

  1. Relatives


    I have been enjoying going through some heritage pictures of my relatives and Kay's template for this Challenge seemed to be the perfect fit for these photos! I used this beautiful "featured product" collection by Simplette - Mother Love
  2. Rachel's April Mixed Media Scavenger Hunt Challenge

    Rachel's April Mixed Media Scavenger Hunt Challenge

    Rachel Jefferies Designs - at Oscraps April Mixed media Scavenger Hunt: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-04-rachel-jefferies-april-mixed-media-challenge.35329/
  3. Benjamin-Eyre-Catton.jpg


    Benjamin Eyre Catton was my 1st cousin 3 times removed. His mother and my 2X great grandmother were sisters. This LO was a bit complex. I started off with the photo of the house, adjusted its color to match the wedding photo, then tried a sketch effect action that seems to work really well...
  4. Roy.jpg


    A traditional layout using a photo of my late cousin Roy in his young days.
  5. You're stronger than you know

    You're stronger than you know

    Color Play March - 50% through Monday https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbook-color-play-coordinated-packs/
  6. Love Story

    Love Story

    Do you know there is a new Heritage/Genealogy forum here? I loved it and it inspired me to create this layout documenting real life Cinderella-type love story. The journaling reads: This photo was taken circa 1922. The girl with two long braids is my great grandmother Magda while she still...
  7. Keep on Going

    Keep on Going

    AnnaColor Challenge 03.04.2022 -03.17.2022 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annacolor-challenge-03-04-2022-03-17-2022.35142/#post-619241
  8. 22-03_Rachel-Jefferies_MM-Challenge


    2022-03 Rachel Jefferies March Mixed Media Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-03-rachel-jefferies-march-mixed-media-challenge.35191/#post-618792
  9. 22-03_AnnaLIFT


    AnnaLift Challenge 03.04.22 - 03.18.22 https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annalift-challenge-03-04-22-03-18-22.35150/
  10. Windy seashore

    Windy seashore

    One of my favourite photos of my mum.
  11. GGJ


    My Great Grandfather.
  12. Summer '54

    Summer '54

    This is of my Mom when she went out to visit Dad in college. I love scrapping older photos.
  13. 1919-Look-At-This-Grace.jpg


    1919 Look at This Grace Wide world Template by Lynn Grieveson New Connections collaboration by Lynn Grieveson & Rachel Jefferies
  14. aA ArtPlay Palette Archive - Time Waits For No-One

    aA ArtPlay Palette Archive - Time Waits For No-One

    Main image and post card scanned from found documents (by a friend) Artplay Archive Collection (on sale for one week) Artplay Palette Archive (solid paper 2, transfers 1&4, ribbon) Multimedia Documents No. 3 (element 3) Archive Wordart Mix No. 1 (WT Chronicle, WA Time waits) Artist Edges...
  15. Secrets


    This is a lift using Adryane's Family Tree using Artsy Kardz technique. https://oscraps.com/community/media/family-tree.360243/
  16. Eli-&-Jenny's-Kids.jpg


    Such a lovely kit for 20th century heritage pages. These are ,y first cousins, children of Eli and Jenny Highnight Wood. I only ever met one of them - the youngest, Dorothy Bo who was born in 1923. I met Bo on 4 July 2002. She sparkled with fun, Laughter, and mischief! There are some...
  17. The Battle for the Isle of Kent

    The Battle for the Isle of Kent

    When William Claiborne received a proposal from the Virginia Company to be the official Jamestown surveyor in 1621, he knew it to be the chance of a lifetime. He was well-educated, the younger son of a wealthy merchant family with no inheritance on the horizon. A shrewd businessman and...
  18. Lloyd 01

    Lloyd 01

    You really CAN do heritage with an art journal-y style kit. It just takes a little testing and tweaking! Emma Todd was my 1st cousin twice removed – her mother and my great grandfather were siblings. Except for the background which consists of paper 19 blended over paper 9, this LO is very...
  19. Rose and Ida

    Rose and Ida

    LIVE ArtPlay Reverie Inspiration Event is on Monday 7th February 2022 at 2pm MST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83001555004?pwd=aHNxcDNIN0MrWm1EUzRieFFEY1c5dz09
  20. 22-01_AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteReverie

