
How cold is it where you are???


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! Oh Helen...too funny! And my, it is sooo hot for New Year's! Add another item to the bucket list...ring in the New Year in Australia!


The Loopy-O
:rofl: :rofl:

This thread is too funny I don't know where to start!!!!

Well, to be *ON* Topic- we broke freezing yesterday- 36* F. Today we are supposed to get up to 41* balmy!!!!!! LOL

Now to be *OFF* topic....... Helen you are too funny, girl. How can we hate you for being at the beach when you are so damn funny??

Linda S- I would love to throw that on my bucket list too!


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA!!! Love that photo Helen!!!!

Oh My My snowballs are melting just thinking about that heat!!!!! That is HOT!!!!

We are suppose to be in the upper 50's by Sunday...WOW!!! It will feel sort of Summerish after the coldness we have had!!!!

STRANGE WEATHER going on all around the country!!!


lOve the O!
well, we should hit 50 today with sun and wind- my few inches of snow are rapidly disappearing, but I must say I like white better than brown!


Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd let you know that it is 6F here with a wind chill of -10F. It's balmy here I tell ya!


There's no place like hOme!
LOL HAA!!! Now that is hot Helen!!!

We are at the other extreme. Here it is -7° F this morning & no improvement expected for the extended forecast - BAH HUMBUG!!!!

I am tired of winter already & we have a lot of it left to go!!!


Well-Known Member
It's supposed to be -6 F or so at 6 a.m. Wind Chill at -25 F or so. Helen - I hope you are enjoying your hot, hot beach weather! LOL


Well-Known Member
At 3 pm this afternoon, I did an Engagement photo shoot. It was 6 degrees outside, and the with the windchill it was -7. Their 3 yr old was in the pictures, freezing, too. ( I should add that we were 'taking pictures' for a good 45 minutes...For the three minutes I was in the car, I had the AC running so the camera wouldn't get condensation...LOL! Good times!)

I. thought. I. was. going. to. die. It took me 45 minutes to feel the pain in my fingernails AFTER I finished and was in the house (after locking my keys in the car). My bones are still cold, after five hours of 'being inside'.

BRrrrrrrrr! The plus: THe pictures turned out pretty well for my camera FREEZING to death, too!!!
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Well-Known Member
Well the rain is moving further south ... best wishes go out to Ona ... her town is being evacutated tonight.


Well-Known Member
We are back to COLD COLD COLD...due to gusting winds....The snow and ice keeps hitting all around us...as close as 30 minutes away...but we have been lucky....But that ripping wind, it's just too much to even try to go out in if you don't have to.

Helen...sorry your Summer Holidays are getting so much rain sweetie!! Hoping it dries up soon...

I was glad to hear Ona is safe :)


The Loopy-O
Oh my goodness! Deanna- what were those people thinking!!! :p

Helen and Ona- be safe and dry as much as you can.

This weather is seriously bizarre....


Well-Known Member
It's 1 degree here this morning, with the wind chill it's about -20. We have a wind chill advisory for the next 2 days. We're staying in and scrapping, crafting, baking today!


Well-Known Member
It's -1 degrees Celsius, I'm going to check how cold that is in Far.

that's 30 degrees F!! so I guess it's not so cold here?

And now it is allready + 0C
I'm so happy it is getting a tiny bit warmer. It was to cold for me!:hand:


Well-Known Member
How many days until spring??????


Here ya go:






Well-Known Member
I have one for HELEN when she starts taunting us with her beach photos again.....well.......if it stops raining..the poor dear!!!



Well-Known Member
I had crossing duty today. The wind had picked up here and the only thing even visible on me was a little slit around my eyes. But even my eyes were cold!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Have Fun Helen!!!!! It worked for us too. We had a bit of a heat wave today, 27 F!!!! Wow. It felt warm. :) LOL