
Posting Challenge for SEPTEMBER


The Loopy-O
It could be something a little different than EST also .... :boink:
-it could be an AGE thing??
Just saying ..... :rofl:

Ok, ya called me on ignoring this. So....

WHO SAID I AM OLD!! :mad2:(like moldy cheese :D
Just cuz I walk like this....:crutch:

and look like this:wickedwitch

and spend my day like this:ranger:

you think I am old???


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Ok, ya called me on ignoring this. So....

WHO SAID I AM OLD!! :mad2:(like moldy cheese :D
Just cuz I walk like this....:crutch:

and look like this:wickedwitch

and spend my day like this:ranger:

you think I am old???
swweet Jesus ... I almost peed a little!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Ok, ya called me on ignoring this. So....

WHO SAID I AM OLD!! :mad2:(like moldy cheese :D
Just cuz I walk like this....:crutch:

and look like this:wickedwitch

and spend my day like this:ranger:

you think I am old???

You can't possibly be green...although it would be kinda funny. :rofl:


always chatty at the O!!
Def. not today. Do *not* touch my chocolate. Or wine. Or vodka. My sanity..its all yours!

So if we saw you today, should we throw chocolate at you ahead of us so as to prevent being attacked? Or roll a bottle of vodka to you before approaching? I just want to be prepared for when one day we do meet I have taken all preventive measures for my safety. :heh: I am picturing this in my head and it is cracking me up.


always chatty at the O!!
Oooooh! I need 24 posts to FINALLY get to 5000. This must be done today. Off to the gallery and to play a few games.


always chatty at the O!!
Linda - how far are you from charleston? Dmb...is going to be there in November. I think he just knew I missed the concert this year...

Elisa - how far are you from charleston? You should go too.


ONA - Administrator
Ok, ya called me on ignoring this. So....

WHO SAID I AM OLD!! :mad2:(like moldy cheese :D
Just cuz I walk like this....:crutch:

and look like this:wickedwitch

and spend my day like this:ranger:

you think I am old???

swweet Jesus ... I almost peed a little!!!

Uh oh...we need to get the old lady diapers for krista.

HONESTLY!!!!! I think I need those diapers now Clara!!! I just opened this thread and really, this is toooooooooooo funny!! what a total crack up!!! what a great way to start Friday off for me!!! yayyaayyy!!!!! :biggrin:


ONA - Administrator
I am going to do another run in the gallery today cause I won't be able to over the weekend (going to be a tad busy!!) so better make sure my trusty steed :elephant is all rested and fed and then I will be off!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Less than 550 to go....I need a BIG weekend of posting this weekend!! I have not gotten too much time in the gallery this week :Cry:

But in my defense....I have been on those challenges (playing them and creating them...bwhahhahahaha!!!) I ADORE CHALLENGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!