
Posting Challenge September: Who's in???


ONA - Administrator
ok, I have 276 to do on my extended goal...........I think I won't have a problem with that. I am going to be away during the last week of Sept though cause I am going to visit my younger son Glenn his partner Michelle and my two little darlings, Shayla and Lanaia!! ooooooh, can't wait to give them a hug from Grandma!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Whoehoew Thanks Sue for the mexican wave! :lol:
Gimme an "O"
Gimme an "S"
Gimme an "R"
Gimme an "A"
Gimme a "P"
Gimme another "S"
What've ya got?????
Osraps? :lol: Where did the C go? :lol:

Ona, sounds good your little visit to your grandchildren!!

Everybody is doing fabulous!! I wasn't here much yesterday, and I need to read back 2 pages!!! Well done :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, next week wednesday it is Fenna's 1st b-day!!
I'm going to bake some cupcakes and a big cake. They go into the freezer, and tuesday I'll fill and finish them with the fondant.


Well-Known Member
Oh and Yvonne, since I am in the Netherlands too, just be very careful what you say about these cakes. I might come your way and steal them. They look even better then the ones you can buy. Please post some photos again so we can all enjoy them!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to bake some cupcakes and a big cake. They go into the freezer, and tuesday I'll fill and finish them with the fondant.

Ohhhhh did Yvon say cakes???? I can't wait to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Well I am chugging right a long....I have a feeling this month I won't hit my goal :( But....with that said I am sooooo loving the gallery right now! The inspiration is sooooo amazing! :)


ONA - Administrator
Whoehoew Thanks Sue for the mexican wave! :lol:

Osraps? :lol: Where did the C go? :lol:

hahhahahaha!!! Great pick up Yvonn!!! Sue must have been just so happy that she completely forgot about it!!!

and yummy! more cakes!!! my 'baby' turns 31 today!!! like I said before he sure is not getting a cake from me!!!! hahaha! that's his parnter's job now!!! :) I am now going up this coming Thursday to visit him and his little family.............it's like a 10.5hr drive from my place but I am going up to my daughters first (3 hrs away) and staying the nights then we are both going over to Glenn's (7.5hrs). I am so excited, just can't wait to see them!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Whoaa Ona, 10,5hrs drive! I would almost be in Poland than if I started driving from here :lol:
I hope you have a wonderfull time! Do all you children live far from you?
I might come your way and steal them.
:eek: Don't steal them! :lol:
Just ring my at my dore, you'll even get something to drink with it ;)


Well-Known Member
WOOT!!!!!!!!!! Look at all the enthusiasm going on in here!!! I have been missing out while I was sick!!!! My Woots are still little ones...but I am getting back slowly....so I will be shoutin out hoo rahs soon!!!!

You ladies so rock!!

Ona....have a fabulous time with your family!!! give those babies hugs from this NANA too!!!

Welll I have some serious posting to catch up on...if I am going to meet my second goal this month!!!


O' whip cracker whip
Ok, I am out and about the forums again :D So I am joining in this month, aiming for 4,000!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Sarah completed her reward chart this week so she wants a goldfish, of to buy one LOL


Well-Known Member
Count me in I got really close this time. I'll shoot for 5,000 this time, I'm close to 4,500 now. Good luck ladies, let's do this thing!!!

ETA: I still have a ways to go LOL....I am now at 4659 haha....but getting closer and closer :). We can do it!!!!!

and going....and going....getting one post closer WOOHOO!!!


ONA - Administrator
ooooh LindaW, hope you get to feeling better soon sweetie!!! have been missing you!!! :)

Yvonn, LOL! about ending up in Poland............that's the problem with us downunder, sometimes we have to travel a long way. Only my daughter and youngest son live away, my other two sons + families live right here in Grafton which is really wonderful!!!

Cat!!! soooooo nice to have you join us sweetie!!!! and goldfish?? hahha! I remember by kids when they were little going through this phase........I think we ended up with a guinea pig after several little fishies all passed away!!! mainly due to little hands going into the bowl to try and pet them!!! LOL!!!

Dawn you're going great!!! I haven't left any love in the gallery this weekend, connection isn't as fast at home as it is at work so will do some catch up tomorrow......in between my work that is!!! :)

I think we are all traveling pretty smoothly at the moment ladies!!! is it my imagination or does there seem to be more LO'S being posted on a daily basis!!!! and they are all sooooooo beautiful!!!! so I am really glad we have such a fantastic group of people to share the love.........woooohoooo, you're all awesome!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cat, did you find a nice goldfish?

