

  1. 22-01_AnnaLIFT01


    AnnaLift Challenge January 01.21.2022 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annalift-challenge-january-01-21-2022.34777/
  2. Day 4 - Long Ago Gift

    Day 4 - Long Ago Gift

    Created for the Journaling Challenge in Oscraps 12 Days of December celebration using
  3. McClanahans (2).jpg

    McClanahans (2).jpg

    This is my cousin's great grandfather and her grandmother when she was tiny.
  4. Carol, Mom, and Me, 1959

    Carol, Mom, and Me, 1959

    November 2021 - Challenge #6 - White Space (about family)
  5. My Grandparents

    My Grandparents

    I wish I knew when and where this picture of my grandparents was taken. I only know it was before my time.
  6. family-stories-vicki-robins.jpg


    fab friday color play
  7. Mom


  8. My Parents

    My Parents

    Had so much fun creating with this fabulous Family Stories Collection from Vicki Robinson Design! I choose my the blue paper and then added a second textured paper and added an Overlay Blend mode to it. I clipped the photo of my Parents to the frame from the collection and layered the elements...
  9. Family Stories

    Family Stories

    October Fab Friday Color Play Journaling reads: William and Elizabeth Todd, my maternal great grandparents from the early 1900's. They were from Mississippi where my mom was born. I never met them. I believe William died just after mom was born. I do not know when Elizabeth died. And I'm...
  10. 21-10_vrobinson-familystories


    Fab Friday Color Play October - 50% through Monday
  11. Africa Smiled

    Africa Smiled

    A while ago, my mum asked me how I feel as an expat. Do I miss Africa, do I still feel African, do I still remember my heritage or have I assimilated completely into my new country? Do I even think about Africa still? I didn't have the words to answer her until I read this poem. It sums up what...
  12. jmdt-sweet-photo-web.jpg


    Photo scanned from Great-grandmother's album. Supplies from Anna Aspnes: Artplay Bountiful Multimedia Bountiful No. 1 Nostalgia Wordart Mix No. 1 Inked Words Memories No. 1
  13. September Heritage challenge- oops the 90s

    September Heritage challenge- oops the 90s

    I know 90s fashion has returned. I was going for a 90s retro grungy feeling with sort of magazine feel. The photo has been altered & I went for a bad quality magazine print. Pre smart phone selfie photos. We still posed. A friend took the photo with my disposable camera. Lol. So this is...
  14. AnnaColor - Strong and Courageous

    AnnaColor - Strong and Courageous

    Layout for the 9/10 Anna Color Challenge. Used the following products from Anna Aspnes: Artsy template No297 ArtPlay palette Notabilia Patriarch Word Art
  15. Grandparents


    Grandparents - Challenge #6 Heritage My grandparents played a huge part in our lives as they lived just down the drive, so it was like we had 2 homes. Kit is Time Fly by NLD Designs
  16. Summer 71 Boat Ride

    Summer 71 Boat Ride

    Created for Challenge #6– Heritage 9/1/71= Summer of 71, My bff and I on her parents boat. It wasn’t long after that, we were trained enough to take the boat out ourselves at only age 16
  17. A Dream that was Cut Short

    A Dream that was Cut Short

    September Challenge #6 - Heritage https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-challenge-6-heritage.34106/#post-602238
  18. Traces of Us

    Traces of Us

  19. The Gift of Hugs

    The Gift of Hugs

    My husband and his dad, one of the few photos we have.
  20. The-Russian-Empress.jpg

