
Posting Challenge September: Who's in???


Well-Known Member
Wow girls! I see you're rocking!!! :) Congratulations!!!

Sue, I love your song!!! :)

Yvon, be careful! I'm closer than our friends and someday I can come to get some of your wonderful cakes! :)


Well-Known Member
Yvon, be careful! I'm closer than our friends and someday I can come to get some of your wonderful cakes! :)

You are more than welcome!

Just entered my spotlight layout. Pfiew, now I'm off to bed. It is allmost 1 at night.. TO late for me..
Our girls wake up around 7 :? Can anybody give me the golden idea to get them to sleep 1 hour longer? :lol:

Petey or Dumpty, who was talking about the nose blowing in the chat? I'm curious how it is going now..


ONA - Administrator
SUE!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!

HAHAHHA! I will be singing THAT song all day now!!!! do-wah-diddy-diddy-dum-diddy-do
hahaha!!! :D and of course it is sung by THE BIG O himself!!! this should be OUR OSCRAPS theme song I think!!!!

Yvonn!! you GAVE the cake away!!!! :) all your hard work!! but you did get a photo of it, that's good!!!! and of course we will let you know whenever any of us come to visit!!

Soco!!! so glad you are back!!!

and Everyone else HELLO {waving}...... I can't stop to play in the gallery today.......its Sunday afternoon downunder and I still have some housework left do .......groan!!!.....AND we didn't have any internet access this morning at all and now that it is back it is just so s.l.o.w. :mad:

So will catch up with everyone on Tuesday!!!! (I have tomorrow off...yay!!!) so don't go getting tooo far ahead of me girls!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Sue!!!!! You made me totally laugh and sing along!

Thanks doll!!!

I am still plugging along.... awesome jobs everyone!


Well-Known Member
LindaW Wow that is such a compliment!!!!! ((((HUGS)))) I adore Sally she always makes me feel fabulous about life!!!
Sally....I MEAN KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounded like Sally there for a minute...HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUE!!!!! That totally rocks!!! I am soooo singing along now!!!! I love that song!!!

Soco your back yeah!!!!! (((((HUGS)))))) Missed you!!!

Yvon...OH MY WORD you are such a talented baker!!! That cake is GORGEOUS!! Loved the oopsie photo that was the best :) You need to scrap those photos :)

LindaS.....so understand about the Mama senility!!! :)

Okay after a massive gallery run.....let's see where am I in my posting journey......count check...and the number is..... (Drumroll please)...



Well-Known Member
14,171- only 329 more to go and still a 1/2 a month left!!! I can do it....I can do it!!!! :)

LindaW way to go.....almost to your second goal!! You go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot Wooot!


The Loopy-O
Oehh I LOVED making my cake..
Forgot to show some pictures here :oops:
Here they are:

Oopsie.. :lol:


Yvon- I didn't see these before- looks delish!! Sooo pretty!!!


The Loopy-O
And my goodness laides- you are all rocking out, zippong along and posting away- Today is my day to sit down get my butt in gear and work hard. Then I am off to catch up in the gallery.


Well-Known Member
Ok...just looked and I didn't even realize I had gone over my first goal of 3200...WOOT!!

I am taking it up to 3600....let us see if I can do this..I have committed myself to some major decluttering of my house and doing a a huge yardsale in two weeks...so.......:p


Well-Known Member
OK ladies, you know the tune ...

There you are just a'postin' at the "O", singing do-wah-diddy-diddy-dum-diddy-do
(There she was just a'walkin' down the street)

Lovin' the layouts & always on the go, singing do-wah-diddy-diddy-dum-diddy-do
(snapping her fingers and shufflin' her feet)

You post good [you post good], You post fine [you post fine]
(she looked good [she looked good]), (she looked fine [she looked fine])

You post good, you post fine, and your targets gonna shine!!!
(she looked good, she looked fine), (and I neary lost my mind)

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Go Linda(S), Go Linda(W), Go Chris, Go Yvonna, Go Megan, Go Kat, Go Lori, Go Ona, Go Diane, Go Sally, Go Clara, Go Maya, Go Dane, Go Dawn, Go EVERYONE WHO'S READING THIS POST!!!!!

