
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Soco ... welcome back!!! I know you've still been posting gorgeous layouts in the gallery, but it's so nice to see your lovely smiley face here in the forum too! And I ♥ your new avi!!!

in the house! Now if anyone can spur us on, it's definitely Elisa ... man her fingers fly across the keyboard with such speed, there's smoke coming off of 'um!!!

Yeah Clara ... there's gonna be a fabulous new intake of Praise Mama's this month. I can't wait to celebrate!!!

And Ona sweetie ... lovely Grandma Ona, even with a new grandson to "ohhh" & "ahhhh" over, you just know you're going to be spreading the love around here like jam on toast! Yum!


always chatty at the O!!
ona isn't gonna need to praise anyone with all the new grandson LOs but i'm sure our LOs will still be blessed with her love.


always chatty at the O!!
i'm wondering how hard it would be to play in the gallery on my phone or if i'll have to stick with the forums. i know i can work on loving on people either way. i wish i had a fancy smart phone.


The Loopy-O
:bounce: I am so excited- Dec was a bit slow, since everyone understandably was busy with holidays and family stuff. but look at everyone coming back in january!!!!!

One month or two- it doesn't matter when youget there, I know all of you will be Praise mamas soon!!

Soco- so happy you are back.

Clara- spread the love however you can!

Lots of luck and love to everyOne!!!


I missed my last goal by 30 posts, (im at 12970)

so I'll ad them to my new goal and shoot for 13.500


The Loopy-O
Very true Sue! Looks like 52 Insp. is of to a rocking start!!!!

Diane- you were so close for Dec! You'll definitely make it in Jan!

Molly's spoltlight is also going to make it easy to leave tons of love!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
LOL Chris ... should be super easy for a PRO like you sweetie!!!

Woo-hoo ... nice pre-lunch appetiser Elisa! It looks like you're working up to the coffee & mints course now ... you're already at 15,426!!!


I lOve Me Some O!
Um... Yeah.. I'm in a mood today! HAHAHAH!

Heading home now & am now at 15,485. Was going to try to do 15,500 before I left, but I know if I keep going I won't stop for a bit so want to drive home first :D

Maybe dessert when I get home? :p


ONA - Administrator
aww Stacy!! we ALL started at zero, its just that some of us have been here forever! while others are just posting crazies!!! LOL!! I won't mention any names!!! its all for fun so hope you pop in and join in whenever you can..................we get most of posts from leaving love in the gallery, as you know, its lovely to receive comments so it nice to return the favour and have some fun at the same time!! :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Stacy - We all had to hit 15 at one point! :) We are just glad you are here with us! Your on your way now!


Well-Known Member
And by the way, (see...how I'm upping my post count) some of us noncrazy posters have filters on the O at our jobs and can't get at it during the day!!! LOL I don't know why they think the students can't have access to the best scrapbooking site ever....silly filter. I do know how to unblock it, but it's all right there who unblocked it and you're supposed to have principal approval. I don't think he'll approve it. :)


ONA - Administrator
You are cruising along Elisa!!! go ahead and scrap like a crazy lady!!! I have been flooded in today so couldn't go to work.......awwwwwwww......... *giggle* so yay!! I have been scrapping too!!! :biggrin: I think I will be able to go tomorrow though!! LOL! I only went back on Wednesday after my holiday!! :)


The Loopy-O
And here I'm trying to get to 15...

*hangs head in shame*
No way!! Do NOT hang your head in shame. LOL Like the others said, we all started out the same.
Sally (cellomom) and I can tell you stories about how we have been around Oscraps so long it was just a blog. we had to hook up to the internet by pedaling bicycles too, and walk to school barefoot in the snow. :rofl:

Anyway- my point is you are already at 16 posts!!! Keep going and have fun.:whoo:


The Loopy-O
Sara- you are too funny!!!

Elisa- scrapping is good!!

Ona- I have been seeing pics of the floods onthe news, are you all ok? Where are you again? My geography is the pits!


ONA - Administrator
Sally (cellomom) and I can tell you stories about how we have been around Oscraps so long it was just a blog. we had to hook up to the internet by pedaling bicycles too, and walk to school barefoot in the snow. :rofl:

bwhahahhaaa!!! :pound::pound::pound::pound:


ONA - Administrator
Chris, I am in northern New South Wales............there is a lot of flooding up in Queensland, up in the northern end of it..............we are only getting minor, flash flooding, nothing too serious, just annoying!! I am back at work today but the guys here just told me that there is MORE big rain coming so I think I will stock on groceries this afternoon before I go home!!! :) hmmm, and I am supposed to be travelling out west to Tamworth/Parkes on Monday......... its fairly dry there, but the prob. might be getting out of Grafton!! :biggrin: