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  1. Terra

    Where were you when the world stopped turning?

    I was actually on the phone when it happened... With someone I didn't particularly care for... and he interrupted our conversation which was irritating... and then he told me... I hung up without saying good-bye and turned on the television and watched it happen... I was in Knoxville, Iowa...
  2. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: September 10-11: Weekend Edition

    Good Morning Ladies.... ugh... I only haven't been here for one day, but it feels like a WEEK! I'm just stopping in to leave a brief hello! My new property manager is coming this week for the yearly inspection (it usually happens in October) so I was completely unprepared... So I'm doing some...
  3. Terra

    Daily O's Friday September 9

    yawnnnnn.... morning ladies! I feel like I got NO sleep last night... :( well I'm off to get some design stuff done... (fingers crossed)... lol Have a great day everyone!
  4. Terra

    Do you do things that are normal to you - maybe weird to others?

    LOLOL... Maureen I love it! ahahaha
  5. Terra

    Do you do things that are normal to you - maybe weird to others?

    Oh I think I just vomitted in my mouth! LOL... Yes THAT is SOOOOOOOOOOO gross! Like I can't even begin to... blech!!! Marshmallows are gross... But I do like marshmallow fluff & peanut butter sandwiches... I don't like peeps either.
  6. Terra

    Chat - rescheduled

    Strange... Yes, I have Clara!
  7. Terra

    Chat - rescheduled

    No I got Laurie's...
  8. Terra

    Chat - rescheduled

    Did I miss the chat???
  9. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday September 8

    Good Morning Ladies!!! Doing some housework this morning... oh the joy of it all! LOL... Iain's mother is in town... Unannounced... LOL... but she's totally devoted to Iain right now and isn't actually visiting us so much as just her... Which is good because she hasn't seen her mom since...
  10. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday September 7

    Morning ladies!!! I have a doctor's appointment this morning... Going to have my ICD read (Internal Cardiac Device... It's a defibrillator/pacemaker) I'm hoping they will tell me I need a new one soon... I've had this one for 5 years... That's usually the limit on the battery. although things...
  11. Terra

    Daily O's Tuesday September 6

    That's really neat Maureen! Yes, my Iain can trace her lineage back to the Hunters of Hunterston. She's full of Scottish pride! LOL
  12. Terra

    Daily O's Tuesday September 6

    Good Morning Ladies! Yesterday was productive for me.... I got to spend some much needed time with my grandmother which is always nice! And I got some housework done that I had been neglecting... It's amazing how you (meaning me) forget how easy something is to get done once you start...
  13. Terra

    Begging for prayer

    Oh Clara! I'm so sad! I'm so sorry for your loss! Keeping you and his family in my thoughts and prayers... May God give you all strength and peace in this difficult time.
  14. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: September 3-4: Weekend Edition

    Morning Everyone! It's another blistering hot day here in Arizona! YAY! :( lol LindaS - It's nice to meet you! She's now in her mid forties... So we're pretty sure what she has now is all she'll ever have when it comes to her brain. But I'm still keeping up hope. It doesn't help that we...
  15. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: September 3-4: Weekend Edition

    No, Iain is not my daughter.... Iain is my partner. She was hit by a drunk driver in April of 2010... and she hasn't been able to walk since... Her bones just wouldn't heal and so we're hoping this surgery will be the last for that leg. The initial surgery required a titanium rod, 2 screws, a...
  16. Terra

    Happy Birthday Maya (aka madigirl)

    Happy Birthday!
  17. Terra

    Swinging through September Posting Challenge!

    I'm still here.... Still posting...
  18. Terra

    Begging for prayer

    Oh Clara!!! I'm soooo sorry!!! Unfortunately, I know just how horrifying this is (Iain was hit by a drunk driver while riding her scooter)! All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight! ((((big hugs, much love and loads of peace to you))))
  19. Terra

    Daily Ooo's: Monday September 2

    Good morning ladies! Iain's surgery went very well... and she's up and talking... in loads of pain... but still awake... which is good. I have much to be grateful for today!
  20. Terra

    Happy Birthday Amanda (aka TaylorMade Designs)

    Happy Birthday Amanda! May you have many more years of success and happiness!