Sue.....You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p:p:p:p:p:p


Well-Known Member
MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOT WOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FABULOUS!!!!!

LindaW is fast becoming
this month's
ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock on Chicha!!!



always chatty at the O!!
Okay...I've been trying to be motivated at posting in the gallery and have been doing pretty good. I've been really trying to spread the love in all of the challenges I have participated in along with a little extra in the gallery. It is going pretty good. I don't think there should be any problem making my goal if I keep focused. I'm over half way there. I may end up with the same goal as you miss Linda. I feel like such a slacker Linda. I've been around for a yearish... and you've been a round for a couple/few months and already have the same number of posts as me. I need to step it up. LOL!! I think you are just a better rock star than I am. :)


ONA - Administrator
Hey Clara! you are getting heaps done sweetie!!! it don't matter how long anyone has been here, its not a race and you are truly a ROCK STAR if ever I saw one!!!! what's important is that we meet our own goals and of course, to the person you left some love on a layout, to them it doesn't matter how many others you have done, only that for THEM, YOU left a note to acknowledge their creativity........ and I for one love getting comments from you!! {big hugs} as I push you back out into the gallery....:)


ONA - Administrator
Yvonna, come on, you're nearly there!!!!

and LindaS, wowzers! you are gonna make it so easily...........had to laugh about the 'piece of cake' comment, right after Yvonna's photo of her wonderous cake!!!!

LindaW......you are on a roll girl..........you must be wearing the letter off your keyboard!!! :)

and MAYA!!! congrats!!!! wooooohoooooooo!! that is fantastic!!!!

and EVERYONE ELSE, we are leaving so much love in the gallery, it is really wonderful to see and not only to give but to receive as well!!!! {hugs} to all!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Ona - LOL!! Okay I am running off to the gallery to give some loving. I'm with you...we all do what we can. It just amazes me how well some people are able to just jump on in and get it done. You and Linda being a couple of those. I love it. I love getting love so I try and give it. I also try and give love that I would want back. I post on a couple of sites where I get the "Nice Layout" comments. Could they be any more obvious they are trying to up their post count?? LOL!! Even if I don't like a LO so much I try and do better than that. Have I ever mentioned that I love it here?? :) Okay, I am off to up my rock star status!!


Well-Known Member
*tears* have I told you all lately that I love ya??? ((((HUGS))))) You all are so fabulous!!! Every time I go into the gallery it's filled with love!! Does my heart good!


Well-Known Member
It sure is good to leave some love in the gallerys.
And it sure FEELS good to get some love :D

And ofcourse it is good for the posting challenge :lol:


Well-Known Member
Okay...I've been trying to be motivated at posting in the gallery and have been doing pretty good. I've been really trying to spread the love in all of the challenges I have participated in along with a little extra in the gallery. It is going pretty good. I don't think there should be any problem making my goal if I keep focused. I'm over half way there. I may end up with the same goal as you miss Linda. I feel like such a slacker Linda. I've been around for a yearish... and you've been a round for a couple/few months and already have the same number of posts as me. I need to step it up. LOL!! I think you are just a better rock star than I am. :)

Okay...Clara...none of this!!! Sweetie...sure I hang around here quite a bit...but I don't have a job, and I don't have little ones...well...only when I want them...HEHEHEHE!!.....so I have quite a bit of time....you ARE A ROCK STAR in my eyes girl!!! I think you balance your life so beautifully!! you work, you are a great mom, wife, you do so much for your church...and you have FUN too....(which I don't do all those fun things either....life is a little more quiet for me) and with all this...you still find time to come in here and leave some love...it might not be as much...but EVERY SINGLE ONE counts!!! and the fact that you actually get here to do it, with your very busy lifestyle, is enough to make you a total rock star!!! You are one of my HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone here is a ROCK STAR!!!!! Just because you take the time to give love!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p:p


Well-Known Member
BEST GROUP OF PEEPS I KNOW ANYWHERE ON THE NET!!!!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p
It is!

Ohh! I totally forgot to tell you guys that I'm going with my sister to the GREEK RESTAURANT!! I LOVE the greek restaurant.. WHIEHOEWW.. I thought you guys would like to know :lol: