
TELL me something I don't know...


back hOme and loving it
I survived the Bermuda Triangle :lol:
And if may say so : Bermudas are a really cool place

danger girl

Well-Known Member
I smoked for 7 years, from 16 to 23. I quit in October 2003, but, every time I go out (to a bar or a club) or am around SIL's fiancee (who smokes menthols, which was my fav) I still have at least 1. I don't know if I will ever be able to completely stop. When I'm in the car I still crave them.

I smoked for years too... maybe 20 years. Now I only smoke during the intermissions of hockey games when my friend Gail is there. So when people ask me if I smoke, I tell them "about two packs a year".
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So good to be back!
I used to sleep walk a LOT and freaked the crap out of my parents and friends if I was on a sleep over. I don't do that anymore, but I do talk clearly in my sleep and can carry on a conversation. Creepy.
Last time that happened, I sat up in bed and told my husband he had a tarantula on his head. He freaked out, trying to get the tarantula, and kept asking, "where??? where is it???" To which I kept answering, it's there, on top of your head.
Needless to say, he was terrified and then so mad when he realized I was completely asleep.


Well-Known Member
I went to a reform school from ages 16-17.
I have 4 tattoos and 1 piercing (for now lol)
I am 4'11".


...loves her some "O"
I used to sleep walk a LOT and freaked the crap out of my parents and friends if I was on a sleep over. I don't do that anymore, but I do talk clearly in my sleep and can carry on a conversation. Creepy.
Last time that happened, I sat up in bed and told my husband he had a tarantula on his head. He freaked out, trying to get the tarantula, and kept asking, "where??? where is it???" To which I kept answering, it's there, on top of your head.
Needless to say, he was terrified and then so mad when he realized I was completely asleep.

do you talk in spanish or english??? LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Spanish, mostly. He still hasn't forgiven me for that one.

We got the pleasure of hearing Sal's (Salvador) side of it....and he is so animated and hilarious!!! He was upset because he didn't sleep the rest of the night, thinking there were tarantulas in their room, lol!


...loves her some "O"
OHhhhh that is almost as good as the barricuda story!!! ohhhhhhhhh YOU guys have to go to Cozumel just to hear Sal tell the barricuda story!!

danger girl

Well-Known Member
Another juicy tidbit about me: I got taken to lockup at the airport when I was in my 20s because I walked out on the tarmac and touched a plane. I didn't know it was a felony, I had never been on one and I wanted to see how big it was. I figured if it was a big deal, someone would have stopped me. They only charged me with misdemeanor trespassing. If I did that now (post 9-11) I'd probably be shot.


Well-Known Member
Well, let's see...I am probably the most boring. I moved to the Florida Keys three times...the first time 20 years ago, again in 1991 and "the third time as the charm" in 2003. I plan on living here til I die. I hate the cold. Natalie only has faint memories of snow when she was 4 (in between moves).

Here is a (kinda) weird thing about my daughter. She is always seen wearing one sock on and one sock off, and she likes it! This happens alot!

Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
Ok, I'm late to the party (as usual...LOL) but here goes...

1. I graduated HS in 1996 and didn't graduate with my BA until 2004. No, I'm not a doctor....I just screwed around a lot in college, took some time off to work and figure things out, and then finished after we got married. I was preggo with Lily when I was student teaching.

2. Our house was built in 1896.

3. I totally afraid of the dark and all scary monster-type movies, but I LOOOOOVE watching Ghost Hunters with Shannon (DH). We DVR it every Wednesday and it's like our weekly date to watch it one night after Lily goes to sleep.

4. My first car was a 1967 Ford Galaxy 500 and I curse the day that my mom convinced me to sell it. LOL!

I've loved reading all about you crazy kids!!!!! Amanda - you naming your child after the kid in that movie is traumatizing to me. That movie is probably the reason I can't watch scary movies...LOL!


