
Cheery O Guest Call


always chatty at the O!!
Hahaha Kristen. If I wasn't working at sitting in front of my computer I would say we need and intervention and we should PUT DOWN THE MOUSE and walk away but I can't do that so I'm not going to try and talk you into doing it. Hahaha!!

Can you ladies at least give us a time frame? YOu know...late morning...early afternoon, late afternoon, tonight?? NOt that would really help but you know.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha Kristen. If I wasn't working at sitting in front of my computer I would say we need and intervention and we should PUT DOWN THE MOUSE and walk away but I can't do that so I'm not going to try and talk you into doing it. Hahaha!!

Can you ladies at least give us a time frame? YOu know...late morning...early afternoon, late afternoon, tonight?? NOt that would really help but you know.

LOL...no I do believe if I had a time frame I might actually get something DONE at work!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Well..if they are here to get a kick out of us squirming...I'm here!! SQUIRMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So good to be back!
Any time zone works for me. I can do the math. I'm good with that. I think you guys are all sitting around giggling watching us squirm, aren't you??

We would NEVER do that.... Clara, I'm SHOCKED that you would even think that!!


...loves her some "O"
ahahahahahahahha!!! uh yeah...time zone challenged here!! BIG TIME!!!!!
actually i'm not really time zone challenged...just DST challenged!! now that we are ALL on DST, I may be able to figure out what time it is in Dumpty's house!! heehee!!!

and cyn, thou doth protest too much!! wahahahahahahah!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL...well lunch is gone...now I'm back with nothing to do...oh wait...I should be WORKING!!!!!! lol


always chatty at the O!!
Cynthia...Dumpty...you are so full of it!!! Since you guys have gone through it yourself I am absolutely sure you get at least a small amount of enjoyment out of this. Not that I blame you. I am soooooooooooooo mean about this stuff when I am in your position.


So good to be back!
ahahahahahahahha!!! uh yeah...time zone challenged here!! BIG TIME!!!!!
actually i'm not really time zone challenged...just DST challenged!! now that we are ALL on DST, I may be able to figure out what time it is in Dumpty's house!! heehee!!!

and cyn, thou doth protest too much!! wahahahahahahah!!!

Sally, I would NEVER!!! I'm going to leave this thread now, my sensible eyes have taken too much...

Cynthia...Dumpty...you are so full of it!!! Since you guys have gone through it yourself I am absolutely sure you get at least a small amount of enjoyment out of this. Not that I blame you. I am soooooooooooooo mean about this stuff when I am in your position.

See?? I just get abused here. (Turning on my heels and leaving in a huff)


...loves her some "O"
(gosh, we need to get her back...i thot she was the one posting the results!!!)



Well-Known Member
sooooooo, I just got home from our playdayte. got Nico settled and down for a nap, folded a qUick load of laundry and emptied the dishwasher. (serious restraint I know....but If I sat down here without doing those couple of things I would NEVER get to them)

Anyway so I was driving home thinking just a little bit longer Ill do my stuff and get online asap and Im so excited and I cant wait till the results are out and blah blah blah and I thought surely they will have told everyone by now who is getting picked and all that.......and then I sign on here and

HHMMPPPHHH. CROSSING ARMS. Nothing!!!! whats the deal????? suspense is NO FUN!!!! Geez!!!!! :p:p:p:p


always chatty at the O!!
Cynthia...uh...sorry...uh...do I need to do some serious grovelling? Okay, I am on my belly at your feet begging and pleading. Pretty pretty pretty please find it in your heart to forgive me!! **speaking under my breath** even though I still think you are getting a bit of enjoyment out of this.

Pretty pretty pretty please find forgiveness!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, my! (raising the back of my hand to my forehead)

Someone . . . quick . . . break out the dark chocolate . . . .


Well-Known Member

here is is...yummy dark chocolate....and here , have a diet soda too...or a cappucino? please dont faint.....SEE WHAT YOU LADIES ARE DOING TO US!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
OH, bless you, my dear!! Dark chocolate fixes everything, dontcha know.

Well, except this darn waiting . . . . .


Well-Known Member
*lol* it´s too funny to watch this thread, even if I´m going insane, when I´m looking any longer to it


Well-Known Member
ohhh...dark chocolate...and strawberries...hits the spot...not quiet as well as not waiting anymore would though!!!! :)


...loves her some "O"
Okay girlies!!!

I'm feeling sorry for ya!!! (can you tell???)

So I'm going to go out on a limb here and give you a time!! The results will be posted by.....






if you all leave a bunch of love in the GALLERY while you wait, I'm sure Cyn will forgive us and post a new thread by 4pm!!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
I am going gallery crazy!!! I could have 2000 posts by the end of the day!! 4:00 huh?? CST??? That would be after lunch here. Hmmm...go to lunch, eat lots of junk then come back to news?? I might be able to handle that. Although I am getting close to temper tantrum mode. I'll video tape it if I have a total break down for you.