
How cold is it where you are???


Well-Known Member
So glad to be of service!!

ENJOY LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You're a tad warmer than us Chris. We are at 1. :) And I don't know if it's headed your way or not, but we had about 5 or so inches last night.


The Loopy-O
As of right now, they are saying possible blizzard for Tues into Wed. I swear we will still be in school until July at the rate we are going!


The Loopy-O
Oh and stay warm too!! How about some hot toddies all around!
What is a hot toddy anyway? All I know is that its some sort of hot drink (tea?) with liquor in it- sounds good enough to me :pound:


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
A hot toddy is made by pouring a shot of whisky / Scotch + spoonful of honey + some warming spices (such as cloves / cinnamon) into a mug of boiled water. It's the PERFECT pick-me-up if you're feeling a bit under the weather!


The Loopy-O
Sue- can you make me one? Pretty Please????? I'll be over in a few. Any chance you have a fireplace to sit and chat in from of?


lOve the O!
I don't know what our real feel is- but just holding the metal door knob to let the dog in and out froze my hand. It is 9 and sunny now- not sure about the windchill, but i see a heat wave in the future- 31 degrees tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
oh wow! I would die!!!

It's going to be mid 80's today. I'm headed out to test drive cars in my capris, flip flops and short sleeve shirt!

(btw...I'm in southern CA....great time to take a trip to Disneyland!)


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH Debra...how I wished it were 80's here!!!!!

I am sooooooooooo ready for this cold to be over!!

I am telling you............Helen.............don't be surprised if I just show up on your door step!!!!! BEACH UMBRELLA IN HAND!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We were at 10 this morning, and wouldn't you know it, this is the day, we are having problem with our heat pump!! Please send positive vibes that it can be repaired and doesn't have to be replaced.


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH Debra...how I wished it were 80's here!!!!!

I am sooooooooooo ready for this cold to be over!!

I am telling you............Helen.............don't be surprised if I just show up on your door step!!!!! BEACH UMBRELLA IN HAND!!!!!!

Any time sweetie!

I will have the stick ready to poke you to break the ice :boink:


Well-Known Member
OMG. It was a heat wave here today. We got up at least to 36. People were walking around with their coats open.... :) Funny how perspective is. In August and September, 36 is freezing. :)


lOve the O!
heat wave here too! 29 now and the sun is down- I wore my tropical print bright shirt just for the heat wave- shoot we were twice y'day temps!


The Loopy-O
So true- one day last week we actually broke freezing and I was thinking how "warm" if felt. Yesterday, when was at the bus stop, it was -4.Up to 16* when I got home at 3 pm.


Well-Known Member
The temps have risen some...we are at 33 degrees and it's snowing and sleeting and raining...IT'S REALLY MESSY OUT!!!! The real stuff is coming this evening....4-7 inches of snow.....:noidea:so they say!!!!


ONA - Administrator
Seriously, I would gladly trade anyone for some cooooooooool weather!!! it is so stinking hot!!! but I must admit it has cooled off a little bit in the last couple of hours!!!



The Loopy-O
Ona- i would switch with you in a heartbeat, if I could. we are getting ready for yet another snow/ice storm Tues/Wed.
I would kill for some heat! Its been so cold that none of the snow we have had has had any melt-off, or what has slightly melted has refrozen. I can't stand it!

Can you do me a favor? Can you go out and take a nice walk, and just soak up some sun for me? TIA!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Winter Storm watchIssued at 10:47 AM EST Monday 31 January 2011
..Major winter snowstorm Tuesday night and Wednesday.. This is an alert to the potential development of dangerous winter weather conditions in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.

A major winter storm is developing over Texas and will track towards Southern Ontario Tuesday. The low is expected to track just south of the lower lakes Wednesday. Light snow will begin in advance of this system tonight and Tuesday. However the heavier snow is forecast to begin Tuesday night and continue Wednesday morning. Potential widespread snowfall amounts of 20 to 30 cm are likely before the snow tapers off Wednesday afternoon. In addition strong and gusty east winds will develop with the snow. This will cause local whiteout conditions in blowing snow. The east winds will also generate local snow squalls off Lake Ontario in advance of the main snow area which will give enhanced snow amounts to regions near the west end of Lake Ontario. This will be the first Major winter storm of the season for the Toronto area, and the most significant storm of the season for many regions outside the traditional snow belts. The heavy snowfall and blowing snow will cause whiteout conditions making for extremely hazardous driving conditions. The public should be prepared to change plans accordingly to avoid travel during the storm. This storm has the potential to create near-paralyzing conditions. Environment Canada continues to monitor this dangerous winter storm and will issue further watches and warnings as necessary.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah - If we are taking screenshots of forecasts... Mine would have freezing sleet from this morning, snow for the next 36 hours, and -35F for Wednesday.

Crap. I don't think the Groundhog is even coming near the opening in his den!!!!


9F with windchill -9F

our first snow of the year here last night and today. Alyx's birthday is tomorrow and he's so excited that his birthday wish came true - NO SCHOOL ;)