
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, June 18


The Loopy-O
crud, crud crud!!!!
I had planned to go out to get some Graduation shopping done with my mom today and now I don't know WTH is going to happen. The cap on the hub of my PICC line is stuck. Its been stuck for a few weeks but I wasn't having any trouble with it, so we weren't too worried about it. But the last few days it started leaking when I was pushing the meds. Last night we could barely get any saline though. That means that at 7 am I need to call the hospital and try to find out what to do. I *really* do not want to make a trip down there, but I need to get my meds. And to make sure there is nothing wrong with this, you know, the freaking tube in my vein!
*%@?^$ :rant: :frusty:

I am sooooooooo DOOOOOOOOONE with drs!!!!!!!!!

I still need to make an appt for a second opinion with an Onc. I want to make an appt with a dietician, and I should really get my butt (close enough :pound: ) to the Gyn to figure out what is wrong with me there. Not sure if my issues are menopause related, med side effects related, or something more than that.

The kids have finals starting today so that is good for them. And really good news -- Do you remember when Scott and Caitlyn protested the crazy attendance policy? Scott was kind of bummed since it didn't seem to make a difference, that the principal pretty much blew him off. Well, he *did* make a difference. One of the VP's came up to him in the hall yesterday and said that they were making some changes to the policy and it was because of him. How awesome is that?
Scott never thinks that he makes an impact, but he really does. Even if they don't make the changes for next year, he still got the conversation started, and he did it in the best way, a peaceful protest (so it isn't chaining yourself to the fence at the White House, but give him time LOL) and collecting signatures for a petition. He and Cait did good. *proud mama again*

So that is about it from me. I am loving the hot weather, although Gary had the AC in the LR blasting and I had to put a long sleeve t-shirt on, but its all good. I love being barefoot too except then I realize how many crumbs are on my kitchen floor.

That I never have to see a dr again! I should really take that back because then it sounds like I am wishing for my next drs "appt" would be with a medical examiner.
How about that I catch a break and not need to see a dr for a week???

love and hugs!!!!


The Loopy-O
Hi Nancy! It is supposed to get well over 90*, and I bet the humidity will be high too. No point in blowing my hair dry, for sure.
Still no prom pics scrapped, but I did do one for a July Challenge that I hope everyone will like.

Oh Sara :( I saw some photos of the two tornados. That is beyond frightening. I can't imagine seeing that come past my town. I am glad that you are insulated but be safe!
Eww, your class sounds like it stunk! Does the teacher even try to connect her "memoir" to the relevant topic?

Phyllis, how did you and your kitty make out yesterday? Cracks me up when it is hot and the cats and dog try to all find a cool spot on the 4x4 section of tile we have by the front door.
Yup-- no soy or soy products. I haven't gotten to the point where I am checking labels for soybean oil cuz that seems to be in everything.

Thanks to you and Sara for the bottle suggestions:)

Jean- that was Scott yesterday morning before school. 15 minutes to get ready.
Glad that your talk went well, I bet you are much more interesting that that prof. of Sara's :D

Hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
I love being barefoot too except then I realize how many crumbs are on my kitchen floor.

I had to laugh at this because this is so me right now. We really need to vacuum the kitchen!

I'm up early. I just couldn't sleep. I tossed and turn for about 40 minutes and finally got up. I was warm, uncomfortable, and my tummy was gurgling. So now I have lots of time this morning before my half day of work.

I mowed yesterday and then Ben and I went on a hike and grabbed some geocaches. We then sat by the lake for quite a while. He threw rocks in and was so giddy it was wonderful. I really had a great time. Then we had a baseball game. I don't think it counted because the other team didn't officially have enough players. Ben got a base hit and was so happy, but then struck out and was crying. We stopped for burgers on the way home at this awesome hole-in-the-wall place and it was one of the best burgers ever. All that being said, I was exhausted! Sweaty and stinky! :)

Today I have to work for a half day, but I get to take Ben with me. Then I get my nails done and have a group meeting for my class. It's our last one and we always meet somewhere fun. So that won't be too bad. Our professor usually shows up to check on us, but only for about 30 minutes or so. Chris - she does connect it as examples of whatever concept we are talking about. Usually, it has something to do with "working within" or "pushing" your "sphere of influence". *sigh*

My colleague's baby was laid to rest yesterday. She was buried in the town where my colleague was from which is about an hour and 45 min. from here. Now, I am not the closest person ever to my colleague. In fact, we've had a few friction moments at work, but for the most part we get along well and we certainly care about each other. She's also very private though and I wouldn't say she's a close friend. I went back and forth about being at the funeral. I chose not to go and instead, two other colleagues (who I am close friends with and they couldn't go) and I are going to deliver some meals next week. After seeing some people comment on her post on Facebook about the beautiful service, I was feeling a bit guilty about not going. But I finally thought to myself that Ben and I had a beautiful day together. Would I want to give that up? In fact, that's what Randi doesn't get with her baby, so I shouldn't feel guilty of keeping that special day. It's all so sad though.

