
O-Fam Prayer Power needed!


always chatty at the O!!
Sandra that sounds like great progress. Procedures often sound scary but end up becoming progress instead of setbacks. You're still in my prayers.


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like progress Sandra...no matter how slow! Continuing to pray for you and your dad.


The Loopy-O
Sandra- I have been thinking so much of you and your dad- I am so glad to come back home to good news!!!


Well-Known Member
They took Daddy off the vent this afternoon and replaced it with an oxygen mask... when I left at 5-ish, he was doing well and his O2 saturation levels were good... if he can stay on the mask for 24 hours they won't have to do a trach at all... if this mask doesn't work they'll have to do the trach... he's very confused and frustrated, and he remembers nothing of the last 3 weeks... he doesn't even remember coming to my house the night of the ice storm...

so... right now we're just keeping our fingers crossed that he can handle the mask... I really don't want him to go through a trach if we can avoid it... and it looks like they're going to pull his chest drain tube tomorrow... so that'll leave the gallbladder drain tube to deal with...

i'll update of course if anything changes!


Well-Known Member
Sandra, that is great news. I hope that his oxygen levels stay good and he can avoid that trach!!!


Well-Known Member
why can't good news ever stay good news? Last night around 9:30-ish Daddy had to be reintubated *sigh* so this morning at 8:30 a.m. they took him for surgery and did the trach... he's doing well with that, but has developed ICU psychosis... basically he's been on sedation and asleep for so long he's literally going stir-crazy, picking at everything etc... so he got really agitated this afternoon after I left and they've given him some meds to calm him down and help him get some rest... he's not sedated like before, just enough to relax him... so that's where we stand...


Well-Known Member
Oh sweetie. That is so rough. I am sorry to hear that. Big hugs. I pray that he continues to recover.


Well-Known Member
Oh Sandra. You must be physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm so sorry. Praying for strength for you and healing for your dad!


Well-Known Member
love you too, Sally!

Daddy had to have emergency surgery today... his fever spiked to 103.6 last night, his heart rate skyrocketed and his respiratory rate was too high so they changed him back on a vent rate from pressure support (pressure support lets him do the breathing but gives a boost when he needs it)... they did a CT scan last night and the results showed this morning that the pneumonia in his remaining lobe of his right lung still has pneumonia that has gotten worse... they think it's causing the lung to leak blood out into his chest cavity forming clots on top of the abscess which had gotten a lot larger... they drained out about 2 cups of clots today which were just too prolific for the drain tube he had to handle... they cleaned out the infection, and put in 3 chest tubes... his surgeon feels that without the surgery he wouldn't have made it although his chances aren't great now, just a little better than before...

I've been at the hospital since 2-ish so I'm on my way to bed...


always chatty at the O!!
once again...no words. I so just wish I could give you a big hug. I will definately keep praying for you.


Well-Known Member
Daddy is still under heavy sedation although that may be lowered today... they wanted to give him a couple days of rest because the chest tubes are painful... I did get a chance to talk to one of the doctors on the pulmonary team and asked her what Daddy's odds were - if they were at least 50-50... I didn't get the response I'd hoped for... they're giving him the strongest antibiotics available, and he's been on antibiotics for 3 weeks, and his body just isn't responding to them... his odds are less than 50% and her expression and tone of voice led me to believe much lower than 50%... I am of course going back today, and they're supposed to do more xrays and stuff to see if there's improvement, but it didn't seem like Dr. Montgomery really expected to see any *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Sandra, I am so sorry. I know you must be feeling very, very discouraged right now. We are here for you.


aka Sue Cummings
Faith - Hope - Love
Have faith...don't give up hope...and remember that love is a powerful medicine.
Wishing and praying for you, your family, and your Dad.
xooxox Sue