
Welcome to the new Genealogy/Heritage forum


ONA - Administrator
Hi everyone, one of our members expressed a desire to be able chat about genealogy and heritage scrapbooking with like minded people. This forum has therefore been created for you all to share your ideas and your layouts about these subjects and to keep everything in one spot so you can easily refer to it.


Well-Known Member
What a great idea! If you know me, you know I am obsessed with genealogy/family history. That is where I started with digital scrapbooking. Long ago, at another site before it closed, I ran a monthly heritage challenge and wrote a blurb, illustrated with a LO, on genealogy for the monthly newsletter. I'm always happy to lend an ear and appreciate everyone's heritage LOs.

P.S. For those with family in the U.S., the 1950 census will be available on April 1.


ONA - Administrator
What a great idea! If you know me, you know I am obsessed with genealogy/family history. That is where I started with digital scrapbooking. Long ago, at another site before it closed, I ran a monthly heritage challenge and wrote a blurb, illustrated with a LO, on genealogy for the monthly newsletter. I'm always happy to lend an ear and appreciate everyone's heritage LOs.

P.S. For those with family in the U.S., the 1950 census will be available on April 1.
I knew you would be interested in this Jean! We could well add some smaller sub forums to keeps organised so will keep an eye on this to see what you all would like to see in this forum :)


Well-Known Member
Oh, I love herigate pages. A few years back I scanned lots of old family photos but have only recently got around to scrapping a few of those. Partly because I feel I still have time. Partly - and mostly - because I can't decide how to organize all the bits of info - facts, memories... the 'lots' of photos I scanned aren't really that many... I remember seeing someone posting pages based on travel notes taken in 1930s and I liked the creative mix of vintage and modern photos that helped convey what it must have felt/looked like.

This is the page I created back in January - and I'm still pondering how to complete the spread...


Hamer Lodge

forever learning
What a great idea! If you know me, you know I am obsessed with genealogy/family history. That is where I started with digital scrapbooking. Long ago, at another site before it closed, I ran a monthly heritage challenge and wrote a blurb, illustrated with a LO, on genealogy for the monthly newsletter. I'm always happy to lend an ear and appreciate everyone's heritage LOs.

P.S. For those with family in the U.S., the 1950 census will be available on April 1.
sounds wonderful!


Well-Known Member
Oh this is great news! I have way more photos than I know what to do with...and I realized this weekend that I am the last generation that knows who most of these people are. I need to get going and this will be perfect. Can't wait to see the inspiration rolling in.


The O is my hOme.
I've done a couple of family history ones recently. I just scrap them for me as neither my sister or I have children, so there isn't going to be anyone after us to care about my mom's side of the family.


Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
@Jam-on-toast That's a fantastic LO! I need to re-do some of my earliest pages made in the infancy of digi scrap. Beautiful then, they don't pass muster now!

You know, every kit from Idgie's Heartsong is probably on my wish list. I have her original Grandcestors collection - different from the current one but every bit as beautiful - and I remembered seeing these kits (images linked to shop) that might be of interest:

I'm sure you probably know her shop by heart but this might give you some brilliant ideas for completing that spread.

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
@scribler Cindy, you have no cousins that might be interested. Sweetie, you can join my family, we'd love to have you!

Those are beautiful LOs! I LOVE the stories. Yes, I believe you CAN die of a broken heart. I'm positive my mother-in-law did.

Have you considered giving your research to the Allen County Library in your will? There will undoubtedly be others that research your family that will be interested and what a jewel it would be to have the scrapbook pages with it! Other than the Family History Library (another good place to give it all to) Allen County Library is the largest public genealogy library in the US and they would know exactly how to treat your collection with tender loving care!

I would love to know more about your family!


The O is my hOme.
@scribler Cindy, you have no cousins that might be interested. Sweetie, you can join my family, we'd love to have you!

Those are beautiful LOs! I LOVE the stories. Yes, I believe you CAN die of a broken heart. I'm positive my mother-in-law did.