Sorry to bring the mood down. I'll switch back to a happier topic...

While hiking, we found a blackberry bush. I wanted to pick berries right then and there to eat. But I was being level-headed and didn't. My SIL said we totally could have eaten them though. My husband shuddered at the idea. LOL In his mind, you have no idea who did what to those berries. :) I want to go back and pick them though...they were so good looking.

I suppose I should stop rambling or you all will have a book to read when you get here. I'll have to check in later and see how you all are doing. :) Have a good day!!
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Well-Known Member
Chris - I'm so sorry you have all this doctor crap to go through. What a PITA. Literally sometimes. I wish that I could wish it all away for you. Hang in there!

Phylis - One of my favorite meals when our air was out was when I did crackers, cheese, meat, fruit, and wine. It was perfect! We also ate a lot of sandwiches and salads. There was another tornado here in Nebraska yesterday too about an hour from where the double hit on Monday. So much destruction. I can't believe that you had one come through your front yard and your house was fine. It's so bizarre how it works.

Jean - Glad you slept well! That's awesome. I have always killed plants. But my husband has done a great job lately of taking care of two his mother gave him when she moved. And then we picked up two more when his grandmother passed last week. A peace lily that we had sent and a corn plant that someone else had sent. The corn plant is beautiful. I hope we don't kill them!!

Hi to everyone else who pops in!
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Well-Known Member
Good morning - yesterday was awesome - it was warm but not so hot that you could not be out in it. My girlfriend and I walked after dinner and that was really nice. Having a house with 3 boys I have never had to use a grill but now that one is married and the others work until late evening I am going to have to do it if I don't want my house to be an oven. So last night I grilled steak and hamburgers. And if I do say so myself my hamburgers turned out juicy and done. I was so happy LOL. It is the little things. Watched more World Cup soccer. The game between Mexico and Brazil ended 0-0 but it was an amazing game with the goalie from Mexico stopping 6 point blank shots. So today will be pretty much same as yesterday. Happy days.

Chris so sorry for the problem with the line and having to see doctors so often. Cant wait to see you scrap page. Congrats on being the proud mom. So glad that Scott got to see that he made a difference!

Phylis hope the changes to the kitchen are going well! Sounds like the temps should be much nicer for the weekend.

Sara you day with Ben sounds delightful. I loved taking my sons down to our local river and watching them throw rocks. Boys, rocks and water just go together. So sorry about your colleague's loss. I think she will so appreciate you all delivering her meals. That is so thoughtful. Glad that your town is not prone to tornados, but so sad how much devastation there is in Nebraska. That video of the twin tornados was way scary. Glad the class is mostly done! And I know a lot of people are not as involved in sports as I am but when I see what else there is to watch on TV I just find sports more realistic LOL.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, i hope you get the line thing taken care of without too much trouble. you know, one of the things i dislike the most, as years progress, is having to be AWARE of my body all the time. you know this so well. the damned thing just keeps insinuating itself into your consciousness when you least expect it. or WANT it. hugs, kiddo. i know how irritating all this is. wishing you nothing but happy, doctor-free days ahead. BTW-- everyone looks so CUTE in those prom photos!

Sara, i loved reading about your day with your son. that's what it's all about. making memories and doing lovely, simple stuff that makes you happy.

Jean, tell me something about your genealogy talk! what's the most useful piece of advice you would give to someone searching for their roots?

like Sara, i've been up since forever. storms moving through nearby, starting around 2:30 a.m.. lots of thunder. so, of course, i was awake, listening to see whether i needed to get up and close windows. it was roasting in the house all night, so that kept me awake, too. happily Hubby put in our giant window AC unit last evening, so today i'm in AC comfort. i might try for a nap later. so far today, doing laundry and changing the water in my emergency water supply containers. that's like lifting weights! i have 8 of the 17 containers refilled so far. they're 5-gallon containers and weigh a TON to move around. i shall be totally buff by the end of the day.... :rofl:

enjoy Wednesday, y'all! :becky:


Well-Known Member
hi, Nancy. we cross-posted. what you said about boys and rocks? TOO TRUE!! i guess if i watched TV and had the good sports stations on our cable subscription, i'd probably watch sports, too. but as it is, i tend to watch BBC videos on my iPad! i can watch a story that i like over and over again. also, with my iPad, i can be doing other stuff while the video is going.


