
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Woot-Woot ... everyone is chugging along nicely!

WTG Kayleigh on reaching your target!!!

So many other are between 100-200 posts away from their target!!!

Hhhmmmm ... I think we need a Designer Spotlight to get us all posting like mad ...
just as well Shaui's (Fei-Fei's Stuff) week in the spotlight is just around the corner!
There's going to be TONS of yummy LO's to "Ooooh" & "Ahhhh" over in the gallery ...

Bring it on!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:​


ONA - Administrator
bwhahahaa!! Kayleigh I think that is why most of us are HERE!!! :biggrin1: scrapping addicts that we are!!!!

oh and congrats on meeting your goal, large or small they all count sweetie!! :grin:

Everyone is coming along just fine and you are right Suesy Bluesy, the designer spotlight will have us all hopping that's for sure!!! :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on meeting your goal Kayleigh!

Sara, you're going to be an Official Praise Mama very soon!!! Yay!!!

Let's see where I am...


Well-Known Member
I still have 104 posts to go... and I'm sure I'm gonna do it!!! I'm slow, but I'm here!!! :D


always chatty at the O!!
I'm moving along. I don't remember what my goal was but I'm probably not going to make it since my mama is coming to vist.


always chatty at the O!!
So, if you guys are feeling neglected I have started somthing new...I'm not posting to every LO in the gallery. I hope into the gallery and post on LOs I don't recognize the names to because I really don't have time because I have slow computers, so I post on LOs I don't know the names. So that means I don't post on my friends very often. Sad I know. :(


I lOve Me Some O!
You can do it Laurie! I still need to get caught up on the recent layouts since I've been trying to catch up on the older ones first, lol!


ONA - Administrator
woohooo! with this post I have met my goal of 15500 by one!! :biggrin: but it wasn't really a big goal so I am going to now go for another 100, so my new post goal will be.... 15600..............and I only have 99 to go!!! hahahhaa!!! :)