
Search results

  1. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, July 11

    Awww, sorry about the bunny. It was so sweet of y'all to try and rehab it! It seems like, with hands injuries, when it rains it pours! I never just have ONE bandaid on. If I cut a finger, it's guaranteed I'll injure some more. I got signed up and registered to pay for my Fall class. I ended...
  2. Precious


    Little Butterfly Wings kit I Am Beautiful Sarah Gleason template Green Grass
  3. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 10

    What a cute bunny! I'd let it out in the yard, it knows how to eat and such already. We have some that size all over. They are so used to us coming and going they don't bolt anymore, which isn't the best thing, as the dog has eaten several of them this year. :( He's also gotten hold of a few...
  4. First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten

    Little Butterfly Wings School Edition Papers, Alpha, Word Snippets and Elements Sarah Gleason Preserved templates Fonts CK Cursive and DJB PaulaM
  5. Liberty


    Little Butterfly Wings July 2014 BYOC Sizzlin Summer Paper and Elements and Alpha Sahlin Studio Lots O Photos template Kaye Winiecki Stax On Hexagon Allison Pennington Playful (stitches) Heather Joyce The Pam font Julie Billingsley Color Spectrum Alpha Glitter Fireworks Marie Stone
  6. Labor Day

    Labor Day

    Little Butterfly Wings July BYOC Sizzlin Summer Amy Martin Project Grids 3
  7. Best Summer Ever

    Best Summer Ever

    Little Butterfly Wings kit Lemonade Stand Amy Martin template Polly Love Kim Fonts Jada Silly Monkey and Joy Like Sunshine
  8. Tiger in a Tree

    Tiger in a Tree

    Sarah Gleason template Winter Wishes Little Butterfly Wings kit All Cats Go to Heaven Font ClementePDac
  9. AmyG

    ★★a huge giveaway★★win my entire store★★

    Dang! That is an awesome incentive!
  10. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: June 21-22: Weekend Edition

    Congrats on his graduation! My son is in his last year of high school. I feel like he went from 16-17 in a blink. He's taking a dual credit college class this year at the high school. That hasn't sunk in yet. Maybe when the bill comes haha! I have done diddly squat today. I plan on coloring my...
  11. AmyG

    Photoshop CC - Have You Tried It

    I have it and I love it. I also love PSE 12, minus the whole dragging elements in and them resizing bug. Man, that is irritating. Anyhoo, I'm very happy with it. I'm still learning it though. I upgrade computers often enough that I have no problem running it on my desktop (RIP as of this week)...
  12. Goodbye Bailey

    Goodbye Bailey

    Little Butterfly Wings kit All Dogs Go to Heaven Sarah Gleason template Grow with Love Free font My Own Topher
  13. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, June 18

    Y'all can have the heat here lol! I'm over it already and it's only June!! I wish it were Fall. I love having the kids home during the summer but the hear, blah. I cannot believe this is my son's last year of high school. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???? I remember flying solo to my Grandma's when I was...
  14. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, June 16

    My weekend was kinda slow. I sent my son to the store to buy the stuff for Dad's day dinner and such on Saturday. My kids went to the water park for a few hours in the afternoon. I made banana pudding with my 7 year old after dinner that night. Sunday the kids were at the water park allll day...
  15. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, June 16

    My weekend was kinda slow. I sent my son to the store to buy the stuff for Dad's day dinner and such on Saturday. My kids went to the water park for a few hours in the afternoon. I made banana pudding with my 7 year old after dinner that night. Sunday the kids were at the water park allll day...
  16. AmyG

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, June 6 TGIF/Prom Part Deux Edition!

    Happy Prom! I hear you about the 45 minute thing. I live in the country. Everything is at least that far away. I hope that talk with your onc made an impression and gave your doc a kick in the butt as far as reading up on treatment for you!
  17. Mudpies


    Little Butterfly Wings kit Advice For My Younger Self Sarah Gleason template iNSD 2014 Set Font KG Sweet n Sassy
  18. AmyG

    wedding gift question

    I have never heard that it would be bad luck, I say go for it!
  19. First Time

    First Time

    Little Butterfly Wings Dreams Do Come True Journal Cards Little Butterfly Wings Dreams Do Come True Paper Little Butterfly Wings Dreams Do Come True Elements Sarah Gleason template Playful Font Darcy Baldwin PaulaM