
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 10


The Loopy-O
GooooOd morning!! How is my O-Fam and Friends doing today? Hope you are all enjoying life very much!

I love summer weather (in case you haven't picked up on that previously, especially if you have dealt with me in the winter LOL). I was able to squeeze in a couple of hours at the lake and I am so happy to be in the sun!
I ended up going in spite of the fact that only got about half of my to-do list done. But I paid bills (two hours of cursing! :rant: ) and swept and mopped the kitchen floor (which by the time I got home, was covered in coffee grinds. Why do I bother?) and felt that if I didn't get out of the house, I was only going to curse more and more.

When I came home, Scott greets me at the door, asking how much do I love him, Cait and Dad. More than anything, of course. His answer is- well, we were at the Pet Store today. My first thought was Oh DAMN, they got another cat! But not a cat, a teeny tiny 1-2 week old cottontail bunny. Cait was walking over to a nice field with her summer reading and on the road was this tiny bunny. It was sleeping in the middle of the road and she tried to shoo it back to the woods. She searched for a mama bunny, and couldn't find one anywhere nearby. She sat and waited for a long time with no sign anywhere. She finally called Gary to ask for help/advice and he met her and searched and watched. They got a box, and took it over to the pet store to see if they could help it out and hopefully return it to the wild.

Here s/he is

ATM, we aren't sure what we are going to do with him. We'll call the animal shelter today and see if there are any resources to help rehab it. Gary's brother's family has raised mice, squirrels, and chipmunks and I want to say a raccoon? and has been able to rehab them. (Not the mice, I think that they just let them go in the yard hahaha!)
If we can't rehab it, I guess we have a new family member.

Today Cait and I are off to work, and then this afternoon, I *have* to finish more on my list. ugh. One of the bigger things I need to do is find another onc and make an appt for a second opinion. Blergh!!!!
My incentive has to be what I heard from my client yesterday. Her SIL had breast cancer (Stage 2) and her DH didn't want her to have a mastectomy.
It returned and is now Stage 4 and in her Lymph Nodes and liver as well.

Temptation on Thursday:
I wanna go down the shore!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Hey Nancy! Yup, hot and humid, but there was at least a nice breeze by the lake. Then we got some good storms which will help fill our rain barrel and water the gardens. I am so sorry to hear of DIL's loss. My BFF just found out that her dog has a kidney disease and it is irreversible. Mac is only 4 and super cute, if a little bit light on the brain-power. It is so horrible to lose a fur-baby :(
Your trip sounds amazing!! I bet your photos will be fantastic as well.

Phyllis- we aren't sure of it will be better to do primer first and then paint, or to use the paint with the primer in it and plan on 2 good coats.
Does anyone have any experience with the primer in the paint type?
How does the tile look so far? Bwuahahah!!! that must have looked so funny, you having to walk back and forth with dinner. Bet the neighbors were wondering what the heck was going on.

Hugs to you Sara!! Sometimes you needs to lose yourself in a good book. What are you reading right now? I finished the last Mortal Instruments book, which was good but not great. I am back to reading the Swan Thieves. It is by the same author as The Historian which I loved, but this one, not so much. I am about 2/3's through it so I feel like I am too far invested to not finish it, but its sort of a struggle to want to read it.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
howdy. Chris, get rid of the wild rabbit. like NOW!! you have a wooded yard. put him out there and let him do his thing. it's the best and the right thing to do. these rabbits are not for home use. and in terms of bunnies in general, they will chew your wood and electric wires if you let them wander in the house. we had an angora years ago. never again. you don't need another job. goodness, i'm bossy. but, as i often say to my husband: you KNOW i'm right.:rofl:

good luck with the 2nd opinion. one of the lessons to learn from the terrible situation your client's SIL finds herself in: your husband can have his opinion, but in the end, your body belongs to you.

