
TELL me something I don't know...


...loves her some "O"
OKay...Donna, that SOOOOOOO cracked me up!! totally LOL here!!

so here's a couple more tidbits!

*I have always dreamed of having a '65 convertible Mustang (forest green or midnight blue) and hope Mr Gorgeous is secretly saving for it!!!

*mY father had his first heart attack when he was 38, his first by-pass surgery when he was 45, and died when he was 58 - four days after his second by-pass surgery...
I rejoiced when I turned 39...i truly rejoiced...

*and on a happier note, :) (I know I have mentioned this before...) I played cello in a couple of concerts during a summer series in Houston, including Rod Stewart twice, Moody Blues and Yanni!! (my 15 mins of FAME!! lol...NOT!!!)

Thanks everyone for playing along...this is sooooooo FUN!!!



oh... we can add more... this is totally fun!

*i named Gage after the cute little blonde kit in Pet Semetary (the Stephen King movie). hubby didn't find out that's why until after gage was born (and it was too late! ha!). he hates when i tell people that. When i was pregnant with alyssa and wanted to name her Carol Ann... he was like... ok... i've actually SEEN that movie... absolutely nOT! hahaaha.

*i have a step mom and a step dad, but my real parents are married to each other. (they divorced when i was 4, both remarried, then divorced their temp spouses, and got back together when i was 8 (?? i think). anyway... the didn't actually get "officially" remarried until i was 22. i had to ask my boss for the day off so i could go to my parents' wedding. teehee

*i drive with both feet (one on the brake and the other for the gas) and therefore cannot drive a standard shift... with my left foot on the clutch, i think the brake is the gas... a brief test run resulted in all but whip lash.

danger girl

Well-Known Member
I love this thread! Great idea.
Sally you can rejoice every time you turn 39 ;)

Becky, when you open your bakery I'll come visit. Melanie, I'll probably visit your bar too. Maybe a little too often ;)

Some stuff about me:

*It took me 17 years, but I got a BA in Philosophy. I have yet to use it for anything other than thinking deep thoughts and making party conversation.

*I met my husband at a hockey game. The guy I was dating at the time introduced us.

*I spend way too much time on the internet. I think I'm an addict.

*I have a (somewhat) secret crush on Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs.


Well-Known Member
I just love this thread. It is TOO cool!!!!!

Amanda - that is TOO wild about Gage's name! I love that movie!!

Becky, I'm all about that bakery girl!!!

And Melanie - totally up for your bar!

A few more about me:

*I have only 1 tattoo, but I want to get another one with all my kids' names on it. I have it designed and waiting. :)

*I met Eric when he was my boss. ;) We started dating soon after. lol

*I'm incredibly, horribly afraid of heights. So afraid that going on the teeter-totter scares me!

*I don't know what my real haircolor is.


tali! bahahaha about your haircolor. lol. and i find heights quite invigorating... LOVE them... but get me in water i can't see the bottom of and i'm a blithering idiot... TOTALLY freaks me out!!!


...loves her some "O"
no tattoos here...because i have that artistic spirit, I probably would do it if there was no pain involved and my husband wasn't revolted by the idea!

I told my son if he made it to the NFL, we'd both go get our ears pierced together...me for the second time! LOL!!

My real tell-all is this...
okay...you all knew that, but Sunday night football is on, and it's a really great game! LOL!!


i have one tatoo... hubby and i went and got tatoos together (not matching ones... ha!) for our anniversary in august. i got a butterfly on my upper back in between my shoulder blades. don't really want another one anywhere else, but i would like to add to this one a bit.

and i used to LIVE for football... was a dallas fan for YEARS. lol. but when i started dating hubby, he always wanted to go do stuff on sunday because that was our only real day off, so i got out of the habit of watching it.

speaking of hubby... we met at a restaurant called Cafe' Max. he was a chef there doing his intership to prep for the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and i was a bartendar. there was actually a pretty strict "no-dating" policy for the staff (which didn't matter to me... i could bartend anywhere, but since his acceptance to CIA depended on that internship, we had to hide it. so when we spoke of each other at work, he referred to me as "Amy" and i referred to him as "Tim". lol. we used to have to find little things to keep us busy after our shift (like sweeping and cleaning windows over and over) was over to kill time until the other was finished as well... then we would drive around the corner to meet up and decide what to do that evening. lol.


Well-Known Member
Cyn....how are you Catholic and don't know what confirmation names are? Are you Roman Catholic? Maybe this is just a midwest thing?? I'm just surprised! I've been fairly stuck in my little corner of the world.