...loves her some "O"
OMGosh, Jodie...for real? you graduated from HS in 96??????? Cora and I were having a blast together with Mr Gorgeous in 96!!! heehee...


The Loopy-O
Sandra- great tatttoo!

I quit smoking in 90, started again for a short time in 05, quit again, but still crave them- esp when I pull out of my parents driveway and am around my old college roomies!

Barracuda story-- tooooo funny!
(We should invite Sal to a chat , OMG- he is a trip!)

I am older than Gary by 10 months

I was arrested when I was 20......

nothing big- drinking in public, but it could have been worse- underage- if I wasn't good family friend's with one of the town's cops.


Well-Known Member
I used to live in Houston..wavin to you Texans. :)

I'm deaf in my right ear and have been since I was 5. It happened from severe mumps and an infection that did nerve damage.

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
ok I'm totally late to the party too..but I want to jump right i here...I had sooo much fun reading everyone's answers :)

1. I have had my tongue pierced since 2002 I don't think I will ever get rid of it..its like a part of my body now..LOL

2. I have been living on my own since I was 15 ...I packed a backpack and caught a bus across 2 Provinces and have been on my own since ...I'm kind of a rebel :p

3. I have a tattoo on my lower back of 2 butterflies a larger one representing me and a smaller one for my son


Well-Known Member
ok I had to post this cause i just realized this as i was doing my biology study guide and i am such a dork...

when i put in a word in Microsoft Word that they don't know and i click 'add to dictionary' and then later when i misspell a word that word comes up I feel like Noah Webster LOL LOL LOL ;) i know, I'm a dork!


Well-Known Member
This is such a fun thread! I've been so out of it I had to go back and read like the last 10 pages :)!!!!

Cyn~ The trantula story ROFL!!!!

I am not brave enough for a tatoo, I don't like pain!!! It cracks me up when pierced up/tattooed up people freak out if I have to start an IV or give them a shot. I guess some things are worth the pain!

OK what about me. I've been to Hawaii 7 times, it helps when your mom lives there, but its not like vaction.

I leared how to ski when I was 2 years old, I guess that is what happens when you grow up in Lake tahoe. I now live in Michigan and refuse to pay to ski here, thankfully Gunar was on ski patrol at the local hill so I could ski for free. I haven't been in 3 years though I keep getting pregnant ;).


Well-Known Member
It cracks me up when pierced up/tattooed up people freak out if I have to start an IV or give them a shot. I guess some things are worth the pain!

Ohhh I so don't have a tatoo either..simply because I am afraid of needles! This totally cracked me up....I just had this vision of a biker guy with tatoos freaking out over an IV! hhahaha


Well-Known Member
I thought of one for me.

I didn't like pizza until I was about 22 years old. :D In fact, I hated it. Whenever I went to Pizza Hut or some other pizza place, I always had a sandwich or pasta.

When I started dating Eric he made me eat it once a week, and I started loving it. Now I'm hooked!

hollie h

Well-Known Member
What a fun thread.

I played Club Soccer for 8 years. We went to State Championships and came in second. I was center fullback....the enforcer...LOL!

My first job was at a Hello Kitty store

I love Vampire books...Christine Feehan and Sherrilyn McKennon are favs!


Well-Known Member
Cyn!! ROTFL!!! Too cute!!! I just bought my niece the cutest Hello Kitty purse for Christmas! :) Every girl should have Hello Kitty something :)


always chatty at the O!!
I watched the entire Dawson's Creek series as a 29 year old adult, instead of as a 16 year old teenager. Now I love Joshua Jackson and am so excited he's in Fringe. I am really lame. I know this!!

I had my tongue pierced for a few years and then I let it grow together. My sister still has one that she has had for 10 years. That's what I gave her for her HS graduation gift.

I also used to smoke but was never a real smoker I guess. I just thought it was cool. But I did smoke when I met my husband so that I would be in the right place at the right time when he came home from scuba class. That was 11 years ago. I cannot believe how unbelievably lame I was as a teenager. Too weird.
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