Sara, i know exactly how you're feeling. hang in there, do what you want to do when you want to do it. your energy and will come back. i do like the "ignoring housework" part, though!

almost done laying the tile. Tile Guy needs to finish the hall, then do the mortar. i have to go pick that up today after he gets here. i think it looks good. beautiful, even. i'll post a picture when it's all done. it's got so much more color than i usually have the nerve to live with. i hope i don't hate it some day, because this is IT.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning ladies!! Up very early as Mason is the worst sleeper in the world!!! Not sure what poor DD is going to do with him to make him sleep any better. But he seems so very happy and it doesn't seem to effect him too much, just everyone else! :sleep: We are off to the river today to have lunch with my Brother and his wife and spend some time soaking in the sun (shade for the baby of course) Our tea leaf reading was very good, I was told that I am going to visit two Islands one that I have wished for many years Ireland and the other a warm tropical one with beautiful beaches and Aqua Marine coloured water. I'm all for that!! I was also told that I am finally rid of the vampires in my life, the ones who suck the life out of me, and that I have my power back so my future looks pretty good! DD's was very much right on as she read in the leaves all about her illness and her struggle to regain her strength. Nothing said about Mason, but that her other half would pop the question and she tells him that she will think about it. LOL Will post some photos when I finally have the time and energy to do it. For now I am headed back to bed for a bit until the little man wakes up yet again!! :sleep: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies!

I'm a little bit more lively today. Matt did three loads of dishes and cleaned up the counters and I got some laundry done. Then my friend called and said she wanted to stop by and bring her boys this afternoon. This got me to pick up the living room and vacuum the living room/kitchen. I think I will try to get all the laundry put away before they come and I will feel a bit more successful today. :) I am excited to see her, but I hope she is in a good mood. I have always loved her, but she has had a not so great marriage, a fairly big handful of a son (and she is not a little kid person to begin with I don't think), and an unexpected second pregnancy that - although she adores her second son - she was devastated when she found out she was pregnant. She has become one of the most negative people ever. She hates her job and her principal, but won't leave. She hates being basically a single mom because of her husband's jobs, but won't leave. She misses her parents and family, but won't move. She complains about the energy and effort and wildness of the boys, but won't plan age appropriate things for them. She's become a bit of a vampire Trudy!! So, I hope that the boys are good and she's in a good mood. The positive is that they will probably only be here for a couple of hours. The boys can play on the swing set or in the basement and we can drink a glass of wine. Hopefully, it will be nice.

Chris - We had a baby bunny left in our mailbox when I was a kid. We tried to rehab it as a pet, but it was too wild. It bit my mom pretty bad when she was bottle-feeding it. So once it had gotten a little bigger, my dad let it go out at a lake. He still says "There's Frisky!" every time we see a rabbit when we are out there. LOL So, I agree with Phylis. And you KNOW she's always right! :-D Oh man. The second opinion thing is so tough. Listen to your heart more than anything. Listen to the doctors, but listen to your heart too.

Phylis - I can't wait to see the tile. You sound like you are feeling better. I'm so glad! If not, you're doing a good job of faking it. :)

Trudy - That's part of my friend's problem with her son....sleeping. He has never, ever, ever been a good sleeper and it is exhausting for her. I hope Mason gets better! Love the idea of the islands. I would love to go there too! Can you pack me in your suitcase? Have fun at the river!

Ok. I'm off to finish vacuuming and fold some laundry. Wish me luck! LOL :D


Well-Known Member
Trudy. HIIIIIIII!!!!!! hope you guys get some sleep soon. well, if misery loves company, i've been up since 3 a.m. for apparently NO reason, so at least you have a reason! and a CUTE reason, at that. eventually i guess they all start sleeping better. Grandman #1 was a pip, and he's ok now. but in the meantime, everybody goes through the day about half-there. glad you're rid of your "vampires" and will be rewarded with some pretty amazing trips. (p.s. have you broken this to your husband yet? :pound:)

Sara, nothing like company to get you to pay attention to house cleaning, eh? hope your Negative Girl friend doesn't bring you down. (cool tune by Steely Dan, btw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAnTph40pgE , home of one of the greatest lyric lines ever written:
"I'm on the street again, staggering out into the brain-dead dawn, to arrive in time to find her gone."
being around negative people does sort of vampire the joy right out of you.

the floor progresses!! YAAAAY! :cheer2:
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Active Member
What a cute bunny! I'd let it out in the yard, it knows how to eat and such already. We have some that size all over. They are so used to us coming and going they don't bolt anymore, which isn't the best thing, as the dog has eaten several of them this year. :( He's also gotten hold of a few birds. He's so goofy and uncoordinated, I have no idea how he catches *anything*! I'm with you on the beach. I NEED A BEACH VACATION.