

  1. we did it

    we did it

  2. Elizabeth


    I don't know much about this woman, my great great grandmother. But I felt she deserved a page by herself in my heritage album. After all she did bear 14 children!
  3. My-brother-Eugene.jpg


    This is a picture of my older brother, taken in 1967. He was 20 years old at the time and was serving in the army.
  4. My mum Valentina-1955.jpg

    My mum Valentina-1955.jpg

    This is a picture of my mother. She worked as a teacher in a school. And one of the students took a picture of her in the schoolyard. It was 1955.
  5. Stay


    Recently was searching for some old photos and came across one from Ireland, my grandfather's two brothers (one was his twin). My grandfather left home (it was rumored that he was wanted by the law). His younger brother Paddy was imprisoned for his activities in the IRA (later released).
  6. Anna Color Challenge - Laura

    Anna Color Challenge - Laura

    Layout for the Anna Color Challenge of 2/12/21.
  7. Idgie

    Hello Everyone

    I am so very sorry it has taken me so long to get in here and introduce myself - I forgot how long everything takes until one gets acclimated and things have changed a bit since I last designed for Heritage Scraps. My name is Laurie aka Idgie of Idgie's Heartsong - Scarps in the Key of Life. I...
  8. Everlasting


    Everlasting bundle by Manu Design Studio OScraps - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Everlasting-Bundle.html My Grandparents
  9. Psalm 16:6

    Psalm 16:6

    Ancient Charm by Manu Design Studio https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ancient-Charm-Bundle.html
  10. by Kythe

    by Kythe

    Manu Design Studio: templates 4: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/manu-RIPP-PP4.html Enduring: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Enduring-Bundle.html Ancient Charm: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ancient-Charm-Bundle.html Splenderous: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Splendorous-Bundle.html
  11. by Kythe

    by Kythe

    Manu Design Studio: Ancient Charm https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=67172&page=2
  12. by Kythe

    by Kythe

    Manu Design Studio: Immortality https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Immortality-Bundle.html
  13. by Kythe

    by Kythe

    Manu Design Studio: Enduring Bundle https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=68036&page=1
  14. Mom


    Ancient Charm collection by Manu Design Studio https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ancient-Charm-Bundle.html Ripped Papers Template 3 by Manu Design Studio https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ripped-Paper-Templates-3.html photo of my mom
  15. My Family

    My Family

    Ancient Charm collection by Manu Design Studio https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Ancient-Charm-Bundle.html photo of mom, myself, sister and dad
  16. Enduring


    Enduring bundle by Manu Design Studio https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Enduring-Bundle.html Photo of my sister and me
  17. digiscrapper

    Family Tree Album

    I am working on a family tree album which will date back to the Revolutionary War. I am trying to stick to one lineage at a time, but I don't know how to handle the histories of the other lines that marry into the main line. I have offset some shorter stories by using large parenthesis around...
  18. Betty and Grandmother

    Betty and Grandmother

    photo: bandini from morguefile papers: Sunflowers by Stacey Sansom stitch: "Grateful4U" CT Appreciation kit by jbullock font: American Typewriter
  19. Lianna ~ C. 1972

    Lianna ~ C. 1972

    Kit is Sweet Made's Retro Crush available at AshaleeAndSweet.com. Font is Wright
  20. Anna and Jacob

    Anna and Jacob

    Anna Berger and Jacob Aspines - Black River Falls, WI; early 1890s photos: Wisconsin Historical Society from flickr Quick Page and tag: K-Joi Studios June Collaboration Kit: Father's Day by BuzyBee Designs font: KGD KristyScript