
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


The Loopy-O
Ona- I actually pulled up a map of AU- maybe now I'll get it in my head where you are.

Laurie-- you still have over 3 weeks to go, slow and steady.:D


Well-Known Member
OMG. I was so confused. I had to go figure out what the Nanaisbeingbad thing was about. I found out Nana was working on some banning thing. We've had a whole huge rash of spammers around here.

I'm also checking on my post count!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
OK, we're one week in ... so how's everyone doing???

Laurie .... you are STORMING girl!!!! Look at you, you're going to make your goal no problem!!!
Chris ... you're going strong too, you've add 100+ posts this week!
Linda ... leading by example as always! mwah, mwah, mwah!
Sara ... you're going great guns and your Praise Mama status awaits!!!
Elisa ... you're a scrapping / posting MANIAC and we love you all the more for it!!!
Soco ... how's that beautiful baby of yours? How the heck you find the time to scrap, post AND look after a baby (+ a toddler of course!) I'll never know. WTG!!!
Clara ... aother Praise Mama in waiting, I love that the Praise Mama club will be getting new members soon, and members that contribute sooooo much to the success of this forum too!
Ona ... dearest Nana Ona, how's that new grandson of yours? I bet you've got tons of new LO's on the go and yet you still find time to leave sooooo much lovin' & encouragement. Mwah!
Diane ... December's always a tricky month for goal setting, but it looks like your STEAMING AHEAD in January, look at you go!!!
Stacy ... CONGRATS girl, you made you 1st goal. Woo-hoo!!!
Kayleigh ... you can do it! And by the look of your sweet avi, I'd say you've got plently to cheer about!!!


ONA - Administrator
wooohooo Suesy Bluesy!! our cheer leader extraordinaire!!!! (did I spell that right, it looks funny!!! :biggrin:)

Everyone is chugging along just fine!! I need to hit the gallery for awhile!!! :)


Well-Known Member
23 days left (if I count today). I'm going to be at the point by the end of the day that I only need 10 a day...then if I exceed my goal....well, yay for me!


Well-Known Member
7, 741. 259. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Especially if we have a snow day tomorrow!!! :) Everyone's truckin! Good work ladies!


lOve the O!
thank you- humor is a good thing- good luck on having a snow day- I remember when my job had them- not this one


Well-Known Member
Soco ... how's that beautiful baby of yours? How the heck you find the time to scrap, post AND look after a baby (+ a toddler of course!) I'll never know. WTG!!!

Thank you Sue!!! :kiss: I guess I don' sleep a lot... :sleep: But honestly, I don't do it that well... :juggle: I'm late very often with my CTs work and I don't participate as much as I would like everywhere! :oops: But I keep trying anyway! And the most important, I keep having fun when scrapping! :cheer2:

My baby is doing very well, thanks! She's already 4 months old and she's a cutie! My two princesses make every day wonderful to me! :D

Well, let's see how many posts do I have...