
O-Fam Prayer Power needed!


Well-Known Member
well, I just got back from the hospital... 6 hours after I got there... Dad wasn't good when I went in... his temp was back up to 101.7 and rose as high as 102.9 while I was there... visiting hours were over until 9 p.m. so I figured I should come home, grab something to eat, and put my kids to bed... I called on my way home and it had gone down to 102, but it's still way too high... they've ordered blood cultures, and they've put in a central line to give him liquid nutrition... I'm going to call again after shift change is over and if his temp hasn't gone back down, I'll go back and stay as long as they'll let me... why is this happening... I just want my daddy back :(


Well-Known Member
well, I called after shift change last night... I was sooo tired, I didn't think I'd make it back over there... the doctor had been in and had given him some medication to bring down his temp... it was down to 101.4 which is still higher than it should be, but its better than 102-ish... the doctor didn't want the blood cultures even after they drew the blood, and I'm not sure why... I'll be going back over sometime this morning, but I need to spend time with my kids - well at least Piper and Matthew since Will's at school... that's all the news I have for now...


Well-Known Member
Sandra, just said some more prayers. ((hugs))

Hope you get better news this morning.


...loves her some "O"
Sandra, we are all here for ya! we are praying for his COMPLETE healing!!! and we, your fam here at the O, are circling you and holding you up, doll!!! keep that visual to help you through!! love ya...


Well-Known Member
I just want my daddy back
Awww Sandra (((hugs))) *Tears* sometimes this is when the distance is so hard for our "O" Family because we want to be there and hold your hand! Sending you lots of prayers!!


always chatty at the O!!
Sally's post made me think of something. This past weekend at church the associate pastor reminded us about when Moses was holding his arms up to the Lord and as long as his arms were up the Israelites were winning the war, when his arms would drop they would begin to lose, so the associate pastor brought our Lead Pastor up to the stage and we all prayed for him (there's a lot of stuff going on at our church) while the associate pastor and the youth pastor held his arms up. It was a little strange but also very cool. So, I just want you to know that all of us here are holding your arms up for you because we know that you are exhausted and ready for this to be over with complete healing of your dad. We will be here for you as long as you need it, plus some.


Well-Known Member
{{{{{{{{{HUGE hugs and prayers}}}}}}}}}} I hope things turn around VERY quickly, sweetheart!


Well-Known Member
Still praying here. Remind your Dad that the Ground Hog saw his shadow yesterday so in six weeks, it will be spring. Now that's worth getting well for! Thinking of you all the time!


Well-Known Member
ofcourse i will pray for you, your father and family! I hope the best for you and your family.
big hug and loves from Holland


Well-Known Member
prayers sent sandra! how are you? haven't seen you in ages!

you'll always find me here :) and except for Daddy we're all doing okay... :)

I didn't get a chance to update yesterday, as I was spending some time with the kiddos and actually made it home to cook dinner last night... Daddy was doing a little better yesterday... the surgeon said the pneumonia has improved a little, they've reduced the O2 he's getting through the ventilator trying to slowly wean him off the vent... and they had pulled back on his sedation a little... so he winked at me! Then housekeeping came in and she spoke to Daddy, and he lifted his arm as much as the restraint would allow and waved at her! His temperature did go up to 102 last night, but they gave him some tylenol which he responded well too and its back down to right around 99/100 - which has been a pretty standard temperature since surgery...

I just want to say again how much I love all of you... I truly don't think I could get through this without you... coming here and reading all of the prayers going out for Daddy and the support you give me truly means more than you know! Thank you all so very much!


omg, sandra... i have no idea how i've missed this thread! but every post you made seemed so similar to what my dad just went through and it was SO hard. i am so sorry you're going through this.

i hope his extended stay in ICU will help his healing that much more. it did for my dad. i will be praying for you, ok? xoxoxoxo


Well-Known Member
its okay, Amanda... you've had a lot on your plate lately with health issues for your family! thank you, sweetie!

we got more bad news today... the reason Daddy is jaundiced is because of his gallbladder, but they can't do surgery because Daddy is not strong enough for another invasive procedure... so they're talking about trying to drain it, with a tube or a by inserting a needle or something... my sister talked to the doctor so I'm not sure of the details... and just when we seem to be taking baby steps forward, we go leaps backwards :(


O' whip cracker whip
Honey, you and your daddy are going through the mill right now, just know that I am continually thinking and praying for all of you (((hugs)))


Well-Known Member
Sandra I am so sorry that you've had another set back. Sending prayers your way and lots of (((hugs))))!!


The Loopy-O
Oh Sandra- this must feel so discouraging.... but try ( I know- way easier said) to not to focus on all this stuff- just keep on envisioning your dad healthy and strong again.

Hang in there, hon.


Well-Known Member
I know I haven't updated in a few days... at least not in this thread... Daddy's nurse called me yesterday evening... she said about 10 mins after I left, the docs came in and pulled Daddy's chest tube... she said he settled right down and seemed much more comfortable than he had been... he had been really agitated when I was there, but despite the sedation he was awake... she also said they had put in orders to start reducing his sedation as they're going to try to get him off the vent today... general surgery has discussed his being stable enough to do the gallbladder surgery, but they had not rounded when I left yesterday or by the time Daddy's nurse called... I was sooo happy to see him awake yesterday, and he even winked at me a few times... I truly hope this means he's on the mend!