
December 2021 Standing O's


Mistress of Mayhem

Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it.​

Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!!!​

It's not just the CheeryO's that can showcase pages here ... anyone can post!​

So if you see something you think is worth sharing, please show us!!! :)

If this isn't Standing O worthy, I don't know what is. It is the beginning of a story and I can't wait to read the rest! Congratulations @NanaJ
So much to enjoy about this page from the wonderful lighting, to the way the image moves from focused to out of focus, the lovely cluster and the perfect white pine brush.
This LO by @frani_54 is fabulous on so many levels. The blending is PERFECT - the water seems to just flow right into the background. The cluster is sweet and understated. The palette is spot on. Pixel perfect!
