
AnnaColor : I Just Wanna Fly Away
Created For The November 04th - November 17th 2022 : AnnaColor Challenge

It seems I just can't stop creating pages for AnnaColor Challenges...Inspiration always finds me there...The color choice is amazing! as always!...These color choices certainly seem to fit my current mood & what I'm going through...Times have been rough the past many days & weeks...I have had many setbacks on my healing journey...But creating certainly does help me vent the frustrations du jour!...On tap today is my ongoing pain...I don't think I really need to get into the meaning of this layout...I've never been one to hide my feelings in my personal Art Journaling pages...Thank You! Anna & Adryane for hosting this challenge & lending a hand in the inspiration for this very personal art journaling page...& Rachel Jefferies & Vicki Robinson for their continued creative inspirations...xx Rhonda...

Photos Courtesy Of : Pixabay : Pexels [ Healing Bear Extracted By Me]
Lena Mytchyk : Unsplash [Sad Lady Reworked By Me]
Font : Brosia Regular
I admire your ability to put yourself out there in your layouts. I hope doing so helps you heal. Congrats on your GSO!
Rhonda, this is wonderful; the colors, your composition, the beautifully blended photo. Incredible work my friend. Congrats on the GSO!
I admire your ability to put yourself out there in your layouts. I hope doing so helps you heal. Congrats on your GSO!
@AZK Thank You! so much kindly!...An extra shout out! from me to say a Special! thank you for all of your kindness & support!!!...xx Rhonda...I really appreciate this!!!#kiss...
Rhonda, this is wonderful; the colors, your composition, the beautifully blended photo. Incredible work my friend. Congrats on the GSO!
@Betty Jo Hi there my friend...Thank You! so much...[as always]...for your most wonderful! & kind support!!!...Betty Jo!!!...♥♥♥...Hope you are well my dear...Hugs...xx Rhonda...#kiss...#kiss3...

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Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

OS-Nov 2022-Anna Color Challenge-Pain4.jpg
File size
311.7 KB
Date taken
Wed, 09 November 2022 6:20 PM
600px x 600px

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