
Daily Ooo's: Monday, June 16


The Loopy-O
Good mOrning and happy Monday my sweeties! I have to admit that I a *quite* freaked out that we are halfway through June. As much as I can't wait for school to be over, its just a LOT of stuff to do/think about/etc.
And I have another busy week, and I didn't plan ahead for it very well. ;) I am herxing (Its a good thing!) from IV, and started Tindamax aka Abx from Hell yesterday. That is bad enough on its own, but I am also cleaning three days and then graduation gift shopping one day. (Did I ever tell you how much I hate shopping? No?? LOL)

But with my parents album done, I can maybe get Scott and Cait's prom pictures scrapped. That would be fun!!!! But that will have to wait until after my food shopping excursion. Not only do I despise food shopping, Monday mornings are the worst time cuz everything is picked over. But I will do what I can. I'd love to head back down to the organic market but that just might have to wait.

Me Me Monday:
Scrap prom pics!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Jean, yup-- it was just the 2 of us, Crazy Cat Lady and the Bird Lady :rofl:

Hope that your knee feels better. Does it get worse with the humidity? I just read somewhere that joints actually do hurt more when the barometric pressure drops because of fluid in the joints and low air pressure lets too much in, causing swelling and pain. Neat to know that but it would be even better to make it stop!

Hugs, everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning! We had a very busy and productive weekend. Weather was awesome! Started on Friday when I went with my girlfriend shopping. Love to see others spend money. Came home and watched the LA Kings win the Stanley Cup. It was a double overtime game. So exciting. I am bummed of course that there is no more hockey until Sept. So I have found another sport and so I am now watching the World Cup Soccer. Mostly it is just on in the background but today I will see how the USA does. Got up Saturday early and cleaned and cleaned. Then took my DH out to Home Depot and let him pick out his new grill. It was so funny - they brought out the box and he said it would never fit in the Escape and I of course it would and I was right. Came home mowed the lawn and some more cleaning as were hosting Father's Day. My husband did the grocery shopping and got the steaks marinating. My oldest son came down early on Sunday and along with the youngest we put the grill together. My DIL and her parents came down and the grill worked perfectly - so proud of the boys. We had such a good time. I was such a happy mom as the boys worked so well together putting the grill together. Great food and family was so fun. And I have a clean house. With Zach and Amanda buying their first home they spent some of the time going through our house deciding what they wanted for their new home. LOL but it some ways it will be nice to see the stuff out of my home and used in theirs. Not much on my agenda for this coming week.

Chris so glad the prom went well for your son. Congrats on finishing the album. They will love it! Hope the drugs don't cause too many problems.

Jean hope the knee feels better!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great day today. Go USA in soccer!


lOve the O!
morning - I have not forgotten you my O fam, just trying to get caught up from all my travel and get ready for more traveling, and planting my garden and mowing my lawn, oh and doing my day job. Perhaps this week I can stop by more often.


Well-Known Member
hiya. i'm really boring these days, so nothing much to report. with our vacation over, it's kinda strange to think that the entire summer is still ahead of me! i have to try to fill it up with something fun and interesting. still refinishing the kitchen cabinets, and Hubby is tearing up the kitchen floor. Chris, i have to go grocery shopping today, too. not looking forward to it. my ridiculous local grocery conglomerate is NEVER fully stocked, no matter what day i go. it drives me nuts.

ok. off to do Monday. do yours merrily. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I was not active this weekend. We had several family things and I was tired and very - blah.

I was all ready to attack the lawn this morning, but there is rain on the way and a severe thunderstorm warning. *sigh* The grass is going to be 10 feet tall before we get to it. I will need to clean up the house a bit today. And I probably better do my reading for class. I've been saying I need to clean out the cupboards and fridge in the kitchen too. I should do that this week. And I need to attack my craft room and Ben's clothes and toys before summer is up.

We will reschedule vacation for the end of July. blech. It will be hot and crowded and that sucks. But I will try to change my frame of mind so I totally enjoy it. I'm hoping to convince DH to go on a small road trip to the nearby small amusement park one day next week.

I hope everyone is hanging in there. Chris - Try and find something fun for yourself with grocery shopping. Nancy - Sounds like it was a great weekend! Laurie - You are a busy gal! Phylis - It's amazing how weeks of summer get filled up though! Jean - Hope you feel better!

Time to go make breakfast and do something productive!


Well-Known Member
Bird lady is still here! Just realized I'm giving a talk this evening and have to be to the meeting site about 6 PM - just in time for DH and me to miss the US soccer match. Rats! (And I was so smug that we could watch it at home - we don't have cable, ergo no ESPN, but we do get Univision which is showing all the soccer matches. While our Spanish isn't good, we don't really care that we miss most of the commentary if we can watch the game.) Also knee is much better despite partly rainy and warm weather.

Hope all you busy ladies have a good day and successful shopping. I'll be finishing getting ready for the talk tonight.


Active Member
My weekend was kinda slow. I sent my son to the store to buy the stuff for Dad's day dinner and such on Saturday. My kids went to the water park for a few hours in the afternoon. I made banana pudding with my 7 year old after dinner that night. Sunday the kids were at the water park allll day with their Dad. He is crazy for spending all day on a "holiday" at the water park but to each their own, right?! I made a special dinner for him and my Dad, they had the banana pudding for dessert and then we did presents. I got my husband, from the kids, a new pair of shoes for work and my Dad the book series that Justified is based off of. Then the GoT season finale! SO GOOD!


Active Member
My weekend was kinda slow. I sent my son to the store to buy the stuff for Dad's day dinner and such on Saturday. My kids went to the water park for a few hours in the afternoon. I made banana pudding with my 7 year old after dinner that night. Sunday the kids were at the water park allll day with their Dad. He is crazy for spending all day on a "holiday" at the water park but to each their own, right?! I made a special dinner for him and my Dad, they had the banana pudding for dessert and then we did presents. I got my husband, from the kids, a new pair of shoes for work and my Dad the book series that Justified is based off of. Then the GoT season finale! SO GOOD! We're watching the World Cup game now. Hope we do well!