
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


Well-Known Member
4244, so I have 156 to go! And we are only the 10th! I guess I'm doing that well! :D


Well-Known Member
Okay...I have not chimed in here in a long time...

You ladies are doing a fabulous job!!! :hail: :hail: :hail:

and I am happy to see our CHEERLEADER SUZY back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not make my goal the last two months....and I really am not up to setting one for this month....I am just trying to get things to a NORMAL status for me again....

But I will keep coming back to cheer and try to go as far as I can!!!!!!!!!!


I lOve Me Some O!
I can't believe how far behind I am in that gallery in terms of the dates... (see, Opera has this thing where I can save my sessions, so between when I post layouts I can save the windows for the pages I'd like to comment on so I don't forget any... so I'm still behind from December! eek! (I know that sounded confusing & what-not, but it's my system, hahahaha!)

Anyway! Have done 50 so far today! Moving right along with my goal! Let's see where I end in a few.


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies...not posting in here as often as I'd like but I'm trying to move right along. Not as well as I'd like but moving forward nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
7,820 I have to pick it up a tiny bit. I fell a little behind this week. My sickness is kicking my butt and slowing me down. And I have my college course that I teach starting this weekend. But all be darned if I'm going to give up!! I can do 12 posts a day no problem. Especially when I hit the gallery after dinner. :)


ONA - Administrator
My goal for this month was..........15500 and I am currently at 15448........woohooo! I am closer than I thought, what a nice little surprise!!! I should make it quite easily!! yippeee!!! but I will extend it cause it was a fairly easy one this month! :biggrin:
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The Loopy-O
Sara--teaching?? wow!! Whats the subject?

Good to see that some of you are on track b/c I am not :eyebrow:
I hope that I can get my big ol' butt going this weekend. (Does that count as exercise then??)


Well-Known Member
:) You can do 27 Chris! You can do it!!!

I teach a technology class to grad and undergrad students working on their library degrees. :)

I'm ready for today too!! I can easily knock out 12 more...I think I've already done about four. :)


The Loopy-O
ya know-- if I could ever go back to school- I might want to do something with books and IT. I would love to work with books and reading and all that... just sayin' kind of wistfully.....


Well-Known Member
That's why I love my job Chris. It ties together both technology and books and teaching...it's great. A library job is great for tying together those topics...you could look into that part time or something. Lots of part time library jobs out there!


Well-Known Member
Hitting my goal with this post! Woot! That was easy, haha. I am such a cheater. I set a little goal. :whoo:


The Loopy-O
That's why I love my job Chris. It ties together both technology and books and teaching...it's great. A library job is great for tying together those topics...you could look into that part time or something. Lots of part time library jobs out there!
Every time I am in my local library I see if there are any PT jobs posted, but many of them require a Degree In Library Science (I think that is what it says) - I have degrees in Elem Ed, and Psych, so maybe they would hire me for something other than "head librarian"...

Sara- if you saw my local library you would be appalled! It is literally 2 small rooms and an alcove. My town had been granted money for a new library , and land, and b/c people think it is going to raise taxes, the proposal gets voted down *every* time it is brought up.

We are supposed to be getting a new library, on a smaller piece of land that is currently owned by our town..... but who knows.

Its so frustrating. Kids in my town have no where to go to hang out other than the woods (guess what they do there :( ) and the Shop Rite parking lot. If we could get a nice library, that encourages kids to meet and study and read together, maybe we wouldn't have the drug problem we have.

Man oh man, I am totally soap-boxing it today!!!!



Well-Known Member
Every time I am in my local library I see if there are any PT jobs posted, but many of them require a Degree In Library Science (I think that is what it says) - I have degrees in Elem Ed, and Psych, so maybe they would hire me for something other than "head librarian"...

Sara- if you saw my local library you would be appalled! It is literally 2 small rooms and an alcove. My town had been granted money for a new library , and land, and b/c people think it is going to raise taxes, the proposal gets voted down *every* time it is brought up.

We are supposed to be getting a new library, on a smaller piece of land that is currently owned by our town..... but who knows.

Its so frustrating. Kids in my town have no where to go to hang out other than the woods (guess what they do there :( ) and the Shop Rite parking lot. If we could get a nice library, that encourages kids to meet and study and read together, maybe we wouldn't have the drug problem we have.

Man oh man, I am totally soap-boxing it today!!!!


Oh man. I'm sure we can get some advocates going Chris!!!! :) Look for a library page position....those don't usually require an MLS. :)


The Loopy-O
i'll keep my eyes open for that- you know me, I am passionate about books :)
I even want to offer to volunteer weeding their front garden, I have been tempted to just go do it w/o even asking, but they might throw me out! LOL


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHAH. I bet they'd love someone to weed their garden. But you're right, you should probably ask first. :)