
July 2021 - Standing O's


I love the O!

Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it.
Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!!!
It's not just the CheeryO's that can showcase pages here ... anyone can post!
So if you see something you think is worth sharing, please show us!!!

Love this artistic piece with its clever use of the white bows, placement of the lace, and wonderful figures.
I love photos taken with a bit out of the box thinking. This photo of the fur babies from behind is a great example of this. We get the dogs perspective in a way. Love it! And then @terryb turned it into a beautiful layout with excellent blending - making it even better!

Today I chose one mostly monochromatic and one with bright colors;

I love this page by tanteva with the cute photo of the little one decorating the tree the artsy bits the bokeh lights the brushes and the overlay.x
The photo of the eagle alone makes this a GSO in my mind, but then add the perfectly executed layout with it's ordered, yet haphazardly stacking of elements. @isDK really nailed it with this one!
