
O-Fam Prayer Power needed!


always chatty at the O!!
Lots of love and prayers being sent your way Sandra!! I can't even imagine what you are going through or what you may be feeling. ***hugs***


O' whip cracker whip
Sue couldnt have said it any better!

((hugs)) sweetie, and know that my thoughts are with you and your daddy xoxo


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry I didn't check in with you... I'm having a really difficult time... Daddy's fever keeps going up, and his jaundice is back which means his liver and gallbladder are again not functioning like they should... I am so loathe to leave the hospital, as we've been told its just a matter of days... the remaining lobe of Daddy's right lung is nothing but a mass of infection and none of the antibiotics are working... Daddy is barely responding even after the sedation was lowered... the end is near, and I'm trying to spend all the time with him I can... my sister is here, but she is going home later today, and my daddy's youngest sister is here... I've barely been out of the hospital since Sunday night... so if you don't see me the next couple of days you'll know where I am... they are not restricting access to Daddy anymore which means we can stay with him as long as we want, so at least I can be with him as much as I can...


Well-Known Member
Oh Sandra, I am so so sorry to hear this news. I am praying for you and your family at this tough time, my thoughts are with you.


oh Sandra, honey, I am so sorry to hear this. Please know that we all stand behind you and beside, lifting you up in love.


The Loopy-O
Oh Sandra, I am so soo soooo sorry to hear this.
It seems like the hospital is making this as easy as possible on you at this time. Please don't forget your oxygen.

We all love you so much- remember that we *are* with you.


always chatty at the O!!
PLease imagine all of us around you. If any of us could be there with you to hold your hand we would. I am so glad the hospital is letting you stay with him. Prayers for you and your family.


Well-Known Member
Just know we are all here for you. Many of us have been through this and we will be ready to help you.


Well-Known Member
hi guys... I spent time with Daddy yesterday... all of his vitals are stable, and they've reduced his pain meds enough during the day that his body had finally filtered out the sedation and he's been awake... he can't talk, and can barely move his mouth, but he seems to see us and hear us... his kidney levels are up again and while not major leaps they are still slowly shutting down... I talked with his surgeon yesterday and Dr. Reda truly hoped the emergency surgery he had done would have gained more improvement, but it didn't... he said the pneumonia is doing to his right lung what he refused to do during Daddy's initial surgery which is take the rest of the right lung... so he's still hanging in, but I'm not sure how much time we have left...


girl, i am SOOOO praying for you. i thought about you so much while my dad was going through this this week. (((((((hugs)))))))


Well-Known Member
I've been unable to get to the O the last few days. So sorry to hear that things are regressing with your Dad. I'm singing Amazing Grace for you and your Dad! I continue to pray for peace and healing for you all.


Well-Known Member
well, I'm not really sure what to write anymore... there's no hope for Daddy... they've done everything they can, the infection's still there, the antibiotics are not working, the chest tubes have stopped draining... today they talked to me about removing the chest tubes because its another source that can cause infection... they've also talked to me about taking steps that will eventually end his life... things like turning off the antibiotics, stopping the tube feeds, etc... they'll make him comfortable, but he's not considered stable enough to go to a long-term facility and he's not going to recover...

so now I have decisions to make, and I'm not sure I can... my head tells me to not let him suffer... my heart just isn't ready to let Daddy go...


Ninja Admin
Oh, Sandra, I'm so sorry to hear that! Still praying for you, and the difficult decisions you're facing. *hugs*