Ona!! Guinea pigs! I'm scared of those horrible animals! You know how they make their noise something like: Oink oink? I swear that when I see one, it says to me: Oink-don't-oink-move-oink-else-oink-I'll-oink-bite-oink-your-oink-ass-oink-off-oink!
One time I was visiting a friend from school, she had a black one, and I wanted to pet him, and he almost attacked me! Oke, he warned me with a ggghhghhhhhhaaaaa, something like that. From that day on I'm scared of those animals! :lol:

is it my imagination or does there seem to be more LO'S being posted on a daily basis!!!! and they are all sooooooo beautiful!!!!
Maybe it is because lots of people are participating with the Challenge Me -september thread?


Well-Known Member
Ooohhh...my niece has two guinea pigs and they scare me to death! Don't know why but they do.

Cat, love seeing you here!

Dawn, one post closer at a time...woo hoo! Need to check my count. I'm hoping to hit my goal this weekend. Then the rest of September is gravy!

Oh Ona, if I could just post from work, I'd LOVE that. Of course, I suppose I'd never get any work done then!

And look at Kat...14,366...just keeps pulling away from the pack!!!

Hugs all...back to check out the gallery! (And to post a layout myself!)


Well-Known Member
Linda, I totally understand why thy scare you to death :lol:

I just noticed that I'm "Often online" now! Don't know when it changed.. It was just there :lol:


...loves her some "O"
kk...i'm checking on me!! :) I'm gonna scrap some and get inspired in all of the challenge galleries tonight!! Ohhhhh, there is some serious inspiration in that gallery these days!! :) i'm off to cook some dinner, or get a 15 yo to do it!! :)


ONA - Administrator
Ona!! Guinea pigs! I'm scared of those horrible animals! You know how they make their noise something like: Oink oink? I swear that when I see one, it says to me: Oink-don't-oink-move-oink-else-oink-I'll-oink-bite-oink-your-oink-ass-oink-off-oink!
One time I was visiting a friend from school, she had a black one, and I wanted to pet him, and he almost attacked me! Oke, he warned me with a ggghhghhhhhhaaaaa, something like that. From that day on I'm scared of those animals! :lol:

BAWHAHAHAHA!! ROFL!! Yvonna, I was drinking some coke out of a can when I read what you wrote and NOW it is all over the keyboard!!!!! and LindaS....... how can both of you be scared of those cute little critters!!!! the kids used to bathe Pugsly every Saturday morning and then they would use my hairdryer set on low to gently dry him off.........he used to just go gah-gah and would totally relax and lay on his back so his tummy could be combed!!! I so wish that I had taken photos, it used to look so cute. He was just adorable and loved getting cuddled and never bit anyone........even when my youngest who was 4 at the time, was caught carrying Pugs by only one of little legs!!!!!:D

Well I had better go and clean this keypad, its a bit sticky!!! :D


O' whip cracker whip
No goldfish yet, we did get a pink tank LOL. I didnt realise (see I am only use to dogs and horses!!) That you need to have a tank running for at least a week before putting fish in it. I thought you could just shove the thing in water!!

I love guinea pigs and rabbits, to look at, I hate dirty hutches *bleh*


Well-Known Member
Sally, you can do it!!! I love your new profilepicture.

Cat, what did you buy?? I always just put the fish in a glas bowl. Cold water, little plants, voila, finished... No tank or running for a week or something else :lol:

Ona :lol: Did you clean you keyboard?
I totally can't imagine it would be fun what your kids did with the scary animals! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I know...it really makes no sense. We've had dogs my whole life. Big dogs (really big dogs), little dogs and everything in between. So why do the furry critters scare me? I don't know...but they give me the creeps!

But see, they aren't worthless little things the way I had imagined. Because they just got me an extra post in my quest for 14,000! Way to go guinea pigs!!!


Well-Known Member
LindaS and Cat!!!! furry critters are adorable!!! Look at my little Davy layouts ;). She's soooo good and sweet LOL.


Well-Known Member
But now, hedgehogs....those things creep me out!!! they make mean little noises, smell bad, and you can't even pet them! They are kind of cute but even that doesn't make me want one. I guess that's one of the only animals I don't love....well anteaters are pretty gruesome, too hahaha, but far as I know they are nobodys pets ;).


Well-Known Member
This thread is the most unpredictable and fun thread.........there is just no telling what the subject matter is about....even though it's the POSTING CHALLENGE thread........LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p:p:p:p:p