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  1. MrsPeel

    well, not new but....

    ...as I haven't been around for quiet a LONG time...I just thought I come say Hi :) I wanted to come for the Birthday, but I have been seriously ill :( a bit better now, as my treasured ViVa Artistry girls are here now, apart from my beloved Soco, I thought I should at least come say hi <3 I...
  2. MrsPeel

    If a Mum sung Frozen...

    this isn't as hilarious as the Mum's Song, but quiet close... Sarita (my DD) posted it to my Facebook, so I thought I come share with you girls <3 http://youtu.be/URsQsSt62vI
  3. MrsPeel

    BEWARE: HEARTBLEED- new BUG affecting main sites like ....

    yahoo and other majors like Facebook/twitter and many others.... here: http://www.cnet.com/uk/news/how-to-protect-yourself-from-the-heartbleed-bug/ and here is a list of the most affected sites http://mashable.com/2014/04/09/heartbleed-bug-websites-affected/ I changed all my passwords...
  4. MrsPeel

    I wont blame you......

    if you don't have a clue, don't remember who I am..... I know I haven't been the best to the O in the past few months, with you guys being the community I love the most, but I can asure you, only place I do something other than post LOs is Facebook.......and this is because even my Dad (he is...
  5. MrsPeel

    Thank YOU Vicki!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you guys!!!!!!

    so, my email in my Mac went bananas, so I started to use yahoo site, which now went bananas again and didn't let me answer to Vicki's email so a HUGE HUGE HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am downloading as we speak/type! I know you have all the right in the world girls not to take me...
  6. MrsPeel

    So...here is the (short version) story....

    hello my lovelies..... do you remember me? I wont blame you if you don't... I know I have been a bad girl, and every time I was about to come sit to make sometime for all of you who have been the BEST to me...something else happened that made me want to crawl into a hole and get out when...
  7. MrsPeel

    The Digi Dares Celebration & a super MEGA FREEBIE!!!

    Hey everyone Do you know The Digi Dares? I'm quiet sure most of you do, as we have winners amongs you guys here!!! So,if you do, you know how much fun is to play & how amazing the prizes are! In case you don't : At the Dares every Friday we challenge you to make a page about a specific...
  8. MrsPeel

    a bit of an update...

    Hi guys... just wanted to let you know what is going on, the reason for my lack of communication... I have not been well health wise, whilst things got better with my daughter, my body is giving me a hard time, plus (not sure I mentioned here but posted to Facebook) I got the energy company...
  9. MrsPeel

    The Memory Thing...

    so, there is this chat going on in Paula's team, where all of us have memory problems. even someone who is under 40 has a bit of trouble. MY doctor said even if it is neurological (because I have something that goes beyond the "usual") stress interferes with tests results, so they are waiting...
  10. MrsPeel

    just a quick one...

    girls, just a quick one to say hi and apologies I havent been around. I had another bad incident with Sarita (my daughter)on saturday, talked it over, then yesterday she did another one in which my blood pressure went up to 240.... then today I hear that not only I was right yesterday that she...
  11. MrsPeel

    and one more thing.....!!!!!!

    hey, my avatar says I'm OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!!! finally someone/something recognises that I am genial :madgrin: :cheer2::cheer2::whoo::whoo: LOL
  12. MrsPeel

    I am so amazed.....(and grateful!)

    ...by you guys' good will. Not only I am grateful for all the comments in my pages, but I have got pms from many of you helping me out to find some stuff that is not on offer in the store anymore, and then about my software... I did mention this to everyone of you who wrote, but I just...
  13. MrsPeel

    Hi from a Brazilian in London, UK

    Hi, I just thought come wave at the ones I know, and introduce myself as I see lots of people I don't [know] in the galleries (amazing pages!!!!!) I'm Cynthia, MrsPeel like the 60s kick but British spy TV series, whom I admired since aged 8. I'm a Brazilian living in London for 20 years, but...