
**WINNERS ANNOUNCED ** DAY 6 - Scrap Song Lyrics | Challenge


Great challenge. Thanks for hosting, Cindy.
During the holidays there's a quiet gentle peace that settles on the world. It's different and better than other days. So my song choice is Imagine by John Lennon. It is my fervent wish that our world is more peaceful, I hope 2023 is.


Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I never heard of that song so I googled it and listened! I can't say it's my favourite, but it is a welcome change to all the usual songs I hear way to much on the radio!
great challenge, Cindy!
I agree, and Country is my genre... Never heard of it... Interesting what we learn in this challenge.. .since I have always been country pop music is not on my play list... I remember one year Adryane said hers was Last Christmas... new to me, I went and listened, and fell in love... it is now on my favorite list... but scrapped a few years back, along with most of my other favorites.. I think I am going to go way back in time this year!


The O is my hOme.
I agree, and Country is my genre... Never heard of it... Interesting what we learn in this challenge.. .since I have always been country pop music is not on my play list... I remember one year Adryane said hers was Last Christmas... new to me, I went and listened, and fell in love... it is now on my favorite list... but scrapped a few years back, along with most of my other favorites.. I think I am going to go way back in time this year!
If you like country (which I do), I can highly recommend Clint Black's whole album. It is really good.


The O is my hOme.
I just want to thank everyone who participated in the song lyrics challenge. I loved seeing all of your pages and discovering several new songs.