - I am thinking of giving Bridge a go also! But I think that I would start with just my goodies from the "O" to tag, as that is what I use the most, it has to be better than searching through all the files for a specific element or paper!! I hate that it takes me so long to find what I need! Blending up a Margarita for you, no salt

DH and I are off to run our usual Saturday errands, grocery shopping, supplies at the Wine Store for bottling and looking into getting some Mexican Pesos for our trip. Hope you all do something fun today!! :wave:
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The Loopy-O
HellO and Happy Sunday!

The Why the Heck am I Awake at 3.45am Monster visited me this morning.:yarpirate I actually woke up to pee, and at this point in my life, there is absolutely no putting that off.Too painful!!! So, then I am awake... you all know that drill way too well. I listened to some meditation music, then an audiobook until a little before 6. Made coffee and now I am here.I absolutely have to make sure that I get back in bed this morning. My brother and SIL, and Christopher are coming up for lunch today at noon, and I know I am going to want to be awake for that. :grin: Today when I shower I have to wash my hair, which is ex-HAUST-ing! Then having to blow it mostly dry since it is so cold, that makes for a long morning as it is. Please don't tell me that I don't have to wash my hair b/c I really do have to-- i have only washed it once since the surgery.ick.:twitch: Thankfully, I can brush it out and keep in in a braid or bun. But today it feels icky, so it is time.

My BFF from across the street come over to visit for a bit. She offered for me to come to her house, but I was a good girl again and said that I shouldn't leave the house. I also didn't want to lose my balance on the snow and ice. That would hurt. According to the official snow totals, we got 8.5" up here, heavy stuff, but not as much as as expected, so that was good, and none of my family had to be on the road.
My brother went to my parents house to clear their driveway. My dad had carpal tunnel surgery the day after mine, and then my MIL had wrist surgery the Monday after us. Bubble wrap all around!!!

That is about it from me, more of the same, reading, resting and watching TV. Gary picked up a Roku box for the bedroom so I can stream Netflix on our very old tv. I think I had mentioned this before, and it has been a big help in keeping me in line. I mean-- quiet!! I watched the first season of Salem, and am now on Reign- a cheesy Mary, Queen of Scot's show from the CW- Think Vampire Diaries set in 17th century France and that would be about right. I guess it balances out the crime drama and sci-fi stuff Gary and I watch together.

I am going to post this and see if I can catch up on a few personals.
love to you all!!!:love:


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- so glad that the snow missed you for the most part. We got more than the TV weather people were predicting, but my Facebook weather forecasters that I follow nailed it.
I am very happily getting my coffee fix. in. Not helping the fatigue all that much. Yesterday I started my Tindamax abx From Hell week. I figured that I am in less pain than I was, and I still have all of my restrictions so it will be a good week to get it over with. I skipped December (very good move!) and I should have been on it last week but then I would never be able to figure out which pain came from what.
I HATE Stores!!!! Really, bathing suits and shorts already??? No, I am not surprised, it is this way all the time now. I can't even think of summer clothes but by the time I need to- they are all gone and sweaters and coats are in stock. Stupid!

I reread my post from Friday and my mom made two kinds of soup- one was the Wedding Soup which we call Spinach and meatball soup. And the acini di pepe is the tomato and beef broth one. I remember how important protein was when I had the radiation tx, so I am eating meat again while I heal.

Brendan the BF is not in school ATM. His parents (ugh) told him that online courses (even though they were from a community college) were not "real school" and wouldn't pay for him to go. Nor would they give him income info so he could apply for financial aid. He also doesn't have his drivers lic. because they would never take him out to drive. He had been saving for a driving school, but that was the freaking money they took from him! :rant:
They have him so boxed in, it is maddening.


The Loopy-O
Nancy- sounds like a fun hockey weekend for you! And yes! No snow removal for me. Scott and Gary did our driveway and then Scott and Brendan shoveled the walk for our neighbor who is disabled. Were you able to get any good pictures? Today looks like it will be a pretty day outside of you like the snowy and sunny type day. :p

Sharon- having a good night's sleep is wonderful! My parents still have their mattress from 20 years ago and it is no wonder why they don't sleep well. It is also a double so they are smooshed together.

Trudy- its horrible when you love the weather being warm but you know that it is bad for the earth. Cait looooved footies and actually still has a couple of pairs. I think Target had them all the way up to big girl sizes, so you ladies might be able to find them there? Hope that your Saturday errands went well and the Mexico countdown has begun!!! :whoo:
No margarita for me but I would love a pina colada!


