
Swinging through September Posting Challenge!


Well-Known Member
I need 370 by the end of the month. We have 28 days for me to get that. About 13 1/2 posts per day. I'm off to get it started.


Well-Known Member
Now it's closer to 11 posts per day and by the end of the weekend, I'm going to have it down to 10 a day...because this month I'm going to make my goal!!


The Loopy-O
All you have to do is welcome all of Anna's CT members and you'll hit your goals in a second- what a great group she has!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
If we up our post count, do we get fun new names like Loopy-O and lOve the O! Or do you girls make those up? :D If I may join, I'd like to keep up in the gallery and get to know my way around here and basically: get that 'new here' title off my name! :D


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
OK ... so I'm late in setting out my stall here (what's new?!?!?!), but I know I started the month on 11,000 (cause I just made target on the last day of last month LOL) ... sooooooo, I'm keeping it real and aiming for what I hope is a managable 11'250 during September!!!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Scratch that, I'm aiming for 11,300 as I didn't realise I'd already added 60 to my count in the first couple of days already!!!! Must be saying "hi!" to all of Anna's girls ... thanks for joining us btw!!!!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Thanks for the WARM welcome, Sue!!

Scratch that, I'm aiming for 11,300 as I didn't realise I'd already added 60 to my count in the first couple of days already!!!! Must be saying "hi!" to all of Anna's girls ... thanks for joining us btw!!!!


The Loopy-O
If we up our post count, do we get fun new names like Loopy-O and lOve the O! Or do you girls make those up? :D If I may join, I'd like to keep up in the gallery and get to know my way around here and basically: get that 'new here' title off my name! :D

You know, the Cheery-O's were just discussing how to work the post count titles and to see if we had what each level was and the title.
I know some of them are Only just got here, O-Fan, posts a little (or whatever!LOL) and the last level we have is Praise Mama (8,000 posts). We have several members who have over 20,000 posts and that's like an uber-praise mama!

the loopy-o I have in my title I added in. When Vicki asked me to be a Cheery-O, I told my hubby who said I was more of a "Fruit loop" and the nickname stuck. I cannot remember for the life of me how I added that.

We love people to join us in this- its a "just for fun" challenge but its a great way to spend time in the gallery and to get to know the other members better too.


The Loopy-O
We are the Site CT. We help around the site behind the scenes with challenges, promote the designers, all of that good stuff.
And we are pretty darling if I do say so myself!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
And we are pretty darling if I do say so myself!

And we're not shy in saying so either are we Chris? :hug:

We're a bit like cheerleaders too :cheer2:

We get a little bit excited :target:

And we're here to :help:

We're also party girls and try to keep everyone glass topped up :partywine

Before legging it out the door because of the hangovers we create :bolt:


Well-Known Member
i can see i'm going to have to start some strength training to get up to where i want my posts to be here at The O. being a newbie, i started from zero a few days ago!! i do love to leave love, though. it's what makes a happy place!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
You girls make GREAT Cheerleaders! thanks for the laugh this afternoon - I am soooo tired of cleaning, and the kids have been playing ALL day, their room...well. Explosion. Stuff everywhere. I'm dreading this evening. :p

And we're not shy in saying so either are we Chris? :hug:

We're a bit like cheerleaders too :cheer2:

We get a little bit excited :target:

And we're here to :help:

We're also party girls and try to keep everyone glass topped up :partywine

Before legging it out the door because of the hangovers we create :bolt:


Well-Known Member
i can see i'm going to have to start some strength training to get up to where i want my posts to be here at The O. being a newbie, i started from zero a few days ago!! i do love to leave love, though. it's what makes a happy place!
Phylis, you are on your way!!!:juggle: Gallery, scrap, comment, gallery, scrap, comment...juggle those balls. ;-)


ONA - Administrator
Hello girls!!! I know I know! I have been such a total slacker of late!!! I will join you all this month for sure, just have to check where I am......................