Thanks so much my friend, what an honor...I am doing OUR happy dance...Love this cute page by kaklei with the adorable photo of the children the photo treatment the artsy bits the framing and the wonderful
children's laughter
AA Typewriter
Amalfi coast
Renew All in One by Natali Design
I used the quote:
I so love this page by Sylvia - everything about it! ♥
Thank you so much!<3
Thank you so much!what a power in this simplicity by @Hamer Lodge
Challenge #4 - Artsy/Mixed Media
I love this challenge and have added another layout. Using a royalty free image and Vicki...
Thanks so much, Ana, you just made my day!And I love this amazing layout too!! beautiful contrast!
April 2022 Challenge #4 - Artsy/Mixed Media
I am using
A Brave Heart - Oscraps Mega Collab Kit
Dreams by Natali design
Thanks so much Sylvia! Much appreciated I'm happy!
Super cool page by @Norma
Thank you so much Betty Jo! I appreciate it, truly!
Thanks so very much for the Standing O! I must be on a roll!Love this page by Norma with the image of the woman, the effects and the brush work.xx