
TELL me something I don't know...


back hOme and loving it
:eek: Cat ... glad you still became a mom :)
what did you speak before you were 5 ?

OK ... here's an easy one to share :
I lived in Egypt for 3 years as a kid.


The Loopy-O
Love this thread!

What don't you all know about me?


I was born with a club foot and had to have casts on my legs as a baby to straighten them out. My dad couldn't tuck me in at night until me legs were covered.

I knew I was going to have two kids, Scott and Caitlyn when I was in HS.

I was forced to go to church until I was confirmed ( but we didn't take confirmation names), then I was allowed to stop going.
I almost didn't get my First Communion because I asked the priest why it was so important to memorize prayers rather than pray in your own words. I was in first grade and could not for the life of me remember the Hail Mary. I was always a rebel LOL


Well-Known Member
Too bad they don't have all night libraries!

Are you a librarian? I am too; my degree is in library science ... not actually working in a library right now (just left libraries after 8 years this summer), but still using some "library skills" as a web producer.

This thread is awesome. Learning so much about everyone.

Here's a few more about me:

My parents have the same birthday but they were born in different years.

I once ate cow heart kabobs in Peru. They were actually very tasty.

I am a huge college basketball fan, love the ACC, especially the UMD Terappins. So looking forward to bball season!


Well-Known Member
Okay...this thread is friggin' awesome! I'm having so much fun reading about everyone!!! :D :D :D

Here are a few more for me...

-I have horrible knees. I've had problems with them since 6th grade and they'll blow out at the drop of a dime. not to mention, I am in constant pain. Not fun at all!

- I met hubby when we worked together.

- I live 3 houses up the street from my high school sweetheart's parents. It's so weird to see them outside all the time!!


...loves her some "O"
here's a couple more...

*I tricked my hubby into our first date (and he's glad)
*When Cora was two months old, I took her with me to my classes in college when I was getting my masters degree
*When I was little, instead of house, I used to play church all the time with my stuffed animals as the congregation and me as the worship leader...heehee
*I am the worship leader of my church now...appropriate after all those years of practicing with my stuffed animals!! hahahahahah


Maya de Groot
Cool game!! Love this!!

* I'm born on my grandfathers birthday
* and my best birthday gift ever, is that I get to celebrate my birthday on sept 4 and my grandfather celebrates it on sept 5
* I got my mom into scrapping
* I (uhm.. we, my mom and I) have a scraproom
* I almost went to school still wearing my slippers


Well-Known Member
This thread is awesome!! I've enjoyed my afternoon reading!

Some of you may/may not know these things about me....

* I play the flute and have a degree in Music Performance
* I also have a degree in Religion & Christian Minisitries
* I lived in South Africa for three years ('96-'99)
* I met my husband when I went back to school for the second time...and he is 8yrs younger than me...yes! I robbed the cradle! But he is my soulmate and I love him with all of my heart!


Well-Known Member
here are some more things about me..

*I am short for my age... 14 and 4'10"
*I make more money per month than my mom
*I was 12 when i first dyed my hair. i think. i didn't really have a problem with my natural color i just wanted change LOL. since then its grown out and been dyed twice more.
*I LOVE cats. BUT i just found out(unofficially) that i am allergic to them. grr!


here are some more things about me..

*I am short for my age... 14 and 4'10"
*I make more money per month than my mom
*I was 12 when i first dyed my hair. i think. i didn't really have a problem with my natural color i just wanted change LOL. since then its grown out and been dyed twice more.
*I LOVE cats. BUT i just found out(unofficially) that i am allergic to them. grr!

wow cora! i would have pegged you for way taller than that for some reason. you look tall in your pictures. :)


...loves her some "O"
wow cora! i would have pegged you for way taller than that for some reason. you look tall in your pictures. :)

That's like when we went to Coz...Wendy was a LOT taller than I thought and Chris was a lot shorter!! How fun to find out all of these little tidbits!!!

...like you guys wanted to know Cora makes more money than me!! LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Linda, when you said you learned how to skip in college, at first I thought you meant how to cut class. I was going to say me too! But actual skipping, that's cool. I often say it is an underrated mode of transportation.

To tell the truth Donna...I did learn that kind of skipping as well!:D


Well-Known Member
Cora! I would have never guessed your height! I also thought you were a tall chick!

Here's one for you all about me - I am terribly, incredibly LAZY!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Are you a librarian? I am too; my degree is in library science ... not actually working in a library right now (just left libraries after 8 years this summer), but still using some "library skills" as a web producer.

Yup! I am a school librarian right now. I do the library and the technology at the school. I love it!


Well-Known Member
this thread is FUN! Let's see... what you might not know about me...

I was born on my aunt's birthday (one of dad's sisters)
I have a B.S. in Psychology that I've never used...
I'm afraid of heights and totally HATE roller coasters...
I love to collect turtle figurines and stuff!


...loves her some "O"
ohhhh Sandra's in da house!!! love that, san!!!

which reminds me...I collect sheep...oh yeah...you knew that!!


Well-Known Member
Most of you know this but for those of you who don't, I got married when I was 17.

I am obsessed with body modifications. Tattoo's & Piercings. I am starting a full sleeve in honor of Dia De Los Muertos in January or February.

I dropped out of high school after I had to repeat my freshman year. (I scored college levels on my Pre-SATs)

I LOVE rubber duckies, obsessed actually. I have boxes of decor for my bathroom.


The Loopy-O
Hee hee! Love this thread!
Kayleigh, make sure you take lots of pics as you get your sleeve done!

Another thing you know but not all of it- I am a Disney fanatic.
I collect Disney stuff. We have collectible, Disney Xmas tree. I have a Disney kitchen- plates, silverware, decorations and so on. Disney World is my favorite place to be. I never went there as a child- my first trip was with Gary after we got married and we have been there 4 times since. We took Scott on his first trip there when he was only 15 months old. I get very jealous when other people go now that we haven't been in so long, because I am possessive- Disney is *my* place LOL

I also have a Mickey Mouse tattoo!


Well-Known Member
My maiden name was Noel. When I got married, I officially made that my middle name. Each of my children have that as a middle name. At Christmas, the only ornaments on the tree without Noel are the ones that the kids choose specially to represent that year!


Well-Known Member
I have a moon&stars tattoo on my leg (you may have known that), but I want a turtle one on my lower back!


Well-Known Member
yep... I got it as a Mother's Day gift to myself in 2003 LOL



Well-Known Member
I smoked for 7 years, from 16 to 23. I quit in October 2003, but, every time I go out (to a bar or a club) or am around SIL's fiancee (who smokes menthols, which was my fav) I still have at least 1. I don't know if I will ever be able to completely stop. When I'm in the car I still crave them.


Well-Known Member
I *can not* drive with any form of shoe on. I have to be barefoot.
Which is extremely uncomfortable in winter time, but the only time I have ever worn shoes, I got in a car accident.