
Cheery O Guest Call


Well-Known Member
Ladies I am so excited about this...everyone has such great LOs!!! Here's mine



Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting nervous, like butterflies in the tummy, LOL. Everyone's apps look awesome! Whoever gets picked will be deserving :).


Well-Known Member
Dawn I'll join ya on the butterflies!!! I even ate cheeriOs for breakfast this morning hoping for good luck!! ROTF!!! Tell me that isn't grasping at straws!


Well-Known Member
Twoooo moooore daaaaays . . . . . Glad I have to go to work, gives me something else to think about. . . . NOT!

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
These entries are all so fabulous. I love all the effort everyone's put in.

But as I said back in post 41...PICK SARA!!!!!!

I nearly fell of my chair laughing - haven't laughed that much reading a LO for just yonks. WTG girl.


Well-Known Member
Gosh people....they are all so fab! LOVE reading them ALL! I love Sandrine's and Tessie's is clever.


Well-Known Member
I've been loving seeing your lo's - you all are so creative!! Good luck to all of you.


Well-Known Member
Stephie that is fabulous!! Love how you did that!!!

Selena!!!!!!! ROTFL!!! I love ya chickie!! You totally crack me up!


Well-Known Member
Oh you are all so funny!! Thanks so much for the great feedback. I had a whole lot of fun doing it! =)


Well-Known Member
OHHHH...Last day!!! Wonder how long it will be before they announce the winner :) I'm going insane hoping! :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm sitting here working on next fiscal year's personnel budget, and all I can think about is this. Somebody wanna help me?


Well-Known Member
I understand they will announce it on 2nd April (thursday), but we don't know how many guest they need, neither for how long... Hope to have opportunities to most of us!


There's no place like hOme!
Just wanted to wish you all good luck! I have so enjoyed seeing all of your layouts!!

I would have loved to apply but just don't have the time right now - Still anxiously waiting to see who the lucky guests will be though!


Well-Known Member
Well...this will be now a loooong wait!!! lucky us we have to play with Amanda stuff and the new Kitty kit!:p