
Recent content by Kiliki

  1. Kiliki

    Daily O's Friday Aug 14, 2015

    Took my 12 year old, Elyse, into the eye dr today...she has glasses now! LOL she put them on and was so happy to be able to SEE!
  2. Kiliki


    I know it has been too long! LOL I will finally get my computer to myself once school starts HAHAHAHAHAHA.....
  3. Kiliki


    Thanks :) I probably won't be really active til the 18th though, LOL...
  4. Kiliki


    long time no see....its been a BUSY busy, crazy, hectic summer! It's almost over though, kids go back to school on August 18th, I am going to have a 9th grader, a 7th grader and a 3rd grader! A little about me for those of you who are new, or don't remember since its been SO LONG... I...
  5. Kiliki

    Comment by 'Kiliki' in media 'bottom layer'

    so soft and pretty!
  6. Kiliki

    Comment by 'Kiliki' in media 'Happy Life'

    great page!
  7. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, May 21

    hey sorry been busy....with the kids they are out of school now...and the last couple of days they had some activities and stuff at the school that I went to....so yeah not sure how much I will be around now with them home.... just stopping in to say HELLO!! and to say two of my ducks were...
  8. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 15

    okay I have to brag a bit....but I did my planks (75secs) without getting out of position!!! WOOOT!!!!!!!! first time I was able to do that over 1min LOL
  9. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 15

    Hello all.....ugh busy busy....keeping up with the ab challenge and the 30day shred got boring so I started kickboxing yesterday LOL now that was a great workout!!!! keeps you moving at all times!!! so will do that for now until I get bored with that hahaha....also still doing the...
  10. Kiliki

    I'm here again asking for prayers and good thoughts

    *hugs* I hope she gets good news with the MRI
  11. Kiliki

    prayers for Hisako

    hope all goes well with your friends *hugs*
  12. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 13

    a year ago today a friend of mine passed away after complications arose after having her tubes tied....her youngest was only a couple of weeks old at the time (had 2 other boys as well)....the last thing she said before they put her in a medically induced coma and she never woke up was that she...
  13. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 10

    Laurie hope your drive home is safe!! Meagan woohoo for a new hairdo!! awesome! try not to worry!!! lots of women raise babies as single mothers! she can do it with your support!!! Nancy that is awesome!!! Chris good luck with the ab challenge! it really does help breaking it up I did the...
  14. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 10

    ugh SO SORE today...did my 30ds the ab challenge and went on a 5mile walk yesterday....HOLY crap....lmao....
  15. Kiliki

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, May 9

    Phylis I hope you feel better soon!! *hugs*