And Becky...how cool?! Tahitian and Hula. Wow. And the bakery...I bet if I stuck around your bakery, I'd never have the belly to hula and Tahitian dance. (Not that I have it now, but still...)


So good to be back!
Lol, Sara!!
About the confirmation thing... In Mexico, we usually have those as kids (like really little, after baptism, almost) so we don't have a choice. But, rebel that I am, I haven't been confirmed, so I might get to choose a different name!


Well-Known Member
Wow. Everyone has such great stories! I'm loving this.

Let's see...Sally, my mom had a quadruple bypass when she was 42 and died when she was 53. My uncle, aunt, and mom (the three siblings and pretty much her whole side of the family left) all died within 9 months of each other. Depressing but here's a neat detail. When my grandma passed away, they cleaned out her apartment and found notes written to each of them with poems cut out of the newspaper and stuff. While working on my mom's program for her funeral, I found this nice poem that I loved and put it on there. Later, when cleaning out her stuff, I found the note from my grandma to her and in it was the same poem I picked out for the program. Certainly a message in my book!

Ok. That was sad though...let's see...what else...

I almost quit education to get a job at a local theater company. (I was teaching drama and speech at the time, so it wasn't all that far of a leap.) Then I fell into the library/technology thing and it was the best thing that happened to me.

Except Oscraps of course! =) hee hee


So good to be back!
I'm loving this thread!!

Another random fact:

I went to madical school for 3 years..HATED it, but I'm still friends with my classmates who are all doctors now and doing their specialties.


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
I love apples cheese and crackers !! LOL .... yeah and I'm a bit of a freak .... seeing as everyone else is sharing deep stuff .... I'm all about the food!! HA :)


Well-Known Member
Here is a food fact from me:

I love guacamole so much, it is probably my very favorite food. I eat it with a spoon. Much like cake batter, which I also love.


Well-Known Member
Ooh food.

I LOVE frozen peas... yeah.. im weird!! BUT they are sooooooooooooo good!! sweet and salty and crunchy and soft all in one!! YUM!!
I also love refried beans!! I could eat them with every meal!! in fact, in cozumel i did!! LOL


hahaha cora... it takes me 3 hours to cook just about anything. lol

and while i'm glad hubby did not end up shipping off to NY to go to culinary school... his cooking skills CERTAINLY make up for mine (or the lack thereof) .


Well-Known Member
I am such a night owl, I have to take Benedryl quite often in order to go to sleep and function on "normal" time. Too bad they don't have all night libraries!


Well-Known Member
:) I love to cook. I try at least 2 new recipes every week (or I was ... )and so far I've been lucky. And Eric is lucky too, I think. :D

My sister bought me my first apron, a super cute light blue one with brown polka dots, for my birthday. I love that thing!


...loves her some "O"
Sara, I think there should be nighttime librarians!!!! and your poem story is incredible!! wow...totally a message!!

And Tali, you HAVE to go to Cozumel!!! the guac and chips there are soooooo great!! and you can have it anytime you want!!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

Krista, right now, I'm about to be all about the food!! I'm starving!!!

ok...let's see...is there anything else, really that you wouldn't know about me...

*I am the baby of the family...my brother is 5yrs older and my sister is 7yrs older...
*Donnie and i kinda set my brother up with his wife! that is a soap opera story...
*brown is truly my favorite color!!!


Well-Known Member
bwahaha, Sara i tried that (benedryl) mainly because i always got stuffy as i was falling asleep and it knocked me out... like the whole next day I spent sleeping it off!! LOL


...loves her some "O"
Something tells me this isn't exactly as true as you'd like it to be... just sayin' :)

Donna, don't tell...she likes to be in control, so i just let her think she is!! That way I don't have to make any decisions and she can feel good about herself! You know...the self-esteem of the teenager ... bwahahahah!!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
This is way fun. I'm loving all of your answers. So a few things about me:

~I lived in Italy for 3 years and my DS was born there and is a dual-citizen
~I was in the Army reserves as a medic. I had a big plan to go home and become a nurse. Then I found out I HATED nursing but enjoyed the medical field. So 8 years later I became an x-ray tech and love it.
~I have a winnie the pooh tattoo that I got when I graduated from basic training and my dad got one with me, although his is mighty mouse, not winnie the pooh.
~I eat my grilled cheese sandwiches with a fork. I eat the edge first and then have lots of middle pieces. And always with chocolate milk.
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O' whip cracker whip
Here are a couple more from me :)

I did not speak a word of English until I was 5

I was told at 20 I could not have children and was adviced to have a hystorectomy due to severe endometriosis.

I lived in Canada for a year.