
Posting Challenge September: Who's in???


Well-Known Member
Okay...I just checked my number...I have 270 to go to reach my second goal this month...which is 1000!! WOOT!!!

I have 10 days to go...so that is like 27 per day...PIECE OF CAKE!!!!


Well-Known Member
:D:D:DWOEHAHAHAHAHA, you girls kill me!!:D:D:D
Afraid of guinea pigs and hedgehogs.... those are the cutest! I used to have a black guineapig called Mira, and she always started to make that "scary" noise when she would here me coming home from school. Then she wouild climb the fence of her cage so that I would pick her up. She would climb in my neck and make these cute little sounds from pure joy. I can't understand why someone would find that scary!

And there is a hedgehog living in my garden (I live in a city!), he did his wintersleep in a pile of leafes. He wanders around in my garden at night, and stops moving when I am sitting there. He rolls up and pretends he's not there. So cute!


Well-Known Member
Ok, only kidding about being done for the month! But I did make my goal! And look at you go Linda...you will definitely make your second goal!

Should I set a second goal??? Nah...we'll just see what happens...until it's time for October goals!


O' whip cracker whip
Cat, what did you buy?? I always just put the fish in a glas bowl. Cold water, little plants, voila, finished... No tank or running for a week or something else :lol:

We bought a proper tank LOL, well its designed for kids, there was a variety of them, this is the one we got her


It was on special, £19.99 (around, $25) Apparently, the fish lady! said a glass bowl was not recommended, you need to have a pump to oxygenate the water, pfft, in my day, when I won a fish at the fair, I used to shove it in a bowl, and they lasted forever LOL

As for hedgehogs, I love them, we often have them wander our garden in the summer months, of course now they are settling down for the winter ;)


Well-Known Member
Cat...that is a darling fish tank....but IKWYM....I got goldfish for my girls...it went into a bowl!! lasted for 2 years!!!


Well-Known Member
@ Linda: Yay Congrats!!! How did you manage to post that many! I am really impressed!

@ Cat: woehahahaha! That is the best fishtank I have ever seen! Can you get a pink goldfish that goes with the tank? I am gonna show this tank to my DD's, they will faint!! Oh please show us the fish you will put in.
(just throw it in the water, why wait a week, or were fish stronger in our days?)


O' whip cracker whip
I'm actually thinking I might just go get the fish tomorrow (apparently Sarah wants to call them Posh and Becks LOL!!) There are a million teeny bubbles in there so I am pretty sure that means the tank has enough oxygen in there ;)

It is a cute tank, there were a couple of other ones like that, a dora and boots one and I loved the Spongebob one, maybe Jamie can get that one when he is a bit bigger LOL

Oh pink goldfish, that would be devine!! ROFL!


Well-Known Member
I went into the gallery and posted some love. Can you believe the amount of LO's uploaded per day? And they are all so gorgeous!!

Edit: And this makes 577 posts (30 today, phew!)


Well-Known Member
Oh Cat! I love that fish tank. I personally think that the fish tank with just water would be quite enough decoration for me! LOL

We have had fish...when my oldest, most indulged niece had guppies, they had babies. And we wound up buying a fish tank and taking some of her guppies. Then one day, one got caught in the filter...and I felt so bad! That ended my fish days.


Well-Known Member
Allllll righty!!! I had so much fun last month with Thelma and Louise and helium and other random O-Nuttiness!

Who is in for this month?
Me me me mee meeeee!!!
I am at 10301... and going to shoot for 10,500. I *think* this is going to be easy, but then I have a very busy month ahead. So I am going to see how I do, and readjust as necessary mid-month.

Yay rahh!!!!

Naahhh, I don't think you're gonna make it.....LMBO! Look at you rollin' on....How bout we increase that goal to 10,750?! hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Oh Cat! I love that fish tank. I personally think that the fish tank with just water would be quite enough decoration for me! LOL

We have had fish...when my oldest, most indulged niece had guppies, they had babies. And we wound up buying a fish tank and taking some of her guppies. Then one day, one got caught in the filter...and I felt so bad! That ended my fish days.

Awww...that reminds me of one of the several times I tried fish. When my kids were babies we had a little 5 gal tank...I was getting a jar of baby food out of the fridge while holding my son and my DD clinging to my leg LOL...I turned with the jar in my hand and clank, crack, there went the tank LOL. I had to scoop all the little fishes out of the tank before the water completely leaked out...luckily I saved them and we took them to FIL who at the time was breeding and selling the little rascals.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually thinking I might just go get the fish tomorrow (apparently Sarah wants to call them Posh and Becks LOL!!) There are a million teeny bubbles in there so I am pretty sure that means the tank has enough oxygen in there ;)

It is a cute tank, there were a couple of other ones like that, a dora and boots one and I loved the Spongebob one, maybe Jamie can get that one when he is a bit bigger LOL

Oh pink goldfish, that would be devine!! ROFL!

Cute names! LOL I'm sure they will be very pampered little fish ;).


Well-Known Member
OMGosh...I can' tbelieve you have hedgehogs running around wild....I'd probably get used to them but I can't stand 'em....I guess because they aren't 'furry'. And with that said Davy, my bunny, comes up behind me licking my neck LOL.


ONA - Administrator
hahahahaha!!! this is just the funniest thread!!!!

Cat! that tank is just the cutest and Posh & Becks..........how cute!!!!! Be SURE to post the pics when you get the fishes!!!!


and Wia, you are going great!!! its suprising just how many post you can get without really trying at all!!!! :)

and EVERYONE........{big hugs} to all!!! I am off to the gallery today to check out all the new gorgeous layouts!!! hopefully I will bring my posting up today!!! totally slack over the weekend!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats Linda!!!! Wooot Wooot!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!!! Way to reach your goal!

Cat - awww that tank is fabulous!!! So cute!! Love posh & becks *LOL*


Well-Known Member
Just checking my count.......... ;)

closer and closer to 5,000

woohoo, I can do it...(hopefully not by doing gallery runs at 2am hahahaha)

WTG LindaS!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!

I didn't realize how close I was. Off to the gallery. I'll bet I can reach 3600 in the next few days with a little focus. :)


Well-Known Member
Cat! Such a cute tank!! If I show it to my oldest DD, she definately will call it a Princess tank!

She would climb in my neck and make these cute little sounds from pure joy.
That is the sound I mean!! I assure you, I hear something totally different than 'cute' little sounds.... :lol:

And there is a hedgehog living in my garden (I live in a city!), he did his wintersleep in a pile of leafes. He wanders around in my garden at night, and stops moving when I am sitting there. He rolls up and pretends he's not there. So cute!
That sounds cute!! What city do you live in?


The Loopy-O
Wow, I missed so much the last few days not being here!

LOL at being scared of the guinea pigs!
When we were at the zoopver the summer, they handler had raise da special kind of porcupine (i should ask my kids, they'd remember better) I think his name was Pugsley and OMG! He was sooooo cute!!!!!! He was raised from a baby and she (the handler) would take him out for walks on a leash. I know I have a picture of him somewhere. Loved him and wanted to bring him home.

Look at all of you who make your goals!!! I didn't even relaize it, but I made mine too!! I think I am going to bump mine up to 10600 now! Not sure if I'll make it but can't hurt to try :)

Love that tank- and Posh and Becks buhhahahah!!


Well-Known Member
I had to google 'porcupine' :lol:
I saw them for the first time at a Zoo in Poland. I never knew they were that big!
In SouthAfrika you can buy those Spines in shops, for decoration. The lady told us that only the 'rich' people in SA have them in their homes.
I still regret it that I didn't bought them, they looked really good in a little vase or something.