
How cold is it where you are???

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Well the Big Day has dawned boringly 3 degrees C here, neither really cold nor warm. Father Christmas did his stuff and now my bed is strewn in newspaper and the odd chocolate coin.

Merry Christmas to you all.


Well-Known Member
SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that photo!!!

Helen...I am on the way too....because here is what we woke up to for Christmas:




But it's not too cold....it's 31...but it won't get any warmer and it's going to snow on and off all day today...we might end up with about 2-3 inches by tomorrow...nothing major.


Well-Known Member
It's about 15 degrees here. It's chilly and we have some snow cover, but nothing like last year!! I wouldn't trade a Christmas snow for warm weather right now! :) Maybe after New Years. :)


ONA - Administrator
Its Sunday evening downunder on Boxing Day.... and my NEW baby boy was safely delivered around 4.15pm this afternoon!!!! yahoooooooo!!! mum and bub are doing very well but mum is very exhausted and tired so I will be meeting my new grandson tomorrow afternoon and taking pics of course!! still don't know how much he weights or anything, but I am sooooo happy that he has finally arrived safely!!! :)


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Congratulations Ona ... what a wonderful present on Boxing Day. Can't wait to see photos and of course all the wonderful new LO's you'll be creating featuring the latest addition to the family!!!


The Loopy-O
yay for babies!

It is 25* here, with a %#$@ blizzard warning. One forecast say 6-10", another say 12-16" but 40 mph winds. Ugh!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The weather around the country is bizarre. And it has skipped most of the midwest. It's like it's swirling in a donut shaped circle on the country. We are cold here, but it's December, so we are used to that!


The Loopy-O

They keep changing the forecast- now the blizzard warning is 15-20 inches- wind gusts 40-60 mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
YAY ONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the little bugger!!!! NANA HUGS FOR HIM!!!!!

HELEN!!!! 100 Degrees!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be HALF that!! it is going to warm up the end of the week!! it's suppose to be about 50 degrees on Friday. But right now....it's 30 and wind gusting up to 60mph!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Winnie the Pooh right now!!!


Well-Known Member
It's cold here...6 degrees when I left to take Syd to gymnastics. And the ground is covered in snow. Oh well...not treacherous at this point (unlike last year) so I'm good.

Congrats Ona on that baby boy!!!


Well-Known Member
It's cold here in Germany, we have about -4 Celsius (24 F).
And we have so much snow this year, this isn't normal!


The Loopy-O
I was only able to get half of the driveway shoveled yesterday. Gary used the snow blower for part of it, but the drifts and snowplow piles from the road were close to 4 feet! Today I have to see if I can do the other half.


The Loopy-O
Here's a pic:

My driveway slopes down, so on the other side of that cliff, I mean drift- is about a 4 foot drop to the road.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the country is going to take turns on it. Last year, it was us in the Midwest with the 4 foot drifts. This year it's the East coast. Next year, we can send it to Sally!!

Still cold and clear here. Right now it's 17F and sunny. Looks like it's going to be that way all week with just a slight chance of some showers. We are lucking out in the winter department. (Sorry Chris...don't throw things. We went through it last year!)


Well-Known Member
Now you see girls I have a really tough decision to make today (one of many to come over the next four weeks) ......

Can you help me please......

Should I go to the beach or not!




Well-Known Member
Ok. It was cloudy and rainy when I woke up. Then it got up to 70 this afternoon. Sun was shining and I put on flip-flops to go to my pedicure. It has now dropped to 28 and is supposed to be crazy icy tonight and tomorrow morning with a high of 25. Nebraska weather - Grin and bear it!!

(Nana - Love the snowball. So much better than mine...where did you find it??)


Well-Known Member
Oh Sara...we only made it to 61. But I'm not complaining. I took a break this afternoon and went for a walk...simply beautiful! And if we weren't accustomed to bad weather, would we really appreciate the good?


Well-Known Member
Very true Linda...very true. I might be upping it a tad..It might have only been 67...but my indoor thermometer said 70!! :) Either way...it's a lot colder now that it was at 1 p.m.!


Well-Known Member
I don't think you really want to know about the weather here in Hawaii. Right now my dashboard is showing 80 degrees. This should be the high for the day. It will drop to about 69 degrees overnight. The past two weeks have been completely rainy and we've stayed home most of the time. I hope all of you are finding warmer weather soon.


Well-Known Member
OH were you calling me girls? I was at ..... *drum roll* ..... the beach!

Man! What a HOT NYE it is ... driving home the car outside temperature told us it was 48C/118F!

That is so hot, let me tell you, that when I promised Katie an icecream on the way home and we saw the Mr Whippy ice cream van, this is what we found!


Poor guy ... he had just melted away in the heat! Bwahahaha!

So Happy New Years Eve girls ... and YES! I would love some ice with my drink so keep those snowballs coming ... goes well with those cute little umbrella's they served with my Pina Colada!

:bolt: *before the next snowball comes ... I am off to get another drink*
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