
Daily Ooo's: Friday, June 6 TGIF/Prom Part Deux Edition!


The Loopy-O
Hello my sweeties! I'm super late this morning. I am off to the races today :)
Two bus stop runs, then Bank, haircut and color (wheeeeee!), then florist to get corsage, then the HS to pick up kids early, then off to Scott's gf's house (the every present 45 minutes away trip, why oh why is *everything 45 minutes away!), Cait to do Leah's make-up, me to take lots of pictures, and hopefully home somewhere around dinner time?

Lyme dr appt went "interesting." Lyme dr put me back on IV meds (yay! I know, that sounds crazy but it works and it sucks that I had another set back off of it). Lyme dr also is not sure what to do with cancer/lyme med interactions. By some crazy coincidence, Onc called Lyme dr while we were in her office looking up some research on drug interactions. She was not very impressed with him and was kind of aggravated that he was not up on current research and wouldn't listen to her as she was trying to read some of the newer studies to him.
So now I am trying to figure out my next step.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Friday!!!



Well-Known Member
Chris, hope the Prom is great!! dunno what you should do about the Dr. Clash! :hurt: i'm super late in here today, too. where is everybody?


Active Member
Happy Prom! I hear you about the 45 minute thing. I live in the country. Everything is at least that far away. I hope that talk with your onc made an impression and gave your doc a kick in the butt as far as reading up on treatment for you!


Well-Known Member
Crazy day Chris...Hope it was fun!

Hi Phylis!

We had the funeral today and it was a bit exhausting. Tomorrow will be too. They are selling her farmhouse (the land itself is already sold...) and they have been there for 50 years or so. There's a lot of stuff to go and lots of toeing the line of not offending people, etc.

On top of that, one of my co-workers had her baby about six weeks early about a month ago and this morning the baby passed away. :-(

It's been a tough emotional day around here. Hug the people you love guys. :)