Have you considered giving your research to the Allen County Library in your will? There will undoubtedly be others that research your family that will be interested and what a jewel it would be to have the scrapbook pages with it! Other than the Family History Library (another good place to give it all to) Allen County Library is the largest public genealogy library in the US and they would know exactly how to treat your collection with tender loving care!

I would love to know more about your family!
I have one cousin that I might be able to get in contact with. I may have to see if she is interested. Otherwise I might consider your idea of a donation to family history organization. I'm gonna have to give it some thought.

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
@tanteva Eva, I knew you would be here. Maybe you can give us some pointers on researching your part of the world. I would love that!

And your tips on no photo LOs are GREAT! as Tony the Tiger would say. Those photo-less ones are always a challenge for me.

@scrap-genie Jean, I can wait for the 1950 to be on-line. It was super exciting when the 1900 came on-line because it was the first time I could locate my great Grandpa Winter in the census. He had come to the US in 1882 with his parents. My mother had not known the date they arrived and told me we were from Wiltshire, England. Not! The 1900 provided an arrival year, which was off a bit but within acceptable parameters, which led me back to Lincolnshire, England and the whole family just opened right up for 3 more generations of Winter folks and 7 Eyre/Hare folks (my great grandfather's mother's line). The 1950 may well break down a couple more walls. I can't wait to find my living cousins who were born between 1945-1950 and my step sisters who should have all been born before the census. My father was in high school and I recently found some yearbook photos on Ancestry that will go right along with it. Hooray!

@faerywings Organizing my photos was a chore before the digital age. I still haven't scanned everything, but it's way better than it was before!


Well-Known Member
Be still my heart!!!!! I just happened to see this in the forum. Anyone who knows me is aware of my love for heritage pics. Thanks, Ona! I'm blessed to have access to DH's heritage pics as well as many from my side of the family. And for those, Mom had most of them stuck in magnetic pages (shudder). I'm in the process of removing them with waxed dental floss and the occasional Un-Du. So far, about 300 scanned in the last couple of weeks.

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
Be still my heart!!!!! I just happened to see this in the forum. Anyone who knows me is aware of my love for heritage pics. Thanks, Ona! I'm blessed to have access to DH's heritage pics as well as many from my side of the family. And for those, Mom had most of them stuck in magnetic pages (shudder). I'm in the process of removing them with waxed dental floss and the occasional Un-Du. So far, about 300 scanned in the last couple of weeks.
WOW! 300? That's amazing work can't wait to see some of them!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I just got a huge packet of vintage pictures from my husband's family that I can't wait to scrap. I might actually do page of each person in an album if I can!


Well-Known Member
I got great news yesterday. The town where my father grew up has a library with a nice genealogy collection and now they have put online the local newspaper 1896 - 1960. You know what I did yesterday. :D I found great things but most poignant was a letter to Santa from his next older sister for herself and him.


Well-Known Member
I got great news yesterday. The town where my father grew up has a library with a nice genealogy collection and now they have put online the local newspaper 1896 - 1960. You know what I did yesterday. :D I found great things but most poignant was a letter to Santa from his next older sister for herself and him.
What an awesome find!

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
I got great news yesterday. The town where my father grew up has a library with a nice genealogy collection and now they have put online the local newspaper 1896 - 1960. You know what I did yesterday. :D I found great things but most poignant was a letter to Santa from his next older sister for herself and him.
Awesome is right! Yay!


Well-Known Member
I got great news yesterday. The town where my father grew up has a library with a nice genealogy collection and now they have put online the local newspaper 1896 - 1960. You know what I did yesterday. :D I found great things but most poignant was a letter to Santa from his next older sister for herself and him.
Oh my goodness! What an absolute gem! I can't believe how much fun that would have been for you to read.

Hamer Lodge

forever learning
It is wonderful to know some of the details, including what she did for a living. Great photograph. Do you know circa the date this was taken? Based on her neckline, thinking around 1910???
I think it was about 1910, thanks for commenting!