
Posting Challenge September: Who's in???


Well-Known Member
LET'S GET LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ermm.. Oke :cool:

Gah.. tomorrow I have to start working again. I had 2 weeks vacation. My girls are at my parents place allready. They always go there sundayevening. And monday they stay there. In the evening my mother or father brings them back. Imke LOVES sleeping over, she always gets bit of Fanta to drink from my father :lol:
Thursday she finaly can go to kindergarten again! She's been asking her whole vacation..


Well-Known Member
wow those are some nice cupcakes. i tried the fondant once and there was alot of cursing. those pics make me want to try again. maybe for the boys' birthday in october.
Thank you!
Yes, you should try it!! I like doing it :)
Tuesdayevening I'm going to do a workshop, learning to decorate a whole cake EEK!


...loves her some "O"
hi!!! just wanted to check in...i always love to read this thread and see how everyone is doing!! We are laying low this weekend, so I hope during my school prep I can up my posting!! :)


ETA...9312 here!!!


Well-Known Member
I have offically broke 13,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on my way!!!!! I can do it...I can do it........


ONA - Administrator
wowzers Kat!!! you're smokin' !!!! :)
I am flat out today and tomorrow here at work so I can't get going until Wednesday!! :)


Back on track after a great gallery run! Seen lots of great pages and got some great ideas!


The Loopy-O
*singing and headbanging to some old Kiss music...*

I love it loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want to compromise


Well-Known Member
Lori, you are doing great!!

Diane, the gallery is lovely yes!! Great layouts :D

*singing and headbanging to some old Kiss music...*

I love it loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want to compromise

Kiss? That dude with his superlong tongue? :lol:
I've got the Lets get loud, lets get loud.. in my head :S

I went working today. Loved going to work again after a vacation. But now I'm supertired! :lol: I'm spoiled with doing nothing the past few weeks :lol:


Well-Known Member
Lori you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooot Wooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda that's fab!!! Thank you for all your fabulous comments :)

I might 14,000 today....right now at 13,947.....:)


ONA - Administrator
yayayay! Clara's back!! missed you sweets!!!!

and Lori!! you are going great!!

Kat! you totally are rocking the boat!!!! (in a good way!!! :))

Chris.........um, can you just turn that down a notch please, I gotta hear myself think otherwise I won't know what I am doing!!!!! :)

LindaW......you're going great as well!!!! come on Nana!!!!

EVERYONE ELSE........ you are all doing O-SO-WELL!!!!! :)

um, has anyone seen Sue......her cheerleader pom poms are here.......hmmmm, guess she is just having a rest.............miss you darling!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Wow! Kat! You had time to do all of that cheering and commenting even with the first day of school!! AWESOME!!!


always chatty at the O!!
This posting challenge is getting me in a little bit of trouble. I stayed up playing way too late last night. Ooooops!! To bad. I am trudging right along.


always chatty at the O!!
okay...some math...
365/21=18 posts a day
So, I'd better shoot for at least 20 a day. Too many is never a bad thing.