
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


lOve the O!
I know- I am very excited to be so close to my goal- it is the little things- i was telling mr gorgeous about it- while he was farming on his phone (like facebook farming)- trying to draw a comparison as he thinks I "waste" time online!


Well-Known Member
HEY..........I just realized that I went over 17000....WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!

You girls are rockin the numbers in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ONA - Administrator
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sara!! congrats sweetie!! I saw that when I was in another thread and couldn't get here quick enough to say
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2: YOU DID IT!!!! :first:



Well-Known Member
327 more to go.
14 days...

23 posts/day... should be ok with that!

I read this and saw that Chris had 327 more to go and thought that she was doing some kind of year long challenge. Or that she needed glasses. Then I realized, it's me, trying to get used to these silly new progressive lenses on my face!:shock::shock:


Well-Known Member
I know- I am very excited to be so close to my goal- it is the little things- i was telling mr gorgeous about it- while he was farming on his phone (like facebook farming)- trying to draw a comparison as he thinks I "waste" time online!

................uuuuhhhmmmmmmmmmm DO I NEED TO SEND HIM A MESSAGE ON HIS PHONE???????? :shock:


I lOve Me Some O!
You girls Rock!! Woot woot!!

Going to hop in that gallery in a bit for some love, then back to working on my tax stuff, haha!


Well-Known Member
YOU ARE ROCKIN ALONG MISS FAERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:

Elisa.................You will have that knocked out the next time you log on!!! You can't get away from here with less than 100 post per visit, now can ya?? :mrgreen: