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  1. Terra

    Already August- posting challenge

    Oh I'm never going to make it! LOL
  2. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: Monday August 29

    Good almost afternoon! My day is going to be the usual fare... a little housework... a little photoshop time... We're getting ready for Iain's surgery on the first. Hopefully in two months she'll be walking again! yay! Other than that just adoring my dog as he now takes up the entire sofa for...
  3. Terra

    Already August- posting challenge

    I forgot,too! I'm really going to have to post away to reach 100 now!
  4. Terra

    Daily Oooo's Weekend Edition 8/27-28

    That's really good to know! We're hoping to look into buying a house in a bit so that's good advice! Thanks! For me, I'm just doing some design stuff today... Going to try and take it a little easy if I can.
  5. Terra

    ZOMG I'm just Peppermint now!

    Congrats on getting your name back!
  6. Terra

    Daily Oooo's Thurs Aug 25th

    "ZOMG A hurricane! I need to have 5 cases of bread and 10 cases of TP!" I worked at WalMart on NewYears eve right before the Millennium "Computer Meltdown Apocalypse" happened... I don't think there was toilet paper, water or beans left in the entire state the next day!
  7. Terra

    Already August- posting challenge

    I have no idea how many posts I have! Maybe I'll get past 100!
  8. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'Grade 5'

    I started to comment about how I absolutely loved the photo... That it stood out so nicely and that I loved that it wasn't a full on photo... and then I read your journalling! Amazing piece!
  9. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday August 24

    Good morning! I think my day will be full of laundry and housework... But I think I might be able to squeeze some Photoshop time in there, too! Sorry to hear about the situation with you and your daughter, Linda! So glad you had a great time, Chris! I seriously miss my bff (she's in...
  10. Black & White Challenge 8/11

    Black & White Challenge 8/11

    Journaling: "I wanted a small dog. You know something that could curl up in my lap... But sometimes... Life gives you something even better than you expect. It's Iain's fault you know. She saw your ad and said, 'Let's just go look at him'... One look at that adorable face and those huge...
  11. Terra

    Do you do things that are normal to you - maybe weird to others?

    I'm definitely an over girl when it comes to the tp... Ok so a couple of my quirks are... One - I can't share socks with my partner... I could probably share underwear and my toothbrush before I share socks. I don't know what it is... But I just can't do it. It creeps me out and all day...
  12. Terra

    Posting Comments

    ahahaha... thanks for the great laugh!
  13. Terra

    Posting Comments

    Sometimes it's hard to find something new to say that no one else has... I admit I'm not always the best at leaving comments, but I don't leave comments just for the sake of commenting either... I do, however, think commenting is an important part in a strong community. :D
  14. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'i love u'

    Beautiful layout!
  15. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO CHALLENGE (2)'

    This is adorable! I love seeing layouts with pets!
  16. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'B & W Challenge - My Aunt Dorothy'

    This is so beautiful! Very elegant!
  17. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'Let The Story Begin II'

    Very cute!
  18. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'SOMETHINGNESS'

    I simply adore this layout!
  19. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'I Love This'

    What a great page!
  20. Terra

    Comment by 'Terra' in media 'made of awesome'

    Not only is this a great layout... I love the little journaling! What a cute story!