
Posting Challenge September: Who's in???


always chatty at the O!!
Yvon - Those cakes are AMAZING!!!!! Will you make one for my birthday? You have until next June to figure out a way to ship it without it getting smooshed. :)


ONA - Administrator
oh Clara that would be awesome if you came downunder!! wooohooo!!!

and what a great idea Dawn about the world wide LO's...........hmmmmmm, maybe we could get some sort of challenge happening??

well I didn't get to the gallery yesterday, had to WORK ALL DAY!! to get everything done before I go on my trip. I am in the middle of packing my stuff and turned the PC on to print out some pictures my little girls so thought I would drop to hi everyone!!! you are all doing fantastically!!! I really hope that there is internet access out at my son's place............so maybe I won't make my extened goal but there is always next month!!!!!! and at least I can scrap!!! yay!! think I will be showing DIL how to do digiscrapping!!!! ok girls, gotta run......... hugs to everyone and have a great time while I am away........but don't have TOO much fun without me!!! :) :) xo


The Loopy-O
Dawn, that idea rocks!!! My town is kind of boring, but we do have those bears! LOL

Ona- have a safe and fun trip- we'll miss you!

WB Soco!!


Well-Known Member
Dawn and Clara...both of you are rocking those goals! I bet that you both are there by Monday!!! Go, go, go!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the best wishes!

I'm going to catch up reading here :cool:

Wonderful cakes! I was surprised to see you talking about "dulce de leche"... how do you know about it? :)
I found a receipt on a cakeforum. And I bought the condensed milk, and cooked it, and *Pooffff* there is was :lol:
First I didn't know what it was, but I liked the sound of 'Dulce de leche' :lol: made it.. and yummie!


Well-Known Member
Ona, have fun visiting your family!!

Yvon - Those cakes are AMAZING!!!!! Will you make one for my birthday? You have until next June to figure out a way to ship it without it getting smooshed. :)
:lol: Maybe you can surprise your family on a little trip to the NL? You'll bet coffee and a piece of cake? :p


...loves her some "O"
only about 500 for me to go, but you never know...it can easy for me to do 50 in one day...especially when that gallery is as incredible as it is!!!! wow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yvon those cakes are stunning!!! Hope the birthday was fabulous :)

Diane - Congrats!!! Wooot Wooot!

Still have a bunch to go....I think I can still make it! Been a rough couple weeks for me....but I am staying positive :) So many of you are close to your goals!!! Wooooot!!! Go ladies!!!


Well-Known Member
Kat, you go girl! Cruise the gallerys like Sally says, and *POOFF* send lots of love overthere :D You'll make it to your goal!


The Loopy-O
oooh, I promised Nina that I would do a gallery run for her and I ran out of time yesterday- I am going to do it- pinky swear- today.

Go Sally, you can do it I know you can. get that laptop out and every time they stop the clock (football weekend!) you go and post! LOL

Kat-- xoxoxoxo


Well-Known Member
oooh, I promised Nina that I would do a gallery run for her and I ran out of time yesterday- I am going to do it- pinky swear- today.
Ohhhh me too Chris...have to catch up on the fab layouts there :) Maybe I will hit my goal doing that *LOL*

Go Sally, you can do it I know you can. get that laptop out and every time they stop the clock (football weekend!) you go and post! LOL
Hahahahaha that is a great idea!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh girls....I see so much love going on in the gallery...FANTASTIC!!!!!!!

I am a little over 80 away from my 2nd goal...WOOT!! I should have that done today or tomorrow!!!! and everything after that...BONUS!!!


Maya de Groot
Yvonna forgot to say it before, your cupcakes are amazing!!

Congrats everyone!!

LindaW, Clara, Kat and everyone else your almost there, you can do it!!


always chatty at the O!!
Whoohoo!! I got to 3500. Let's see if I can get to 3600 by the end of the month. If not I'll just go for 4000 next month.


The Loopy-O
653, ok I will try to get to 700...

Oh yeah!! You are getting there!!!!!

As for me, I am not sure where I am at now but I think I am about 30 posts away- 4 days left to go.
I could do that with my eyes closed.

Of course my posts would look like this:
rthuriytuifnvjchiu n tue fwehe
