
Swinging through September Posting Challenge!


lOve the O!
that is not silly- and don't ask me how I know, but it takes 7 seconds between each post or the boards bust you!


Well-Known Member
Clara, that's a lotta posting in 8 days!

btw, what is the status after "Out of the World"? I'm not rushing because I think that's a pretty good title for the Halloween season!


Mistress of Mayhem
I'm not sure if there's someone in between (I can't remember if there were) but I became Official Occupant at 1000 posts.


The Loopy-O
Four days left to go, how is everyone doing? Getting closer to your goals! You can do it, there are some seriously incredible pages in the gallery!!


Mistress of Mayhem
Four days left to go, how is everyone doing? Getting closer to your goals! You can do it, there are some seriously incredible pages in the gallery!!

Guess I'm gonna make it - I only have 6 posts left to do to reach my goal after this one. :)


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Only four days and my goal was 100? I guess I'll see if I can change it to 300 by October first - ha! we'll see, what with three birthday and the in-laws arriving tomorrow, that might be more than I can chew! ;)


always chatty at the O!!
OKay...I have been pretty impressed with myself on the gallery commenting front. Thanks to Vicki's wonderful suggestion with the right clicking gallery posting is no longer daunting and so much easier. Let's see where I am at...


always chatty at the O!!
Holy Wow!! 9067!! I never in a million years thought I would ever post that much anywhere. I'm hoping for 10,000 by mid November.


Mistress of Mayhem
So ... with this post ... I've reached my goal for this month! :peace:
Now I have to be quiet for the rest of the month :biggrin: