
September 2023 Challenge #1 - Creative Photo Editing

Super fun challenge. Thanks for hosting, Claire. I wanted to create a vintage postcard look for this photo of our summer road trip through Utah, so I used a sepia filter and masked back in some of the photo.

Used Anna Aspnes' APP Urbicolous.
Boy did you guys ever get me into trouble.... Long time since I have played with filters.... Was not even sure what constituted a filter... a few definitions came my way.... Seems people went in a LOT of different directions.... I saw a lot of filters named that I had never heard of, and decided CC must have a bunch of new ones... I am finally starting to use it... But I found nothing new and could not find the interface I used ot use.... But before I even checked there I decided to go check out what that Be Funky site was all about... Oh my!!!! What an interesting way to lose a few hours!!!! I ended up using a filter from there, but no idea which one, since I was not keeping track.... Anyway, I loved what it did to this photo of Granddaughter #2 on her 31st Birthday!!!!

Boy did you guys ever get me into trouble.... Long time since I have played with filters.... Was not even sure what constituted a filter... a few definitions came my way.... Seems people went in a LOT of different directions.... I saw a lot of filters named that I had never heard of, and decided CC must have a bunch of new ones... I am finally starting to use it... But I found nothing new and could not find the interface I used ot use.... But before I even checked there I decided to go check out what that Be Funky site was all about... Oh my!!!! What an interesting way to lose a few hours!!!! I ended up using a filter from there, but no idea which one, since I was not keeping track.... Anyway, I loved what it did to this photo of Granddaughter #2 on her 31st Birthday!!!!

Liz, a photo filter is virtually any type of effect you use to change it in some creative way. In CC just go to the Filters menu at the top, they are all listed there but there are also some new Neural filters that can easily be used as well.
Big thanks to everyone that participated in this challenge this month, Claire has been busy with real life so was not able to pop in as much as she wanted to. :)
Liz, a photo filter is virtually any type of effect you use to change it in some creative way. In CC just go to the Filters menu at the top, they are all listed there but there are also some new Neural filters that can easily be used as well.
Hi Ona.... I use blending modes constantly and my mind went there first, then I thought wait, no, filters are something else... and recalled using filters a lot way back in the early 2000's... i.e. in the beginning! did some really cool things with them and there was a big screen full of all the things you could use... then like I said, I thought maybe CC had added some new ones, since I did not recognize names thrown out that did not appear to be a special program.. put out as if they were something I should know... So I cranked up CC and was disappointed to find nothing new, and couldn't find the display I used to go to that showed examples of all the different filters... I did not go back to PS5 to double check, since by then I had already joined Be Funky and done several there... I came to the conclusion, like you said, that almost anything qualified for this challenge... Be Funky is a VERY simple way to get a very cool effect... will play with it this month and may or may not renew.... Thanks for writing Liz