Well-Known Member
just a fast fly-by for me. feeling a little icky this a.m. and spending a lot of time in the bathroom!! i blame it on Trudy's PanGalactic Gargleblaster!! love that emoticon, Trudy. that's one of my favorite inventions from "HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy!" hope everyone has a lovely day. 4-6" supposed to arrive here, so does that mean that Chris and Nancy are going to get even MORE snow!?? :smow:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Today is to be beautiful with a high in the 40s but OH NO we are then expecting a huge snow maker from Monday night into Tuesday and thru Tuesday bring over a foot of snow. But much more for New England. I am so glad I am retired and do not have to drive any where. My next hockey game is Wednesday so I can get there by train so all is good LOL. I did not get out in the snow. I woke with a slight sore throat and my girlfriend who we all had dinner with told us on Friday morning that she was sick and her whole office was sick and one of the bosses went to the hospital and diagnosed with swine flu. I just drank lots of fluids and napped. Went to bed early and felt fine this am. But my DH is walking around coughing and sneezing so I keep telling him to wash his hands, for a scientist he is very lax. My DH though made chocolate cookies yesterday and French toast for breakfast and pork chops with apples on the agenda for dinner. Very happy with that.

Chris have fun at lunch today! Let them all wait on you. Enjoy the shower and hair washing!

Phylis as you can see we are expecting a lot of snow!

Trudy hope you got your errands done! I saw on my weather forecasts that you were in for a lot of rain. I bet you can't wait for the sun!

Have a great day all!


O M G !!! NANCY !!! I cooked the coconut curry shrimp last night. WOWZA! All I did was taste some samples of the sauce. Paul (computer dude) can't come until Wednesday or Friday, but I had to get the shrimp seen to before then, so it is now in the freezer. But it is SO delicious AND EASY. I think it would be a great sauce with chicken, or any kind of white fish. T
hanks so much for sharing. BTW, I had not deveined shrimp for years, and did not remember having to remove icky stuff from both sides of the shrimp. That was pretty tedious and always dangerous when I have to be that intimate with a sharp knife!

Chris, if your weather were better, and the beauty shop weren't 45 minutes away ( I assume it is!), I'd suggest getting your hair washed there. Could Gary or one of the kids help you? And YES...let everyone take care of you at lunch today. Given our time difference, all of my motherly advice is probably too late anyway.

I sure have been using a lot of upper case letters today for someone who is typing on an iPad!

I'm wid ya regarding retail! I was a demonstrator at a craft store many years ago. They were always six months ahead of real time. It always made me feel cheated of time...the way I have felt when I have edited newsletters in the past...working on the March newsletter in February.

Church for us this morning, then more tagging in Bridge this afternoon.

Go gently...
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... yes it has been rain, rain, and more rain!! But this pineapple express is bringing with it record breaking warm temps! It looks like it could actually clear a bit today, so we hope to get out for some kind of a hike or walk. I suggested the Kinsol Trestle hike, it has very large wide paths for walking and amazing scenery, so we should not get to soaked going on that hike.

Chris - Nice to see that you are able to be up a bit longer each day! I should look at Target for those footed sleepers, but I will have to hurry as Target is pulling out of Canada. They just have not been able to make a go of it here, guess we are just not Target shoppers :noidea: Yes the countdown has begun This time next week I will be relaxing on the beach and hopefully not burning!!
Enjoy your shower Chris, it will feel so good to have your hair all nice and clean again!!
, just love these shower smileys so I am giving you two

Phylis - Sorry that my drink made you feel icky!! You are only supposed to have one!! :becky: Uggh on the new dump of :smow: Hope you feel better soon!!

Nancy - Yes it is nice to be retired and not have to worry about driving around in all that bad weather!! I am very much looking forward to the sunshine, we are seeing some blue sky out there this morning, so hopefully our :rain: has finally stopped for today at least! Hope you do not end up with the flu! Yes wash, your hands is something I always have to remind my DH to do also... MEN!! Gotta love that he likes to cook so much! You are a lucky woman! He's a keeper!! Hope he feels better soon too!

Ok I better go get some breakfast for DH and myself, then hopefully we can get out for a good hike today! Have a great Sunday everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Shar!! :wave: we posted together again!! I bet you can't wait to get your computer back to working normal again!! Your shrimp and sauces sound amazing!! I love shell fish, but can't stand fish, fish! The only fish I do not mind eating is Halibut. Hope you are getting some nice weather today also. Have a great Sunday!


We did it again, Trudy!

Our temps are going to be amazing. Dave already has a tee time for tomorrow. They are saying 60*!!! If the ground weren't so damp and muddy, I'd be out there with him. That hike you are planning sounds gorgeous. Can't wait to see photos. I'm feeling bad for the skiers, though. I used to ski, so I know how they feel.