
Posting Challenge for SEPTEMBER


always chatty at the O!!
:cell:I'm calling the old lady police on you :)

LOL .... but really more than OLD ... I would think birthing 5 children earns me the right to pee a little!!

I'll totally give you that. After 5 kids you can pee all you want...but if you want that diaper...


The Loopy-O
Congrats Clara!!!

Laurie you are getting closer and closer.

And to all you crazies-- Don;t forget-- this is a no pressure challenge, its all about having some fun and spreading love!


lOve the O!
I'm trying, huff, puff, faster, slower, off to work, no more play time till tomorrow- think dh will notice if I sneak to the basement for oh say 4-5 hours???


Well-Known Member
I'm trying, huff, puff, faster, slower, off to work, no more play time till tomorrow- think dh will notice if I sneak to the basement for oh say 4-5 hours???
Not if you put on sports ;)

Krista - Love the new bling!!!

Thanks ladies!!!


always chatty at the O!!
I'm trying, huff, puff, faster, slower, off to work, no more play time till tomorrow- think dh will notice if I sneak to the basement for oh say 4-5 hours???

I say it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. It is worth a shot. :)


I lOve Me Some O!
Linda - how far are you from charleston? Dmb...is going to be there in November. I think he just knew I missed the concert this year...

Elisa - how far are you from charleston? You should go too.

Between 7-8 hours....:(

Oh man! I was hoping it would be closer so we could visit. :(

Further than that for me... I was checking to see if you meant WV so that would be closer, but nope... SC is a bit further!! :violin:


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm not even going to TRY to catch up with this thread right now!!!!!!!!!

I just left a trail of love in the gallery -- I think I'm going to go walk the dog right now and relax the rest of the day with my new book on Chickens :)


always chatty at the O!!
Further than that for me... I was checking to see if you meant WV so that would be closer, but nope... SC is a bit further!! :violin:

I will get all the info for you...actually I have an email I should forward. I need to see how far it is for us too, but I dont really care because I really want to see him in his home area. I heard his home town concerts are awesome. We'll see. And I think itnis in charlotesville? I'll forward you the email.


ONA - Administrator
oooh and lookie lookie.................. Krista is back on the dark side!!!! welcome back sweets!!! :)


ONA - Administrator
Just a quick pop in, I am off to do some cleaning and :washing: but I would much rather be :ranger:!!! see you all later!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I will get all the info for you...actually I have an email I should forward. I need to see how far it is for us too, but I dont really care because I really want to see him in his home area. I heard his home town concerts are awesome. We'll see. And I think itnis in charlotesville? I'll forward you the email.

CHARLOTTESVILLE??????????????? That is 1 hour and 20 minutes from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in VA??) YOu said Charleston before....


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm not even going to TRY to catch up with this thread right now!!!!!!!!!

I just left a trail of love in the gallery -- I think I'm going to go walk the dog right now and relax the rest of the day with my new book on Chickens :)

Sometimes it's best to not try to keep up!:-? And we are all happy to have all the love in the gallery!!