

  1. 06-Ann-Winter-Class-of-1954-02.jpg


    By the time Momma and Daddy attended Fullerton High, the school was HUGE. The yearbook for 1929 had 174 pages in it. The one for 1950 had 384. The arches from the previous page were -and are - still there. Seniors’ Corner, on the right, was a favorite gathering place. I wonder if they got yelled...
  2. 07-Mel-Wood.jpg


    My father's page. Journaling reads: This single photo of Daddy when he was a 15-year-old Junior at FUHS is extra special to me, a real treasure. I have photos of him from being a baby to about age 10 or 12, then a break to this one, then not another except for his official Navy photos until...
  3. 08-Euvonda-and-Jackie-Deburger.jpg


    Pages 5-8 are in the middle of the panoramic set. All 4 pages can be viewed at one time. Since it starts with my mother, then the school in the 1950s it's the prefect segue from my maternal to my paternal line as my father attended the same school as did his first double cousins (brother and...
  4. 09-Susan-Wood-Class-of-1972.jpg


    This is my page. Yeah, I went to a LOT of schools! Again, this is more about the photos and elements first, then the background and borders. There are no special techniques - it just had to look and feel right!
  5. 10-Skip-Wood-Class-of-1975.jpg


    Journaling reads: These are the only high school photos I can find of my brother. Skip - yeah, I know, he goes by Woody now, but Woody was my Grandpa and Skip is my brother! Surely there are more but where? The ROTC photo is from 1974. The band photos are from 1975. He is somewhere in the 3rd...
  6. Lucky-Me--by-Vicki-Stegall.jpg


    Feb 2023 colorplay
  7. BE Our Life Our Story - Simplette

    BE Our Life Our Story - Simplette

    February Challenge #3 - Heritage https://oscraps.com/community/threads/february-challenge-3-heritage.36960/
  8. driving woman

    driving woman

  9. memories


  10. Cervantes Gutierrez Family

    Cervantes Gutierrez Family

    February Challenge #3 – Heritage https://oscraps.com/community/threads/february-challenge-3-%E2%80%93-heritage.36960/ Credits: ETD Designs: Ordinary Life Manu Designs: Gentle Down https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ordinary-Life-Bundle-Plus-FREE-Template-by-et-designs.html...
  11. Yount School

    Yount School

    How fun to look through my old elementary school photos! It brought back so many memories of childhood friends and one not so nice teacher LOL. So easy to make a beautiful page with Karen Schulz Designs " Vintage School Collection"
  12. Family Could Be Better

    Family Could Be Better

    This is my entry for this month's Challenge No3 - heritage layout. The photos I have aren't great, but I was able to enhance them with Remini app. I spent quite some time trying to create a smooth and logical flow in my page to match the layout I created a while ago... , and finally decided to...
  13. Challenge #3 Heritage

    Challenge #3 Heritage

    This is a photograph of my maternal grandfather and his 5 siblings. I only knew him and his two sisters, Rosetta and Adeline. Adeline was the baby and she lived to be 100 years old. My grandfather died in 1965 at the age of 65. The date on the layout is 1905. I used Karen Schulz My Story...
  14. Nana's House

    Nana's House

    Alterations: I placed a sepia photo filter at 52% over the top of all the layers, and then finished by using a LUT Candlelight CUBE at 30%
  15. Middle Name

    Middle Name

    I absolutely love the concept behind this new collection. Creating simple pages that tell our own stories. I think that's the part that too many scrappers like to skip and I think doing it is so important, so I love this new collection.
  16. Challenge #2 Nov 2022 - Stan & Danny Elder abt 1940

    Challenge #2 Nov 2022 - Stan & Danny Elder abt 1940

    This is a follow on LO to Little Cowgirl Daydream - my mother's 1st cousins. I suspect this is the same day as the same house is in the background and my great aunt and grandmother did not live in similar houses. Again, so easy. Play with overlays, add photos and elements, then title and done.
  17. Little-Cowgirl-Daydreams.jpg


    The extraction is of my mother about 1940. In Southern California there were always pony rides. I think this may have been one that visited neighborhoods and took photos at your house because this looks suspiciously like my Grandma's house. This collection makes LOs so easy - just play with...
  18. a walk in the park

    a walk in the park

    November Challenge #2 - Heritage
  19. BE Eucalyptus - Heritage Photo

    BE Eucalyptus - Heritage Photo

  20. She Was a Proud Momma

    She Was a Proud Momma

    Recipe Challenge #7 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/media/october-recipe-challenge-7-jpg.369214/ Journaling reads: Mom was not one who liked having her picture taken. But, I think from the looks of the expression on her face in this photo that she is a proud momma holding her infant...