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!!

What do you know...I'm in the OR and can do some posting. I miss visiting with all of you as usual. :( This week my kids started summer break. We sent Addie home to SEattle for a few weeks. It was her first solo flight and she was soooooo nervous. She's very dramatic so it is always hard to tell if she's actually upset or just playing it up so we have to go with the flow and coddle her nervousness. She did really well though. She said the flight was amazing and most importantly she gets to spend 3 weeks with Grandma & Grandpa all by herself. For the first time since Addie was born we get to be with Ethan all by himself. It's kinda fun. He's going to Seattle at the end of the summer. I love that my kids are able to do that.

How about all o fthis crazy weather? Tornados, flash floods. I saw on FB a lady who used to hang out here got separated from her kids overnight because of flash flooding. The roads were closed down and they couldn't get to their kids. They were all safe but how nerve wracking. Crazy!!


Chris - That is so cool about Scott. I love that you have raised your kids to be such passionate people and for him to hear that he's a part of making a change is just amazing. So happy for you. I hope you get all the PICC line stuff worked out. Hopefully it is an easy fix. And I've loved seeing all of your prom pictures...although it makes me sad because your kids were about my kid's age when we first met and now they are going to proms and graduations and stuff. Our babies need to just stop growing...like now!! (but I do love seeing them grow and become people)

Sara - I agree. No reason to feel guilty. I think it is great that you made that day count instead. A friend of mine died on October 7 a few years back and I have claimed that as "Life Day." I don't call up my other friends who knew him and reminisce instead I make sure to always do something with the people I care most about. I generally skip work and do something special with the kids. This year we got stuff to make fancy grilled cheese sandwiches and bought a movie and we all watched it together instead of going to work or school. I think that is a far better way to spend your day. Plus I think the people who are grieving get tired of saying they are doing okay and the more people who come the more people they have to put on a show for. Hugs to you.

Nancy - i always want to use my grill. My husband thinks he is king of the grill but he is not. he burns everything. It's bad. LOL. We also only have a charcoal grill so it seems like such a pain to fire up the grill without gas. I've been somewhat paying attention to the world cup but not really watching it. I love that the US is starting to be more interested in soccer. We are such snobs with our football and baseball (but I love my sports teams and watching the games anyway).

Phyllis - changing your water supply? That's impressive. So many set up their stockpiles and then never touch them again instead of rotating things. Maybe you'll have arms like popeye by the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
Heat today, keep telling myself not too bad, pretty soon will have to get the fan out for this area. Bedroom fan was great last night.

Phylis, for genealogy, the very first advice would be to start with yourself and known people and information. From that work slowly backward. Don't start with a famous historic person and try to connect. My other advice is to be ready to accept whatever you find. People haven't just recently invented "bad" behavior. You might find anything in the family's past. Most likely you'll find that all the family stories aren't necessarily true, or at least not quite. My talk Monday was about lineage societies and how to apply, specifically about the ones we run for the county.

Chris, I admire Scott making it in 15 minutes! Sure hope you get things worked out, especially without a trip involved.

Sara, sure hope you day gets brighter!

Everyone, hope you have a good day!


Active Member
Y'all can have the heat here lol! I'm over it already and it's only June!! I wish it were Fall. I love having the kids home during the summer but the hear, blah. I cannot believe this is my son's last year of high school. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN????

I remember flying solo to my Grandma's when I was little. Well, not solo, my brother was with me! It was so much fun! We got so much attention, being kids, we loved it! Glad the initial nervousness wore off once she was on her way.

Sarah, those are the kind of days you'll always remember. The few and far between perfect times with your kiddos. Man, does that make me sound OLD?! LOL!

Chris, that sucks about your port. Hope they can just flush it?? I think my Mom had that done with hers a few times. You should invest in some LLBean sheerling lined flip flops! I love love love mine for the summer because, well, crumbs and kids and crumbs. My Dad bought me a pair of Ugg ones at Christmas and they are so soft but honestly, the LL Bean ones seem to be sturdier. They have a great sole for going outside in too. I wear them to drop the kids off at school in the morning, who needs real shoes for carpool??

I'm off to finish the mountain of laundry and maybe get some challenge pages done laters. Have a great rest of the day!